Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort

Chapter 2104: Are there strangers to the tomb?

No wonder no one can find the emperor's tomb, and even the people in the dynasty know very little about the position of the emperor's tomb.

The emperor's tomb is between such mountains!

This mountain is peculiar, and the surrounding cliffs are soaring. Surrounding such a large mountain, coupled with the turquoise river flowing in the canyon in front, it naturally forms a majestic mountain.

Such a place is really difficult to choose.

Not only did I look at it, but also her wonderful words, she almost got out the window of the carriage almost half of her body, staring in amazement at the shinto that seemed to have no end, and the towering mountain , Sighed softly: "That's the imperial tomb of our family."

I whispered, "Yeah, that's the imperial tomb of your Pei family."

As soon as I finished this sentence, I heard a sound. It turned out that the elite soldiers standing on both sides of the Shinto knelt down at this time. I looked up, and an official led a team of thousands of people behind. As we walked by, we walked to the place where there were dozens of feet away from Pei Yuanzhang's car, and then they all bowed down and bowed down.

"Chan, the sacrifice department worships Zhang Gongji and meets the emperor. Long live my emperor!

When he spoke, the people behind him also followed him to live a long live, and the sound echoed between the mountains, with a particularly shocking feeling.

I faintly heard Pei Yuanzhang's voice coming out of the golden car: "Be flat."

The Zhang Gongji slowly got up and worshiped, "Chen was ordered to defend the Emperor's Mausoleum. There are three members worshiping the Emperor, there are 4,721 households in the Mausoleum, and 12,000 in the Mausoleum." Thousands of people, please review. "

At this time, Pei Yuanzhang slowly got up from the golden car.

Behind that Zhang Gongji, there were three officials from Bapin, what he called the three sacrifices, and more than twenty ritual students standing behind them in three columns, saluting in front of Pei Yuanzhang, and the rest Linghu and Huanglingwei both knelt on the ground and couldn't get up.

Looking at it this way, the black pressure is a bit amazing.

He actually called out all the people here.

Pei Yuanzhang said, "Let's all get up. He suddenly came over this time, did he scare you?"

The Gongji hurriedly leaned over and said, "I don't dare. The minister was ordered to defend the emperor's tomb, and since then he has been thinking of the emperor's holy light."

Pei Yuanzhang said: "In the past few days, the emperor's coffin has been sent. This time, not only will the prince's coffin, such as the tomb, be escorted, but also the emperor and his ancestors."

"Weichen understands."

"You let your people go down and prepare, tomorrow, you will worship."


Pei Yuanzhang nodded, glanced at the burial households behind him, silenced, and then said, "Xun is going to rest first."

That Gongji hurriedly got the people behind to come and take the whip. Our team did not go to Shinto, but turned to the other side and entered another trail.

After walking for about half an hour, gradually, some houses began to appear, as well as uniform streets and shops. Here are the places where the emperor's tomb and the tombs live.

The place where more than 10,000 people live, although they are guards, also have to live. Moreover, there are so many people that they are enough to form several lively towns.

We got to the intersection and got out of the car. The first thing we saw was a pink flower. There were a lot of flowers in the village. The smell of sand and dust in the air was masked by the fragrance of the flowers. The scenery of the Gangnam in March is very charming.

Seeing such a beautiful scene, Miao Yan jumped out of the car when he was energized.

I also followed her to get out of the car, and saw a familiar figure in front of me stepping down from the carriage. It was Pei Ningyuan. These days, he almost stays out of the house and has been fasting quietly, making people forget his existence.

After two days of traveling day and night, there was almost no rest, and his face was tired, but when he saw the scene in front of him, he and everyone almost forgot all the wind and dust. Weary, enshrining Zhang Gongji in front, leading us to walk slowly past the flowers, it is Liangtian.

This place is deep in the northwestern hinterland. Although it is reasonable to transport food, it is still a bit difficult in the end, so they naturally want to reclaim wasteland and be self-sufficient in this place. But it ’s okay here, because there is a gorge not far away, the river is endless, the air is warmer, and the land can be irrigated. So in a blink of an eye, it is green and bright.

Zhang Gongji held a map and pointed while explaining. We also understood that there were four towns scattered in the northeast, southeast, northwest, and southwest of the imperial tomb. Intermarriage trade was frequent. .

Pei Yuanzhang walked all the way, watching all the way, and finally, he reached a palace.

Naturally, it was prepared for the royal family to worship here.

