Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort

Chapter 2174: On the World in the Echo Pavilion

As soon as his voice fell, everyone was staring at him dumbfounded. No one spoke, and the sound of a large library was so quiet that even the sound of a needle falling to the ground could be heard.

And in my heart, unlike the almost strange and quiet atmosphere around me, it seemed that a hurricane was blowing.

Nan Zhenyi, let everyone participate in today's ruling.

Moreover, his rule is that anyone can stand in any position to debate, and if persuaded by the other party, they can change their position until the last person has finished his opinion, and no one will refute.

How is that possible?

The theories of the world's major points of separation and convergence have not been conclusive for thousands of years. If it is a small area and a few people's arguments, you may still hear some wonderful debates and truths. I am afraid that this argument will last for ten years, and it may not be fruitful for decades.

You know, unifying people is far more difficult than unifying a place, a group of people.

Thinking of this, I kept up and walked to Xiao Yusheng, Shen Sheng said: "Is Nan Zhenyi really like this?"

Xiao Yusheng didn't say anything, he just handed me a piece of paper and I took it for a look, and it was written with these arrangements.

My eyebrows tightened suddenly: "In this case, when is this argument going to be discussed?"

People around me were a little worried as they heard me.

Some people got up and said, "Gong Xiao, we are very grateful to Mr. Shan for the arrangement that will allow us to pay for what we want to go to the academy to see. There will be no results. "

"Yeah, there can be no results."

Seeing that everyone was gradually noisy again, Xiao Yusheng raised his arms to signal everyone's quietness, and everyone closed his mouth immediately. Xiao Yusheng said calmly: "I know your concerns, the mountain leader specifically explained that all the people went up the mountain to participate in the discourse People, your food, clothing and housing are all undertaken by Xishan College. "


"The Tao is not limited in time. Someone joins in the middle. The academy also welcomes it at any time. Someone quits. The academy will not force it."

Everyone shouted in surprise.

I couldn't help but take a sip of air-conditioning—clothing, food, and accommodation are all covered by the academy, which does provide a great convenience to the Tao. In this way, everyone can stay and talk about it.

But in this way, will other people who know this matter also come to the academy?

I turned around subconsciously and looked at Qing Han, and he was standing behind me, and said softly at this time: "Next, I am afraid that for a day or two, the whole Xichuan will know about this and there will be more People came to participate in this sermon. "


"All eyes of Xichuan will see here, and all ears will hear it."


"He has made this a big deal."

Sitting on the ground below are people who originally looked lively, and on the stairs are the Xishan Academy and other students of the Academy. Difficult expressions have also appeared on their faces, saying, "Master Brother, Is this really the arrangement of the big brother? But in this case, this argument will be too difficult. "

"Yeah, and why not point out which side we are on?"

"If you can still change your position arbitrarily, wouldn't it be contradictory for someone to speak in exchange?"

"I have never seen such an argument."

"That is, what are they doing?"

Xiao Yusheng said calmly: "Shanshan did not assign any position to any student, he just hoped that everyone can choose from the heart, and the unity is the right one, and the unit is the right one. You don't have to force yourself; you are persuaded and you can change your position without any shame. Yes, because the other side of choice is to discard, and it's not wrong to discard views that you no longer agree with, and death or repentance is not necessarily praiseworthy. "


"This argument just hopes that everyone will start from the heart."

As he said, everyone was quiet.

People often say that reading is rational, but reading is also very easy to read the mind stiffly, and the teacher's words tend to be ineffective, even if such a student is endlessly talented, there is nothing in his mind; and Nan Zhenyi's argument this time, Without any other instructions, not even caring about the stand of the students in the college, will the students fight themselves, and want them to choose from the heart, probably only in this way, the result of the teaching is not It will be winning or losing, but real persuasion.

My heart jumped a little.

Last night, I was still thinking that everyone in Xichuan had their own plans. Even if there is Qing Chen, the leader of the Yan family, it is difficult to unify the mind. If one person can stand up at this time and unify all The human mind is just fine. At the moment, isn't this argument that Nan Zhenyi arranged is just a unity of thought?

