Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort

Chapter 2131: One hand was cut off with shoulders!

The person who did business with Silang Daxuo turned out to be Xie Yan? !!

Is he buying green mines? !!

There was a thunder in my head, and my ears were buzzing, and I couldn't hear anything for a while, only the scenes in my mind flashed like lightning-Linfen City One During the battle, the earth-shattering trebuchet, the iron car that Tie Yushan forged, and the words that Silang Jiangcuo told me.

I shuddered, as if there was a flash of lightning from head to toe.

I looked up, and my eyes were a little red: "Chabixing, kill him!"

Chabixing stared back and looked at me with a surprised expression on his face, as if he couldn't believe his ears; not only him, everyone around him was startled, and even Pei Yuanzhang was startled. Turned his head to look at me, probably no one thought, I would spit out such ruthless words as soon as I spoke.

But the next moment, Chabixin responded in a deep voice: "Yes, Miss!"

This time, Xie Ye was no longer as good as before, he untied his belt, took off the wet coat on his body, and put it in his hand, then said to Chabixing and Yu Wenying: "Yan Miss asked for my life, do you still not do it? "

As soon as his voice had fallen, Chabixin had rushed up, and Yu Wenying's saber flashed a cold light in the air, waving directly to his neck.

When two people struck up at the same time, Xie Yi picked up the soaked clothes in his hands and waved forward, a piece of clothing that was wet and soft, suddenly suddenly hard like a piece of clothing. Like a thick wooden stick, the drops of water that were thrown were all whistling. Yu Wenying and Chabeixing had already rushed to him, and this sudden swipe swept them to a halt and hurriedly halted Avoid those underwater attacks.

And Yu Guang in the corner of my eye saw those drops of water flying out and shooting a long distance, and some hit the sandstone that I just hid, and even made a few holes!

So strong!

These four words appeared in my head. This is also a brilliant internal skill. After training at the highest level, it is said that everything can be turned into a weapon in the hands. It hurts, that's the truth.

After Chabeixing and Yu Wenying avoided, they also looked back, and both of them changed their faces slightly.

Obviously, Xie Yan's true strength, neither of them have figured it out, and at this time, they are only beginning to see the clue!

But even so, the two men were completely not afraid. After looking at the two pairs, Yu Wenying whispered, and rushed forward again with a sword, and Xie Yan was also fearless, and the wet stick in his hand was full of wind. With a backhand wave, he even directly confronted the saber with a thunderous thunder!

Then I heard a sharp sound of "铮" in the air.

It sounded like the strings were being torn by gravity, and I heard the hairs of my whole body stand up, and the moment the weapon in their hands fought, Chabichon on the other side had already deceived him with both palms. Just like Paiyun Yufeng, hit the door to Xie Tiao, Xie Tiao suddenly looked back, hurried and hit a backhand on the back of Yu Wenying's knife, the whole person took advantage of the situation together, two legs kicked straight To Chabizing.

At this moment, I only heard a muffled sound like a shower hitting a banana. His palms and his two feet had passed no less than ten strokes, and on the other side, Yu Wenying showed no sign of weakness. The last kick was hit with Chabishin's palm, and both of them were taken a step back. Before they could stabilise their bodies, Xie Tiao slammed a stick on the ground and swept away. The hard gravel land was swept out of a deep gully by that stick. The gravel and mud all hit Chabixen's face. He screamed aloud, and his eyes were fascinated by the sand. .

And at this moment, Yu Wenying's chopped wind was near.

There was finally a trace of confusion in Xie Yan's eyes. He hurriedly raised the stick in his hand to reach up, a cold light, splitting from the center!

The stick of the wet clothes Shucheng was split in two.

As if the injected power was cut off by this knife, Xie Yan shook the whole person, but Yu Wenying had no slackness. After the cut, he immediately turned the sabre and pierced Xie straightly. My face!

This heavy saber, the most lethal move is hacking, rarely stabbing directly, but at this moment he actually made such a move, it can be seen that he is eager to achieve success, and even has moved the real killing idea!

At this moment, Xie Yan's face suddenly became gloomy, watching the dazzling saber spinning, like an iron drill to pierce his skull, and he did not hide, even greeted him.

I heard someone crying in amazement behind me.

