Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort

Chapter 2166: On the last day, the topic is

He looked at me without speaking, but the flash of light in his eyes seemed to be saying more without saying a word.

That young man ... Nan Zhenyi ... annihilated the Longxi Army in the hustle and bustle of history ...

What is the relationship between these three people?

Hearing me asking him like this, Qing Han was silent for a while, and then said, "Although I have been in the academy for a while, I do n’t know him, and Nan Zhenyi is hard to get close to either. Or-you Does the Yan family know him? "

I shook my head: "Even if I knew it, it was light dust. I left Xichuan at a very young age, that is, I came back with you last time, and haven't returned to the academy. I can almost say nothing to him. Know. "


"And I don't think even Dust may be fully supportive of him."

Just like the last time she went out to sea, Qing Chen let their three brothers come, but in the end only one Xiao Yusheng came.

I held the tea cup with both hands, "I really want to see Nan Zhenyi."

Qing Han said, "However, Nan Zhenyi will never see us now."


"Looking at these recent events, he refused to accept the prince to study in the academy, and then detained the prince, and now he promised to compare with other academies at Xishan Academy. Everything is almost absolutely ours. It will be approved. If there is a reason he can explain, we will come forward as soon as we come today, but I think that the news we came, the young man told him long ago, but he did not move at all. Let Xiao Yusheng obstruct us in every way, obviously he just doesn't want to see us. He has his own business to do. "


I couldn't help but sigh.

When I heard that he had detained the prince when Jianmenguan was closed, we immediately set off, and there was almost no rest on the road. The storm and storm hurried up, but these things happened after arriving at Xishan Academy, but we couldn't see him immediately , To ask exactly what is going on, this feeling is the same as being fried.

Qing Han glanced at me and said, "It's too late today. Don't you get sleepy after a long day? Or go to bed earlier and have the energy to think about what to do tomorrow. Anyway, we have arrived There are a lot of things going on in the academy, and I believe they will be solved. "

That's what he said.

I nodded, looked up at him, and saw that in the dim light, he could not hide the heavy tiredness on his face, and his eyelids were fighting when he talked.

I couldn't help but scold myself, I knew his body, was poisoned, and was particularly tired these days. He just asked me a few times if I want to sleep, and I think he was already trapped to the extreme. But I was still dragging him to talk about things, it was so unconcerned.

I hurriedly said, "Okay, let's go to sleep."

There is only a small bed in this room, but there are futons and cushions in the cabinet. He went to get it himself and spread it on the ground. I hurriedly reached out to get it: "Let me sleep on the floor, your health is not good, the humidity is heavy . "

He looked up at me, his eyes were almost closing, or he barely smiled: "Do you think I will let you sleep on the floor?"


"You're not smart to say you're stupid."


"Go to bed obediently."

He said, dragged the quilt back, spread it out in front of the bed, and I said, "But your body--"

He had sat up and laughed, "I'm not healthy because of poisoning. It has nothing to do with it. Okay, let's go to sleep, I'm too sleepy."

He said that he lay down on his own and pulled the quilt up to cover it. I thought about it and took a blanket from the bed to cover him. He hurriedly refused, and I held his hand: " Sleep obediently, this is a mountain, and the humidity is very heavy. You sleep on the ground, and you will catch cold if you don't cover it a little bit. It doesn't matter if I sleep in bed. "

He looked at me for a moment and chuckled with heavy tiredness.

I also returned to the bed to lie down, and when I turned my head, I saw that he had closed his eyes, and after a while, a soft cry came.

He is really tired.

In fact, I was very tired. When I lay down, I felt numbness in my hands and feet. On the contrary, my brain was sober and even a little excited. What happened today, including the messages I received, were never thought of before. After that, I faintly felt that I was getting closer and closer to something.

what is it then?

In Xichuan, where I grew up, I clearly thought that everything was familiar, but thought that the people here were also in control, but now I discovered that Yang Jinqiao was right, the mist in Xichuan was really too Seriously, after this fog, there are some truths that I have never touched before.

Although I'm already old, no one is not fascinated by such things as revealing secrets.

But at the same time, my heart was a little fuzzy ...

Does this have anything to do with my mother?