He is not even limited to the students in the academy, but to let everyone participate. Qing Han said that he has made things bigger, and more and more people will come to Xishan Academy to participate in this discourse. Is it to expand this unified scope?

Thinking of this, I was excited for a while, and even my face became a little red. I reached out and grabbed the sleeves of the light cold and shoved it hard.

He turned to look at me, seeing my blinking gaze, and seemed to understand.

I lowered my voice and said, "Maybe this is an opportunity?"


He was silent for a moment and nodded his head: "Maybe. But--"

He said, and turned his head to look at the densely packed people in this library. After clearing the rules, all of them also showed excited expressions, eager to try, Qing Han turned back again Looking at me, he said, "Look, which side can convince the other side."



I just think that this doctrine can unify all people ideologically, but which aspect of unity is hard to say.

Qing Han murmured: "The result of this argument may be the general trend of the world."

My heart jumped fiercely again, subconsciously turned back to look at the door of the library-Nan Zhenyi, he still did not show up.

He has arranged this argument, so where is he and is he still paying attention to it? In the end, will he show up and what direction will this doctrine go?

My heart was numb, and my wrist was slowly led to the position where I just sat down. Chabixing had prepared two cushions for us. When we sat down, Xiao Yusheng raised his hands. Is an announcement--

"The Tao begins!"

Immediately after his words fell, the library immediately fell into a strange silence, as if all the sounds and breath inside were drawn away by some mysterious power.

But the next moment, someone slowly got up from the stairs.

He is a student in Xishan College. He is young, at most 20 years old, with a square face and a tall nose. He looks very prominent. He raises his hands to all people. After a ceremony, he said, "I did not expect to be able to discuss with the monarchs today. It is Xishan Academy. It is our honor. Since Shan Chang set such a rule, he will show ugliness first if he refuses to let him be.

The people below made a "Please" gesture.

He raised his head and said loudly: "Now, the smoke is rising, the flames of war are raging, there is an urgent need to lay eggs, and the people are in danger of upside down; and I Xichuan, thanks to the ancestor's blessing, is a little safer, and according to the danger of the sword Pavilion, according to the danger of Sanjiang Lee, the weather is smooth, the people are at ease, neither suffering from wind and rain, nor the endless battles of war. My generation can still sit on the horizon and talk about the mountains. Isn't this situation derived from the word "fen"? "

Many people nodded and said yes, but some frowned slightly.

The man finally said: "So, from the perspective of the world, the general trend of the world is uncertain, but at the moment, for the safety of the people on this side, Xichuan should divide and rule with the Central Plains. This is the next view."

After that, he saluted and sat down slowly.

Several people clapped their hands gently.

At this time, a middle-aged man sitting below stood up, his robes were more gorgeous than those around him, and they looked a little dazzling inside a pile of white and blue cloth clothes. Several huge rings on his hands showed it. The identity of this person is obviously a wealthy family. When he raised his hand to the student, he said, "The gentleman's words are also very agreeable. I made a trip a few days ago and came back from Anhui. The place has already been It is a mess, the world is barren, the chickens and dogs are restless, the people are even displaced, hungry and unbearable, and some even-Yizi and eat. Such a situation, I'm afraid you can't imagine it. "

Hearing this, some people around sighed in horror.

He said, "If it wasn't for the first few decades, Nishikawa could not stand still, and divided it with the Central Plains dynasty. Right now, we are afraid of the same misery. Do n’t think about it, you can still talk about the world again, just because you ca n’t even save your life. . "


"So, the general trend in the world is, after all, a good score."

He sat down after speaking, and some of the students on the stairs looked down on these businessmen, and only nodded reluctantly, while the people around him felt the same, and nodded.

Some people said, "Yes, this house is close by, and the family ca n’t run when the fire burns. The house needs to be repaired a little farther. If there is a disaster, it ’s better to avoid it. Indeed, Ye Chen is right, this world The big thing is the right balance. "

Seeing the direction of the wind was almost sideways, I could not help frowning.

In this way, it may be that my previous worry was completely worrying. This argument will not only take a long time, but I am afraid that the effort of a meal will be lost and it will be over!

At this moment, the philosopher behind me stood up and held a slap in front of everyone.

"Princes, there is a word below."

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