Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort

Chapter 2160: Could he be-coerced?

The two young men said cheerfully: "You didn't really know. Just last month, students from dozens of colleges all over Xichuan gathered at Xishan College-test, talk!"

"Test? On the road?"

The three of us glanced at each other, and their faces became a little heavy.

Chabixing's eyebrows were twisted into a line, and he looked at the two young men: "Is this what happened?"

"of course!"

"And ah, the first game is over!"

"First round?"

"Yes, I heard that there are three games on the Tao. The first game was a test shot. After two days, the Xishan Academy won!"

The younger face was excited and his ears were red, and he said happily, "You do n’t know. I heard them say that the test process was simply wonderful and even more nervous than watching a master showdown. Xishan College can only send One student, and those other colleges sent a student from each college, a total of eleven, they played against each other, and any one of the eleven college students won, they all counted, and the students of Xishan College You have to win all of them to win! "

Someone in the lobby of the inn had heard our talk, and slowly came together. A middle-aged man said, "If I say, this comparison is too harsh."

Someone echoed, "Yeah, it's not fair to Xishan College."

The young man said, "Who said no? But the students at Xishan College were also mad, and they really agreed!"

At this time, some people also said, "But the place to test is in their Xishan College, and the students from other people all come from afar. They are at ease, and they all belong to them."

The three of us were originally not to be too pretentious, so we found a window seated and sitting in the most secluded position. Who knows how many people are coming together to talk about the things that Xishan College has talked about? The people in the entire inn They were all attracted to it. It seems that they are right. The people in this inn are going to watch the lively, no wonder they are so interested in this matter.

A middle-aged person said, "How did the first match compare? There were only 11 students from Xishan College in the other eleven. How did they win?"

Another teenager hurriedly said, "I know, I heard people say that they compared to Yuma Archery. They set up 374 arrow targets on a mountain. They were everywhere. I heard that some targets were still installed The body of a living creature. Students participating in the competition must ride on the mountain, their legs are tied to the saddle, and they must not dismount halfway. They also have 374 arrows in their quiver, each of which has its own The logo of the academy, after coming up the mountain, comes down, and the one with the most targets wins. "


Someone around already sighed, "It's hard."

"Yes, I heard that the test started when the sun went down."

"I know that mountain, it is difficult to walk, and I have to ride immediately, hey--"

"Old hunters have to be careful when they go up."

Listening to the sighs of people around, Chabi Xing said calmly: "Anyway, or the students of Xishan College won?"

"Of course, that scene won beautifully. I heard that more than three hundred and thirty arrows were on target."

"The old hunter doesn't have such a good shot!"


Chabixin just poked his mouth and said, "It's just shooting targets, not all living creatures. This kind of accuracy-these days, they must be negligent."

It seems that such results did not satisfy him.

Some have already sighed, "This kind of sight is out of the question, and those college students are convinced."

I asked, "Then they won the first game, what about the second game?"

The young man said, "The second game is to start the test tomorrow."

"Oh? What are you trying?"

"This, we are not very clear, but I heard that it should be a test poem."

"Poem books?"

A very old man who seemed to be a scholar slowly walked over and said with a smile on his face: "It's really old, this test is really interesting, much better than horseback archery."

Immediately someone looked back at him: "What do you say? Riding shots is more exciting."

"The stimulus is stimulus, but the arrow shot out, what did you get? Nothing, but this scene is different than the poem book."

"what's the difference?"

The old man shook his beard and shook his head and said, "Since more than thirty years ago, the owner Yan and Mrs. Yan started to collect ancient books in Xichuan. How many colleges have benefited from it, those books are all good things, but It was included in those academies, and everyone saw it rare. This time, they have to compare their ability to test the poem book, then they have to show their true ability. No one has it, that is the true ability! "

Someone said immediately: "Old man, you said, they will come up with their own collection, ancient books not elsewhere to compare?"

The old man nodded with a smile: "Yes."


"Sixty years old, sixty years old, is about to die. This time, I made a special trip to Xishan College for the sake of insight."

Someone heard his words and sighed, "It's true to say that I heard that the Yan family spent a lot of money to collect those ancient books, and the colleges also benefited from it. But these ancient books are included in the collection, all of them are included. Hidden in his own bookcase, no one knows this. How is this different from being lost? "

"So this time, while you're busy, let's have a long experience."

They talked lively, but a few of us quieted down, and no one could take care of us. At this time, the shop junior sent us our things, and I ordered: "I'm tired, send us In the room. Light cold, Chabixing, let's go upstairs first. "

They both nodded and went upstairs with me to the room.

The second clerk put the food on the table and then backed out. When the room door was closed, all kinds of heated arguments were heard in the lobby.

Fortunately, as soon as the door was closed, everything was quiet.

I slowly walked to the table, watching Chabixing holding oranges in his hands and tossing them. It looked like it was playing, but the look was completely different. The light cold look on the other side It also looked a little dignified. I sat down and said gently, "Is there something wrong?"

The two of them immediately looked up and looked at me.

Or Chabi Xing said: "The academy will not do this kind of thing."


Qing Han also nodded gently.