Just at that moment, the half-moistened half piece of clothes that he held with his two hands slammed together toward the center, and suddenly he smashed Yu Wenying's saber! Shown towards both sides again, the sabre that pierced the door towards him was abruptly stopped within three inches of his eyebrow!

But this is not the most amazing thing yet.

The most amazing thing is that the hard and sharp saber of the skull that has not been slashed in the battle and has no idea how many people have stabbed under the entanglement of those two wet cloths, as if there is an invisible force Strangling this sabre, just shredding it.


Xie Yan, he is going to destroy Yu Wenying's Baishan Sabre!

I shouted subconsciously: "Don't!"

And just after I exclaimed, I heard footsteps running behind me. Looking back, it was the soldiers behind Pei Yuanzhang. They came forward, all pulled their bows and bowed. Thank you in advance!

He also wants to kill Xie Ye?

Still, to catch Xie Ye?

The harsh words I made to Chabi Xingbang just now were actually a decision made under extreme horror. Now I just watched the three of them fighting, and even if no one was hurt, I was a little hesitant. Yes, but the thought in my heart has not changed.

Thank you, never stay!

At least, let him go back!

I looked back and looked at Pei Yuanzhang: "Don't you let them fire arrows?"

Those arrows flashed cold, as long as he ordered-everything can be resolved at this moment, but Pei Yuanzhang frowned, Shen said: "It's not time yet."

After hearing what he said, I immediately turned my head again and saw that Yu Wenying's face changed drastically. Immediately, she would stir up the saber to get out of trouble, but she couldn't shake it at all, and she couldn't even pull back!

Seeing that the blade made a nearly harsh noise, and it was about to be twisted, Yu Wenying's tiger's mouth broke apart, Xie Yan suddenly yelled, "Ah-!"

Under that roar, the strength was poured into both hands, the two wet clothes made a crackling sound, and it was broken suddenly, and the sabre came out of his hand suddenly, suddenly He flew towards Chabi Hing.

All this happened only for a moment. One hand of Chabixen had just wiped the dirt from his face, and before he could even open his eyes, the saber had turned into a flash of lightning and pierced his eyes. !!

At this moment, my heartbeat stopped!

Is it because of a word from me that Chabixin will be buried here?

Just at this moment of suddenness, Chabi suddenly stretched out his hand, even with dirt on his hand. When the saber was almost about to pierce his eye socket, he pinched the blade stiffly.

Suddenly, a blood spewed out from between his palm and the blade, spilling his face.

And only then did he slowly open his eyes.

His face was again gray and bloody, and he had an extra cruel feeling. I have never seen such a Chabixen, or even thought that it would have such a side.

Especially his eyes were always smiling, with the ease of jokes and jokes, but in the gloom of blood, suddenly turned into the eyes of a beast, when he looked up to Xie Xun, even Xie Xun I couldn't help but shivered, then took a step back.

I said dumbly: "Chabising ..."

He didn't seem to hear me at all, the hand was still holding the blade tightly, and the other hand had been slowly raised up, holding the handle.

When he did all this, his movement was not fast, even very slow. I could see the blood dripping from his hand, and I could hear his heavy breathing sound in his ear, but when his When the left hand held the handle, a sudden roar suddenly turned, and the blood on the blade splattered a dazzling and tragic arc in the air, with blood in the cold light. .

It wasn't until he took the shot that Xie Xun seemed to be reacting to dodge. He hurriedly turned around, and the whole man rose lightly like a mule and retreated toward the center of the lake.

However, he didn't wait for him to step away, the saber was close in sight.

I heard a scream, ringing on the lake, and even shaking the water of the entire lake slightly.

Everyone opened their eyes wide and saw another blood spurted from between them, and Xie Yan, like a bird with its wings cut off, fell straight into the lake with a plop. , Aroused the height of a person's splash.

There is blood in the water that cannot be ignored.

I was stunned by the scene in front of me. I saw Chabixen standing by the lake, and his body was showered with splashed water. His right hand was still dripping with blood, forming a path. Bloodline.

However, after Xie Ye was picked up by the soldiers who swarmed up, he learned that Chabixin's injury was nothing at all.

Xie Yi's hand was chopped off with shoulders!

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