Xishan Academy, Miao Fanmen, have something to do with her, and the Longxi Army a hundred years ago recorded that sentence in the Qintian Supervisory Book. She was the last princess of the Kingdom of the Kingdom, did you know?

Now that Xichuan is so densely fogged, what has she done?


Before I fell asleep, I had been thinking about the painting painted by my father. The western mountain wind blew red gauze, and I had a dream all night. All that I dreamed of was that scene. The wind roared on the cloud Chifeng. Xia Ying stood in the wind, and the crimson cormorant was blown up constantly, as if it was going to rise to the blue clouds by the wind.

When I woke up, the wind seemed to be ringing in my ears.

The body was the same as in the dream, and it was bleak by the wind. When I looked down, I found that I had kicked away most of the quilt. Fortunately, the weather is not too cold, otherwise it will catch cold.

I stretched my waist, turned my head slowly, and saw the chill sleeping on the ground.

He hasn't woken up yet.

I remember that he used to be very self-disciplined. He rarely saw his slumber when he was in Jixiang Village. Often when I opened my eyes, he had chopped a pile of firewood in the yard and the kitchen was already burnt. After a pot of water, the whole body seems to have endless strength. However, recently, he seems to be lazy a lot, and often falls asleep without knowing anything, and wakes up when someone calls.

However, I didn't call him, just lying on the pillow and watching his sleep quietly.

He should have slept heavily, and he hasn't changed from the position he fell asleep last night, but his eyes still have a light blue, breathing heavy and long, and still snoring lightly.

I was going to get up earlier and go to the academy to see what's going on today. I especially wanted to know Nan Zhenyi's plans, but now watching him sleep so deeply, I can't bear to wake him up. He didn't get a good night's sleep for a few days, which hurt his body.

I lay beside the bed and watched him quietly again.

Time seems to be getting late, the sun shining through the window, and shining on the half of the mask that has never been taken off while sleeping, looks a bit cold, like a sleeping ice sculpture.

I don't know how long, the sound of people walking around has been heard outside.

I seemed to hear someone coming to the door, but didn't knock on the door. It was supposed to be Chabish, so he put on a piece of clothes, got out of bed and walked to the door with his bare feet, and pulled the door a little.

As soon as he heard "Oops", Chabixing lay on the door, and as soon as the door opened, he fell in.

I was also startled and took a big step back. He was lying at my feet, like a frog rushing up, and looked up at me: "Miss ..."

I frowned slightly: "What are you doing?"

"I, I hear you guys are awake."


"I'm afraid you didn't wake up, noisy you, haha."

As he said, his eyes darted inwardly, but at a glance he saw Qing Han sleeping on the floor beside the bed, suddenly "ah", and got up from the ground: "How did he sleep on the ground? ? "

Seeing his sneaky look just now, and this sentence, I probably also know what he thinks. I can't help but blushing, but still frowning: "What are you talking about? He hasn't awoke yet, you Do you want everyone to know? "

"There is no one else here," he said, hating the expression of iron and steel, as if we wasted his good intentions: "You guys too-hey!"

I said, "What time is it, what are you thinking?"

He regretted it, and was still thinking about something in his mouth. I was afraid he would wake up to the light cold, and hurriedly pushed him out. I walked to the door, only to see that the sky was really bright outside. It is a mountain terrace, and many small houses like this have been built around, and there are some cypresses and springs in the center, and the scenery is very good.

However, as he said, there is no one else but the picturesque scenery in front of him.

When the cool breeze blew, the last bit of chaos was blown away, and the whole person was completely awake. I asked, "Did you ask, what is going on with Nan Zhenyi? I want to see Does he have to wait in line? "

Chabixing was serious, raised his head and looked at me and said, "Early today, the elder brother asked the second teacher to preach, saying that he already knew that the young lady and elder brother Liu were here, but he said temporarily Can't meet you yet. "

"Not yet? When will that be?"

"He said, at least until tomorrow."

"At least until tomorrow? Why?"

"Because after each of their previous tests, the students had to rest for a day in the middle. Today is free, and tomorrow is the last sermon. He said that he will wait with you after the sermon is finished tomorrow. See you. "


I frowned, thinking quietly for a while, then looked up at him: "Tomorrow, what is the topic?"

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