Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort

Chapter 2113: What have you done to this Longxi Army?

Actually, before I asked him this question, I would guess the answer to this question to some extent, but I prepared so many possible answers, but I did not prepare these three words alone.

Three words that caught me and Qing Han a little off guard.

Longxi Army!

Qinghan and I met Father Hu in Fengxiang City. After learning about the origin of the chain mail and the past of the Longxi Army, I have always been interested in this army that had been stationed in Longxi without leaving any records, but It is only about interest. After all, it was a hundred years ago, and the army with amazing combat power will not be more lethal than a kitchen knife in front of us.

However, after arriving at the tomb, I heard that the old quarter on the side of the road said that the tomb was built here to suppress evil, and reminded me again of the Longxi Army who was buried in the dust of time?

But all this is just speculation, and there is not even any fact that can prove that our speculation is related to reality.

However, Yu Wenying said that he came here for the Longxi Army!

Me and Qinghan's breathing was clearly disturbed. He looked at us, looked at the two of us, who were obviously confused, and said, "You are not surprised at all, it seems that you are not completely new to the Longxi Army. Yes No, you already know something about the Longxi Army? "

Qing Han and I looked at each other.

Qing Han said, "If you know, you really know a little."

"What do you know?"

"We know that once there was an army stationed in Longxi. They were well-equipped and very powerful. At least it seems that there is no problem with one enemy ten. And we also know that the armor they wear is now extremely Hard to get-chain mail. "

Yu Wenying nodded: "The chain Zijia knows, it seems that you really know some. However, judging from your age, you should not know the Longxi Army, let alone the details. know."

I smiled: "It's just like listening to stories. Some people say, let's listen to some."

"Oh? Someone said? Who said?"


I just smiled and didn't answer. Yu Wenying glanced at me and Qing Han, and then smiled, "It doesn't matter if you don't want to say."

Qing Han said: "It seems that Mr. Yu Wen knows a lot about this Longxi Army."


Yu Wenying smiled like me, a picture that was acquiesced but did not intend to say more.

It seems that this person is really hard to cope with.

Before in Tianjin City, I only saw his grandeur and superb martial arts; in Yuwen Mansion, I only saw him facing the grief and indignation of Xie Feng and the helplessness of Yu Wenkang, but now I find that he is definitely not A brave Wufu, the descendants of the former Eight Pillars, is indeed more simple than one.

At this moment, another gust of cold wind rolled over the gravel, and the coldness shrank slightly, and I found that the three of us were far away from the fire. Although it is a summer atmosphere, the climate of this place is different from the Central Plains, even if At noon, the earth has been roasted by the sun and is about to catch fire. At night, it is still necessary to surround the fire in order to get a little warm, light cold body, can not stand the cold weather.

I hurriedly said, "Hurry back."

Seeing him like this, Yu Wenying hurried to protect him with me and returned to the nearest fire. The guards immediately retreated to the other side, light cold and pale, and stretched out his hands to bake the fire. After a while, he recovered slightly.

I brought him a little hot water from the other side.

Yu Wenying looked at him for a while and said, "I heard that you are poisoned."

Qing Han took a sip of hot water, took a sigh of relief, and barely smiled, "I can't die."

"You are, open-minded."

"I live to this day. Fame, profit, power, and status are all gone. Such a person always dies better than others when they die."

I immediately glared at him: "What‘ dead ’? What are you talking about? It ’s‘ live ’!”

When he saw that I was angry, he immediately softened his voice and said, "I'm joking."

Yu Wenying looked at us quietly for a while, and then said, "However, you are already like this, why do you want to follow Huangling?" Then, he glanced at me: "You said that you want him to live, do you also No worries at all, what would happen in such a place? "


I have bitterness in my heart but I can't say it, but I smiled lightly: "If there is going to be an accident, sitting at home will also bring disaster from the sky. But to be honest, Mr. Yu Wen, this time I came to the northwest to the West Army It ’s really interesting. Why is this army so well equipped and so powerful that it hasn't stayed in the history books? "

He screwed the subject back to the Longxi Army.

But this time, Yu Wenying's face didn't have much resistive expression. He just looked at him deeply and then said, "Is there anything weird?"


"Now you are going to ask who was the emperor of the previous dynasty, what did he do, and how many people will remember?"


My face sank slightly.

Yu Wenying's sentence was probably just an unintentional affair, but it stabbed me in the heart. Qinghan couldn't help but glance at me, and immediately smiled reluctantly, "But it's not like it's in the history books. No pen left. "

Yu Wenying smiled lightly and said, "It's very simple. Some people don't want to keep their affairs in the annals of history, then they can't stay."

"Someone doesn't want to?"

There seemed to be a click in my heart, and the ripples came out: "Who doesn't want to?"

"Who are you talking about? Who can make an army leave no trace in the annals of history?"


Qing Han and I looked at each other subconsciously, and neither of them spoke, but the eyes of both of them spoke the two words at the same time--


Really emperor?

It seems that only the emperor, and only the emperor's order, can erase all the records of the Longxi Army in the history books.

But is he really an emperor?

I turned my head faintly, and a corner of my eyes hung a huge bonfire far away behind me. Pei Yuanzhang seemed to be sitting there, talking to Miaoyan, and he didn't notice us.

Is it him or Pei Ji? Or, is it Emperor Gao?

I couldn't help remembering what the old man Lao Ji said on the street-the emperor's tomb was built here to ward off evil spirits, and to keep those injustices to death.

Is this really the case?

So, what did the Pei family do to this Longxi Army?

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