Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort

Chapter 2164: The world, for those in red

Qintian Supervisor?

Immediately, I heard a word in my head--

By nature, Emperor Star has three.

This is when I followed the Prince to go deep to the library of Jixian Hall. I accidentally found a Qintian Supervisory Book there, and when I flipped it, I turned to the sentence above. What I did n’t expect was, Zhe Sheng even saw the records of the Longxi Army from the Qintian Supervisory Book.

I hurriedly asked, "What record do you see?"

He seemed to be a little confused as well, frowning and lowering his head for a moment, and then said, "I, because I have read it for too long, and the almanac was not very important, so I ca n’t remember it clearly, but I remember that there seemed to be another sentence in the record of that paragraph, and I also asked the teacher specifically-the world, for the people in red clothes. "


He repeated again: "The world is for those in red clothing."


Where did I suddenly stand.

This sentence seems to be very simple. He said that I understood it the first time, but the whole person was completely nagging. After hearing it, I didn't know what it meant.

The world, for those in red clothing?

The man in red?

Whoever wears red clothes can get the world?

What is this mess?

I looked back at Qinghan and Chabixing. The two of them were also inexplicable. Qinghan frowned and said, "What does the man in red get? How can there be such a statement?"

Zhesheng shook his head: "I don't know, so I asked the teacher, but the teacher didn't say anything, so I don't need to care about that almanac anymore. Now I want to come, that is the almanac from Qin Tianjian's record of the sky, so It should be a symbol of heaven. "

There are signs of celestial phenomena.

For a while, I felt ridiculous, but my mind was messy. Chabi Xing thought for a while, and then said, "Forget it, let's not stand here first, let's go up first. The people here are about to disperse. Squeezed by them. "

He was right. After the test, in addition to the students from other academies who stayed here on the platform, there were also thousands of miles from all over the place to see the liveliness. The academy will not provide them with a residence. So they had to go down the mountain to find their own accommodation. We happened to be standing at the gate of the mountain, and now watching those people approaching this side while discussing fiercely, we are really going to take us down the mountain.

So Qinghan pulled me, Zhesheng and they followed Chabish, and we went forward all the way to the big aunt.

The other students had already withdrawn, and that Jorin was still standing there.

He was young, probably in his twenties, he was not tall but thin, and his facial features were beautiful. He was a nerd when he heard Chabixing. He only stayed in the room to read books every day, probably because of this. Extraordinarily fair, it seems as if I haven't seen the sun all year round, even whiter than me. At this time, the look of loss of soul is a bit sick.

As soon as Chabichen walked over, he said, "Nerd, lost?"

Qiao Lin looked up at him, and he was still a little hesitant: "Master, brother ..."

"I told you earlier, there are so many books in the world, how can you finish them? You see, I'm right?"


"It's better to keep a hundred copies in mind."

The eyes of this Jorin turned red, and he turned away without saying a word. I smiled bitterly and looked back at Chabixing: "It's uncomfortable for others just to lose, and you still want to hit him like this!"

Chabixing spread his hands: "Let him know that there are people outside the mountains and mountains, otherwise every day I think I can carry a few books."

Qing Han sighed lightly and said, "In this world, there are hundreds of people, different choices, and different responses to the same thing. Probably because of this, this world will be chaotic. "

I think this sentence seems to be particularly enlightening, and just then, a familiar figure came to us.

"Miss, brother."

Looking closely, it was Xiao Yusheng.

As soon as Chabi Xing saw him, he immediately said, "Second Brother!"

Xiao Yusheng nodded, then looked at us: "You are finally here."

Chabising immediately asked: "Second Brother, what is going on? Why did the college try these things with them this time? And, too--"

Before he finished speaking, Xiao Yusheng made a gesture to stop him from talking. He looked at many people around him and said, "It is not convenient to speak here. You have just arrived at the academy, and you must be tired when you are on the road. Go to rest Right. "

Chabichin asked, "Well, what about Master?"

Xiao Yusheng's expression sank a little, and then he said, "Master Brother ... you go to rest first, when it's time to meet, Master Brother will come out to see you."

Chabichen frowned. "Can't we see him?"

"Big Brother made a speech in advance, and I just did what he said."

"I won't even see you?"

"He has something to do."


Chabising raised his eyebrows and looked curious. Xiao Yusheng glanced at him and reached out and nodded him: "Chabising, I can remind you, don't bother the master this time."

Naturally, their brothers and sisters have a little room to speak, but it can be seen from Xiao Yusheng's expression. He is very solemnly reminding him. It seems that Nan Zhenyi really does not let anyone disturb him, even The two of them are not good enough.

Chabxing opened his eyes and looked at him for a moment, then said, "Okay."

When he heard it, Xiao Yusheng felt relieved, then turned to look at me and Qinghan again, and then said, "Miss and Brother Liu, I know what you are doing for, but the master has already said, This will definitely give you an account. Don't worry, you should go to rest tonight. "

I thought I could see Nan Zhenyi after I came to the academy. I could know what happened before and what problems I'm facing now, but I didn't expect to be able to see him when I came here, but I was really given it now. A little leisure, those words that Zhesheng just told me, I really need a little quiet time to think about what is going on.

So I said, "Well, how about you?"

Xiao Yusheng glanced around, then said, "I'm going to clean this up first, and recently, it's not quiet anymore, I'll stare at night."


