Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort

Chapter 2158: I still care, are you lucky?

Later that day, Pei Yuanfeng also came back, knowing that Qinghan and I were about to leave for Xishan Academy immediately, and he frowned immediately: "Now going?"

Qing Han said: "This matter, sooner rather than later."

Pei Yuanfeng looked at us anxiously: "But you just arrived yesterday."

In fact, it was a bit hasty, but as Qing Han said, it should be early but not late. I told him all the things Yang Jinqiao told me during the day. Said: "The situation here in Xichuan, you have stayed here for so long, you must also know that it is very complicated."


"We want to figure out what's going on before the emperor enters Xichuan-even if it can't be resolved."

He frowned and thought for a moment: "Don't your brother solve these things?"

I didn't speak, and I looked at Qing Han. Qing Han said, "We also thought about this, but Yan Qingchen, the owner of the Yan family, had too big a goal. If he moves, the whole Xichuan will definitely move. By that time, things will be difficult to control. "


"So, we move first."

Hearing what we said, Pei Yuanfeng seemed to have nothing to say. He was silent for a while and then said, "Leave tomorrow?"


"Then, I will send someone to follow you."

"No need," I interrupted him in a hurry: "Jianmenguan is the gateway to Xichuan. This place is very important. There are people around us, don't worry about our safety."

Pei Yuanfeng said: "I will send more staff to protect you, but-they."

He said, turning back slowly, looking at Xue Muhua, who was sitting beside him. Mu Hua heard his words and immediately looked up: "What?"

Pei Yuanfeng said, "I want you to go back with them."

Xue Muhua's face changed immediately: "I don't want it! I want to stay here!"

"Mu Hua, your stay here is not good for you and your child."

"But it doesn't hurt, I didn't bother you."

"I'm not saying that you disturbed me, I just thought that you should take a little back to Chengdu, where it is safer."

"Do you think it's not safe here? Then I will stay here even more."

"I forbid you to stay anyway!"

"If you don't know, you don't, I want it!"


The more they talked, the more excited they were, and I was quarreling with each other. I didn't know what to do, but at this moment, I probably felt the tension and kept nestling in my mother's arms. The little boy playing with a rattle suddenly burst into tears.

The two were deadlocked, but when they heard the child cry, they hurried to coax the child.

Little crying with red ears and red ears, two hands holding Mu Hua's neck firmly, tears rolled down, and the grievance looked painful, and Pei Yuanfeng caressed her back in a hurry. Just like being heart-sick, Xue Muhua coaxed Xiaoxiao and looked up at him, his eyes were slightly red, and he said angrily, "You see, my daughter doesn't want to leave, are you trying to drive our mother-in-law away?"


"Is there a father like you?"

Pei Yuanfeng sighed: "Of course I am not, I just--"

"We are a family, and we can be together well, why do we have to be separated. If there is no danger here, then it is right for me and my child to stay here, and the family should be together; if there is danger here, my child will It should be with you by your side! "


"No matter what, I won't leave you, neither will the child!"

Hearing her firm words, Pei Yuanfeng couldn't help it. She was silent for a long time, and finally sighed, "Well, then, you stay."

Xue Muhua was relieved. She lowered her head and patted the little back gently. "Okay, don't cry, your father still has a conscience. He won't drive us away, no more crying what."

Hearing her words, Pei Yuanfeng couldn't cry or laugh, what made people laugh even more is that Xiao really didn't cry any more, and there was still tears on her face, so she suddenly turned her head to Pei Yuanfeng to break her tears and laughed, hey He couldn't help laughing.

Qinghan and I were relieved.

Both of them comforted the child for a while, and finally it was all right. Qing Han had yawned for a long time and was too tired to let him go back to rest first. I sent Pei Yuanfeng to the door, thought about it, and said to him, "Yuan Feng, He-the emperor does not know when Jianmenguan will arrive, but I think it should not be long before, for his safety, we should not let him rush into Xichuan until we have returned the exact news. "

Pei Yuanfeng turned to look at me and said, "Lightness, you-do you still care about him?"