However, this palace is much smaller than the palaces we have seen elsewhere in the past, and is relatively simpler. At the foot of a mountain, there is a rare river flowing through it, but it also brings a little aura. Zhang Gongji was prepared in advance, and Pei Yuanzhang lived in Yishoutang in the center of Xinggong. Miaoyan and I lived next to Yulantang, while Qinghan and Pei Ningyuan lived on the other side. Wan Yuntang.

Originally, Zhang Gongji also prepared a banquet, but at this time Pei Yuanzhang had no spirit, so the banquet did not need to be set up, he simply ate something and rested.

I first went to Yulantang with wonderful words, and looked back at Zhang Gongji who was ordered to go to Yishoutang with Pei Yuanzhang. When Zhang Gongji came out, he came in and reported it, and I changed her clothes with wonderful words first.

While changing clothes, Miaoyan said, "Mother, that's what Huangling looks like."

I smiled and said, "What does it look like?"

"So big!"

"It is enshrined there, but your ancestor, how can it be small."

"But why is Huangling so far away?"

I stopped her hand to stack clothes, and said wonderfully: "It's like Taimiao, right next to the imperial city. You can go at any time when you want to worship. Why should the imperial tomb be repaired so far? It's going to take me months to walk from Beijing. "


Yeah, if you go from Beijing to Huangling, it really takes several months.

This is indeed some incredible.

Although the moment I saw the Emperor's Tomb, I was really shocked by the majestic momentum. Feng Shui in this place is good, but when I look back, there will be no better place in the Central Plains than Feng Shui. Only Xi'an Prefecture, I You can find a better geomantic treasure than here. Why is Pei Yuanzhang's ancestor-to be precise, Emperor Gao, who chose to build the tomb in this place.

If we say that not only Feng Shui is considered, there is another place-Longxing Land.

Is this place a place of longxing for the Pei clan?

I have never heard of this.

Didn't they come in from outside the customs? It was the Eight Great Kings of Shengjing who supported them to fight against the Central Plains. It seems that the northwest side has not completely recovered so far. This place should not be regarded as their land of longxing.

Is there any other special reason?

"Mother, what are you thinking?"

The sound of coquettish sounded in my ear and suddenly pulled me out of my contemplation. I looked back. She was looking at me with wide eyes. I immediately smiled reluctantly: "It's all right, my mother also feels strange. "

"I want to ask my father-"

"This, if you want to ask, wait until tomorrow's worship is over, but remember, don't make your father emperor angry."

"I know."

After she changed her clothes, I accompanied her to eat something to relieve the heat and rested for a while. The maid came in to report, and Zhang Gongji came out of the emperor's Yishoutang.

As soon as I heard it, I hurriedly explained two sentences to keep the wonderful words in the room, and then went out.

As soon as I went out, I saw Zhang Gongji slowly exiting Yishoutang. When he exited the door, he bumped into me and turned around, but he also knew my identity, and immediately came to me with a smile. Gongshou: "Miss Yan."

"Master Zhang."

I also salute him. This Zhang Gongji is an enshrinement of the emperor's tomb. Although he is an official, he stays away from the center of the government for a long time. There is no choice but to be appointed here, and that is for some special reasons.

And I look at this Zhang Gongji's expression, not like the former.

He looked like he was in his forties, but his hair had turned gray, but his expression seemed natural and unhappy, and it seemed that he had not been reprimanded by the emperor just now, and he didn't even care about some things outside.

He also seems to have some understanding of my identity, calling me "Ms. Yan", and respecting me with a respectable attitude. I smiled and said, "I have something to ask Master Zhang, I don't know if I will It will be troublesome for adults. "

Zhang Gongji immediately said: "Miss Yan is polite."

I said, "How long has Mr. Zhang been in the Imperial Tomb?"

"Ten years."

"Oh, since it's a leader, that adult naturally knows everything about this place, including the people here, the Linghu and the Emperor Lingwei."

Zhang Gongji glanced at me, smiled, and didn't answer this.

I said, "I don't know if any strangers came to this place in Huangling these days."

Zhang Gongji glanced at me and said, "Yes."

As soon as I heard it, I hurriedly asked, "Who is it?"

Zhang Gongji said, "Ms. Yan."


"Ms. Yan, isn't she just a stranger, come to Huangling?"

I hesitated for a moment, just wondering how to answer this sentence, he already arched his hand at me: "Xiaguan must prepare for the sacrifice of tomorrow, and leave first."

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