Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort

Chapter 2145: 朕 To fight for some fairness

With a frown on my face, I subconsciously wanted to walk over to ask, but when my sleeve sank, looking back, Qinghan held me.


"Do you want to ask him?"

"I want to know what he is going to do with Xie Ye? Where is he going?"

Qing Han shook his head slightly: "He refused to say yesterday, do you think he would say today?"


"What he has decided, you should know, it is difficult to affect him anymore."


This, of course, I understand.

I glanced over there again. Xie Ye had been carried into the carriage by them, Yao Lao stepped out of it, and glanced over there, and said, "Last night, the emperor came over and gave his will, and let I took a very heavy dose of medicine, and for at least ten days, Xie Yi could not wake up. "

Qing Han murmured: "That is to say, where they are going, it is about ten days away from here."

I looked up at him.

About ten days away from here ...

This place in the northwest is very strange to me. Suddenly speaking, I have no idea at all. I just watched as the attendants were all ready. Then Pei Yuanzhang walked out of the palace, and he was still behind him. Following Zhang Gongji and a few worshippers, Pei Yuanzhang seemed to explain them a few words, they immediately leaned down to salute, and then kneeled down with the Emperor Lingwei behind him, and congratulated the emperor to drive.

Pei Yuanzhang turned to look at us and slowly came over.

Qinghan and I also saluted him. He glanced at us and looked at me, and then said, "Be careful along the way."

I whispered, "Thank you for your concern."

He looked at me silently for a while, then turned his head to Qing Han, "You too."

Qing Han also nodded: "Thank you, Your Majesty."

After speaking, I would turn on the car with him, but just as Qing Han was about to hold my hand to help me get up, Pei Yuanzhang behind him suddenly said, "Light, I still have something to want to follow You said."

I froze and glanced back at him. He was still standing still, and Qing Han looked back at him, and he got on the carriage silently.

I turned and faced him: "Your Majesty, what else is there to tell you?"

I thought he was going to say something to me, but when I faced him, he calmed down, just looked at me like this, seeing that I was gradually a little overwhelmed, and then he asked him subconsciously. Hearing in a deep voice, "Things that are wonderful, I'm thinking of a way, you don't have to worry."


It turned out to be a wonderful thing.

I nodded gently: "I know, as long as the matter of Xichuan is solved, we can pick her up, right?"

He nodded.

"I can rest assured that."

I smiled slightly, and I was about to turn around, but when I was about to turn around, I heard him call me again, "Light."


I looked back at him again-what else?

He looked at me for a long time, and finally said, "You and him, you have promised what you have done, let's count it."


I froze for a while, and searched in memory to find out what we promised him, but looking at his complicated expression and the things he just mentioned, I immediately reacted.

What he said we promised him was that Qing Han had promised him before, before accepting the two of us with wonderful words, we couldn’t—

When I mentioned this, my brows frowned slightly.

Previously, because of the attitude of Wei Han, Qing Han and I did n’t even dare to get close, and Wei Yan has been repelling Qing Han to approach us, but now, her attitude has gradually changed. When she exchanged, She has even been able to face her "uncle" with a completely calm attitude, as in the past.

Maybe Pei Yuanzhang felt a little uneasy because of the change in the attitude of Wuyan.

He stepped forward and looked down at me: "I want an opportunity for fair competition, but now, you are obviously unfair to you, so I want to fight for some fairness."


I was silent for a long time, then lowered my head and said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty is worried now, isn't it how to handle the next thing? I heard that the person who sent the letter also heard some news from Xi'an. The rebels have won Jingyuguan and passed Linfen, and are now preparing to attack Tongguan. "

"These uncles all know," his breath became much heavier, and he said, "It is because of knowing that he can not do much."


"I once asked, which is more difficult to regain the world and regain you."


"It seems difficult now."

This is indeed the question he once asked me.

I think these days, he has devoted himself to how to carry out the next big thing, and will not consider these children's personal affairs, after all, compared with the general trend of the world, all people ’s sorrows and joys are so different. Small and worthless.