I froze, looking at the flickering light in his eyes, and said lightly, "I worry about his safety."


"If something really happens to him, all the calculations of Qinghan and I will be for nothing."


"He can't die."

He turned around and faced me: "You have considered so much for him, have you considered for yourself? You and Liu Qinghan-do you have any plans?"

I was stunned again, and did not expect that he would suddenly say this, and he lowered his head and looked at me with a burning gaze: "Liu Qinghan, isn't he marrying you?"

I smiled wryly: "What do you ask this?"

He was silent for a while and then said, "I said, I'm not qualified to take care of your business."


"But I still care, you're lucky."


"Since the two of you are in love, why aren't you together?"


I looked at him quietly for a while, and my smile was a bit bitter from my sadness. After a long silence, I said gently, "I know what you mean. Actually, I and him didn't think about it."

"Then why--"

"Yuanfeng, I do n’t have the feelings of the homeland and the world, and I do n’t have the worry and worry of the world. I just know very well that there is a finished egg under the nest. The general changes in the world have a direct impact on us. Before the big event is settled, we, and him, will have a hard time thinking about it. "


Pei Yuanfeng was silent, and his dark eyes looked at me deeply. After a long time, he said mutely, "You don't think about it, others will think about it."

I froze and looked at him with wide eyes.

And he himself seemed a little stunned. His dark eyes were even deeper in the dim light. He sighed and said, "Forget it, I go back to rest, and you go to bed earlier, after all, you will be tomorrow It's off. "

After speaking, he turned back to his room.

I stood under the eaves, and the eaves looked at his back and disappeared to the front, without moving for a long time.

At night, it was extremely quiet. Even the concubines became noisy in the daytime. At this time, there was no sound of wind. Only the sounds of insects in the grass sounded one after another, making the night more quiet. .

I stood for a long time before turning slowly back to the room.


The next morning we got up very early.

Did not tell the concubines that we are leaving, after all, they will not care about our movements, but when I walked to the gate of Junzhai, I saw Yang Jinqiao was waiting there, she was not surprised to see The team at the foot of the mountain watched us slowly walk forward with our luggage and then greeted us.

"You move fast."

I looked at her: "Mother Ning Fei ... know we're leaving?"

She smiled lightly: "This palace told you those things, can you not deal with them?"


"You guys, it's really hard."

She didn't carry any emotions, but it really seemed like she was sighing. I thought about it and said, "It doesn't matter if you work hard, but just hope that no accident will happen until we know the truth. . If the peace talks between Ning Fei's wife, Her Majesty the Emperor and Xichuan are not going on, it will be a pain for the loved ones and an enemy. "

Yang Jinqiao looked at me for a while, then smiled lightly.

She came to me and said calmly, "How can you tell the emperor that this palace has its own dimensions, but you, please be careful."

I said, "Thank you Princess Ning."

Although she said this very reservedly, but I believe she understood what I meant, so I saluted her, and went downhill with Qing Han.

Pei Yuanfeng kept sending us to the foot of the mountain. The people of Chabixing already waited here. After two sentences, we got on the horse. Just as we were about to leave, Yang Jinqiao stepped forward again. "Lightness."

When I saw what she had to say, I bent down from the horse's back, and she lifted her head and gently touched my ear, whispering, "You remember, the letter I gave you A letter from Yunhui. "


My heart jumped.

Of course, Yang Yunhui's letter was not forgotten.

After being Ning Fei, she gave me the letter at Yang Jinyao's wedding banquet. It was the letter that Yang Yunhui had sent to Xichuan when she was sent to investigate something.

That letter, what he said throughout the article, is his feelings for her, even an outsider can see in my eyes, can't stop the sadness in my heart, but there are some deeper things in his Inevitably, it was revealed between the brush and the ink.

And now, Yang Jinqiao suddenly told me about this--

I slowly turned to look at her, and she whispered, "You won't forget it?"

I said, "Of course not."

She smiled. "That's good."


"Although this matter has nothing to do with me, maybe it will help you in the future."

I looked at her savvy, restrained eyes, and said softly, "Thank you."

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