I hesitated, "But when the Apocalypse was three years old, didn't Xishan College host an erudition conference?"

Chabixing said: "Miss, I know what you are going to say, but that erudition conference was not the same as this time. It was initiated by a teacher gathering scholars from all over the world. The erudition conference was said to be an erudition conference. Actually, now In our opinion, it is a conference with ancient books. "

"Included in ancient books?"

"Yes, the old man said just now. At that time, Mrs. Ling Zun and Madam spent a lot of money to collect ancient books in Xishan. Of course, there was also a discussion on the erudition conference, but after listening to the master, I finally failed. Discuss a avenue, because at that time, no one could persuade others; on the contrary, many ancient books were obtained. Xishan Academy benefited greatly at that time. We had nearly half of the books collected at that time, and others The academies of course also have their own benefits. "

"So it was ..."

I nodded silently.

Qing Han slowly said beside him, "However, this time, the teaching seems to be very different from the last time. The last time it sounded, it was really talking, but this time, it was heavier than trial."

Chabising immediately said: "Yes, I also think this is strange. We usually learn Liuyi in the academy. It is very difficult for nerds to stay in the academy. But the problem is, Master never let us compare! "


"He often said that when people have a heart to win, they will become more simple."


"Even our brothers and sisters are in the academy, they never compare their efforts to Yuyu."


"Why would he allow people in the academy to compete with others and be an eleven academy student? The battle was so big that almost everyone in Xichuan knew it."


"This kind of test is not a ruling at all, and not to mention him, in the eyes of the students, they are all like playing tricks."


"This, it's not like his way of doing things."

I nodded slightly.

After all, Chabising has been staying in the academy and following Nan Zhenyi. He said that it was really weird.

At this time, Qing Han slowly said, "Don't you think that from the previous few things, it doesn't look like his behavior?"


Chabi Xing and I both looked at each other and turned to look at him, his eyes flickered slightly, and he also looked at us.


I just remembered it a little bit, from the time when I and Qinghan repaired the book to him, but he refused to let Nian go deep into the academy; before that, the Prince was detained; Of colleges and universities.

He did something strange, indeed.

Qing Han said: "If something goes wrong, there must be a demon."

I frowned: "Is he being bullied?"

Upon hearing this, Chabixin laughed and said, "Miss, that's impossible."


"Big brother, even if someone has a knife holder around his neck, he will definitely do what he wants to do, and I dare say that no one in this world can put a knife holder on his neck!"

He was so sure, not even that Nan Zhenyi might be coerced by others, but that he might not even be coerced by others.

I said, "So what's wrong with this?"

Chabixing looked dignified and didn't speak, but Qing Han was silent for a while, and slowly said, "I think, why this contest is not the most important thing."

Chabich and I both looked at him.

He looked up at us and said, "The most important thing is, what will happen to this game."


"What happens if you win, what happens if you lose."

My heart sank suddenly.

He said: "Any test will have a lottery, and there will be results. This time the test of Xishan College and a dozen colleges, what is the lottery and what will result, I think this is the most important."

I mumbled, "What do you think?"

Qing Han was silent for a while, and slowly said, "I don't know, but I think that this may be the reason why Nan Zhenyi changed his style of work, and will participate in this trial."


Chabixing and I suddenly realized, and couldn't help but take a breath.

Yes, if Nan Zhenyi is not threatened, and even if threatened, he will not be submissive, then he can only explain what he is doing from this aspect. He wants a "colorful head" and he needs a "result" .

Chabi Xing murmured: "Just they said, we have won the first match, and then we won the second match."

I hurried, "Do you think you will win?"

Chabising immediately said, "I still have confidence in our college, those little cubs--" he said, frowning again, and murmuring, "I just don't know if they are negligent these days. Practicing, Yushe's results are so ugly ... Why can't the big brother care?

He was still grieving over the Yushe incident. I couldn't help but grin, but Qing Han said aside: "The second game is a poem, it ’s hard to say, there is no first, even the teacher. I never dared to say that I knew it. "

I said, "If you win in the second game, you win; if you lose, you have to test the third game. I don't know what it is. I really want to go right now and see how long we have to go? "

The two of them looked at each other and Qing Han said, "There is still another day to go."


"No, you have already become so tired just now. If you rush the road all night, people will collapse."

"Yes, Miss, be in a hurry, and not in a hurry tonight. We will have a good rest tonight and leave early in the morning. If it is too late, we should be able to reach the academy before night."

It's true that I'm tired, but it's just exhausted, but my body is cold and can't stand it.

I nodded: "Well, let's take a rest today and leave early tomorrow morning. Chabixin, you say to the people below."

He answered and immediately turned around and went out.

Qing Han also stood up and prepared to return to the room. When he came to the door, I suddenly asked: "Qing Han, do you think that Nan Zhenyi's" color head ", or in other words, what is the result he wants? ? "

Qinghan stopped and thought about it, then slowly turned around and looked at me, and said, "He has kept Xishan Academy for so many years and has not left in one step. It can be said that the Academy is his lifeblood. This time he took What came out was the decentness of himself and Xishan College. He gave everything out, and what he wanted was something more important than Xishan College, than his own life. "

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