I also glanced around. Indeed, there were more than a dozen students from the academy, and so many to see the lively, have made this academy like a messy market, he must clean up, but , He said, it's not quiet here recently ...

I seemed to feel something, and Xiao Yusheng had made Chabixing hand a lantern and told him to say a few words, then he turned around and went to work.

I first asked them to arrange the people we brought with me, and then I walked through this house with Chabish and went up all the way.

The stone steps on this road were built very spacious after Dasao, turned a few corners according to the mountain, picked up the steps, and slowly walked to the main entrance of the academy.

There are three entrances to the academy. Each entrance is based on the mountain. The Wenzong Gate in the front is the main entrance of the academy. Compared with the mountain gate, the Wenzong Gate is magnificent. Those who came and went, but after being scolded by others, they dared not make trouble.

Now looking at the tall Wenzong Gate in the night, I have a sense of awe in my heart.

Behind Wen Zongmen, there is a large square with classrooms on three sides, and only a road on the west side. Many houses are built on both sides, which are dormitories for students.

This is the place where students attending colleges and universities usually attend classes.

Compared to the mountain below where people can come and go, here is much quieter, because other people are not allowed to enter this place on weekdays, but this time they allowed other college students to enter, and the familiar silence was broken Now, we can see a lot of students pairing up in pairs and still discussing the content of today's match.

Several of us crossed this square and headed to the big lecture hall facing north.

This house is very large. I vaguely remember that it can hold a hundred people at the same time. Within one year after enrollment, the students read some of the most basic books together before finding a higher talent and better understanding. So, This is the most frequently used lecture hall in this academy and it is older than other houses.

The lecture hall was quiet, but we did n’t want to go in either. Instead, we went around a more hidden trail next to it, and along the road behind the lecture hall, walking on that lane, I suddenly said, "I Seems like, remember this place. "

Chabichen walked in front of the lantern and said, "Missie has a very good memory. It seems that you came here more than ten or twenty years ago?"

"Not only, it's almost thirty years."

"Well." He buried his head and went forward. "Thirty years, thirty years ago, I didn't know where."

At this time, Qing Han suddenly said softly: "Thirty years ago, when I was 30 years ago, I should not have been ..."

My heart seemed to be stung by something.

The hustle and bustle behind was far away, this trail was silent, his words sounded so utterly lonely.

I said softly: "Light cold ..."

He seemed to feel something himself, and chuckled, "Nothing, just suddenly remembered. Let's go."

With that said, he pulled me and continued to follow Chabixen.

Behind the lecture hall is a small platform. On both sides of the towering mountain walls, a ray of clear spring slides down from the upper arm on the left, forming a small pond here. The sound of spring water can be heard all year round. The bridge is on the pond. After crossing the bridge, there is a very steep staircase. Going up, you can see a tall shadow. I remember it is the second door of the academy, Tianyi door.

This place, not many people come on weekdays, now it is even quieter.

However, just before we were about to reach the stone steps, Chabixin suddenly held up the lantern in his hand and shouted in front of him: "Who !?"

He suddenly shouted on such a silent night, which scared a few of us, and Qing Han immediately stretched out his hand and took me behind him, and Zhe Sheng stepped forward and stared at the steps.

A footstep came from above, and a shadow came out of Tianyimen.

I was so frightened that I was choked by breath, for fear of encountering a robber or thief, and the dark shadow stopped for a while, but didn't turn around and ran away, but calmly continued to walk towards us and came to us within a short while In front of me, a glance at the faint light of the lantern turned out to be the young man who ran ahead of us before!

I just glanced into the crowd and didn't see it, but I didn't expect him to run here.

Why is he here?

Not only did we pause, Chabixin frowned, "How are you here? No outsiders are allowed here."

The young man seemed calm, his face did not change, and said calmly, "Oh, I just separated from my people, and came here without knowing it. What is this place?"

Of course, the academy has its own rules, but it is not like the inside of the palace, the wrong step is the crime of beheading. His calmness seems to have only made an unintentional mistake, and Chabixin also paused before he said : "You can walk around in front of the academy at will, but outsiders cannot come in here, please leave quickly."

The young man arched at him: "Sorry, offended."

After speaking, they passed us by, and immediately went on.

It seemed like an unimportant episode. People admit it and left immediately, but Qinghan and I and Chabixing stood on the stone steps but couldn't walk. They kept looking down at his back disappearing. In front, there was only a little coolness in the night.

A gust of wind passed, and the surrounding pine trees shook, making a rustling sound.

After a while, Zhesheng whispered, "What's going on with this guy?"


"He went wrong? Can he go wrong to this place?"

Although he was a student of Jixian Temple, he had never been to Xishan Academy, but even he felt wrong.

But Chabixin didn't say anything. I thought he thought of his temperament. He had to hold the other side to ask for an understanding. He just took a deep breath and thought about what he was thinking. I was about to ask him, and he said suddenly "Miss, Shi, have you smelled anything?"

After hearing what he said, Qinghan and I took a subconscious breath and shook their heads: "No? Did you smell anything?"

He said, "That person seems to have a scent of pine."


"Yes? Why didn't I smell it?"

"It's faint, but I smell it."

"So, is there anything special?"


Chabixin was silent for a while, then slowly said, "Master Brother ... He has a lot of Guqin, and he will use rosin to maintain the strings every so often. In his room, there is a strong scent of pine. This is something everyone in the academy knows. "

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