But he is still mentioning ...

If he was as arrogant as he used to be, and even made a fool of me, maybe I can still disregard it, but now, with such an almost eager expression and words, he asks me like this, but I ca n’t speak a bit .

He looked at me, a little smile in those bloodshot eyes on his tired face, and said, "But I don't even want to give up."


As soon as I frowned, I looked up at him and was about to say something. At this moment, the servant on the other side was already asking him to get in the car. He looked back at me again and turned away with a smile.

I stood there, only a headache, and at this moment, Qing Han opened the curtain and said softly, "How long are you still standing? We are leaving too."


I was propped up on the carriage, and after a while, I heard the previous order, and our convoy split into two lanes at the gate of the palace and headed for both sides.

I listened to the voice of our team, and I heard another team passing by with us, slowly walking away, just sitting in the car, it opened the curtain lightly and looked outside, always watching When the convoy disappeared at the end of Long Street, and our convoy turned a corner, it headed for the road ahead.

This section of the road was not too easy to walk, and after a long bump, it slowly left the valley.

I don't know if I didn't sleep well last night, or the bumps that have been so long before, and the rest for a day or two was not enough to restore my strength. I sat on the carriage lightly and started to shake my head to fall asleep soon. .

I wasn't in a good mood at first, watching him dozing off, I was a bit angry somehow, but I could n’t trust where he was dozing off, very hard, still could n’t help moving slowly, sure enough, he took advantage of the situation Just leaned on me, I held his cheek to let him lie down slowly, and fell asleep on my leg.

After a long time, he finally woke up, and as soon as he opened his eyes, he saw my uncle looking down at him.


He looked at me a little ignorantly for a while, and gave out a slimy "ah", and then hurriedly stood up and stood up.

"Me, how do I--"

"I came to see you sleeping so hard."

As I was talking, I was holding my thigh with my hand, and after being pillowed by him for so long, my legs were numb.

He hurriedly said, "I don't know what happened, so I fell asleep. Is it uncomfortable?"

"A bit."

"I help you rub it?"

Seeing that he was about to reach out, I opened his hand with a slam: "Don't move!"

He was also a bit embarrassed, and retracted the hand that I had hit red. I rubbed it for a while, and then my two legs became slightly conscious. I slowly stretched my legs straight out, he asked. "Are you better?"

I nodded.

"Should you drink some water?"

I shook my head again.

He looked at me for a moment and said, "Are you angry with me?"

He finally found it.

I looked up at him and said, "No."

He smiled and said nothing, so he took out the water pouch in the other side of the dark compartment and handed it to me. Woke me up and didn't drink water when I was thirsty? "


I just took the water pouch and drank a lot, and people finally became more comfortable.

He looked at me: "Why the **** are you angry? Didn't the emperor tell you just now?"

I said, "Are you finally asking me?"

He sighed softly: "Actually, even if I don't ask, I know what he will tell you."


"I know why you are angry with me, but I promised him at the time, because of the wonderful words, I couldn't leave it behind."


I also felt that the anger was inexplicable. When I heard him speak the wonderful words, the last spark in my heart went out. I sighed and leaned slowly on his shoulder.

Deadlocked for so long, not tiring, is also deceiving.

He looked down at me and said softly: "I also know that it's difficult for you to get caught in the middle, but-there are too many things right now, and I, I can't help it."

"I didn't let you leave it."


"Now, even I can't give up."


"Just, sometimes, I also feel a bit tired ... I don't know when it can be a head."

Throughout the dynasties, dynasties changed, Jiangshan changed its ownership, sometimes it may only be overnight, but sometimes it may be the people who have been fighting for years, and I suddenly feel a sense of seeing nothing.

If, at the beginning, what Xie Yun said is true, Pei Yuanxiu really has a ten-year Universiade, then we ... will we not have another ten years?

"There will always be a head."

Qing Han said softly, he reached out and caressed my shoulder, and said softly, "After that day, the two of us will be able to unload all our baggages and go back to the mountains and forests together, and be a pair of immortal lovers. Are you sure? it is good?"

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