Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort

Chapter 2200: You don't mess around inside

I saw that the Book Shelf, which had been burned to a large extent, was blackened. At this time, it slowly collapsed in front of our eyes, and a huge smoke erupted, which soon spread out and swallowed up that piece.

Qinghan and I stood there, and for a while there was no response.

Floor, it really completely collapsed!

Some students are running there, but they have no time to come close to the smoke and dust, and they can only reach out and block their eyes, and we feel a strong wind blowing hair and clothes.

I don't know how long it took, the wind stopped, and the dust slowly dropped.

There is only a pile of ruins in the entire library.

We stood there watching for a long time. Although it was known that it was difficult for the library to persist after being burned by such a fire, it was taken for granted, but I was not prepared to do so in my heart. Watching this building collapse, after a while, I was still a bit lost.

Qing Han reached out and held my hand, and said softly, "It's all right."

I turned to look at him, and he said gently, "Don't be too sad."


Only then did I return to God. It turned out that I was still a little uncomfortable.

This was the pavilion built by my mother. To me, it was like part of her memory. The pavilion collapsed, and she left behind nothing more.

I don't know what traces belong to her.

After being silent for a while, I dumbly said, "I just didn't expect it to end like this."


"Actually, I want to see that thing on the top of the building."

Qing Han sighed and said, "In fact, the building is burned like that, it can support us all to come out safely, and it is not easy for them to move out all ancient books. Don't be discouraged, just look at it and talk about it. . "


He walked over with me, there were already crowded people around, everyone's faces were full of regret and loss, especially the students of Xishan College, this library was like their own body to them Part of it suddenly disappeared in front of me, and it was emotionally unacceptable. I even saw that "nerd" Jolin's eyes were red, and a brother next to him immediately went to comfort him.

And those other college students also sighed with sighs.

As soon as we walked by, Xiang Wenliang and Lu Sheng saw me, and hurried forward, Qing Han asked, "Why did the building suddenly collapse? Are there any people inside?"

Xiang Wenliang shook his head in a hurry and said, "No. In fact, when I moved the book from the inside this morning, I felt that the attic was somewhat unsupportable, so everyone stepped up the time and moved all the books out before the collapse. Just when everyone evacuated, the building collapsed. "


The pavilion seemed to have life, with a last breath supporting them to remove all ancient books and then leave.

I slowly walked forward, the building just collapsed, and there was still a lot of smoke and dust in the air. I saw a figure standing there stupidly, seemingly lost reaction.

I shouted softly: "Jade sound."

Xiao Yusheng slowly turned his head. For the first time in his eyes, there was a look of godlessness and uncle, and then he looked back at the ruin in front of him, and said softly, "I didn't expect it to be this way."


"This library has accompanied us all the best time. I didn't expect it to be this way."

I walked over and put his hand on his shoulder, and deeply realized that he is in the same mood as me now. Although my mother protected the ancient books inside, but this pavilion did not get her protection. This kind of regret is also unbearable for a while.

I can only comfort him emptyly: "The books are all there, all right, just fine."


He sighed and nodded slightly.

Then he turned around and said to the students around him, "Everyone go back first, everyone has been frightened in the past two days, and he must be tired today, so leave it here for the time being. I'll wait for my order tomorrow. Brother, deal with the library. "

The people around did not speak, and everyone left silently.

In the setting sun, everyone's back looks so lonely.

Looking back at the barren ruins again, it seems that there is a place in my heart that is empty and without support. Xiao Yusheng and I are standing still, only Qing Han slowly walks forward and walks in. In the ruins.

The library is too tall, the fallen ruins are very large, and the cracked wood crosses each other, because the pavilion has just collapsed and the ruins are not stable. The light cold slowly walked up, and suddenly, he heard at his feet With a click, it seemed that he had stepped on a piece of wood, and a large area around it collapsed again, and he almost fell.

"Shi Shi!"

Xiao Yusheng's eye-broken hand quickly rushed to help him: "Be careful!"

I was also busy saying, "Light cold, don't mess around with it, it's dangerous."

Qing Han didn't bother us, but grabbed Xiao Yusheng's arm and continued to walk in. Xiao Yusheng had no choice but to help him. The two of them were deep and shallow, and carefully tried to test the broken wood under his feet. I saw him as if cruising through the ruins, and asked, "Light cold, are you looking for anything?"

He stopped abruptly and said, "Come and see!"

He was really looking for something.

I also hurried forward, Xiao Yusheng was worried about my safety, and could only turn around to help me walk in. When we walked to a high place in the ruins, we saw Qing Han's eyes staring at a large black paint. I looked at the paint and couldn't help breathing.

The construction of this attic uses some iron nails. I know that because the attic is tall and built on the mountain. To resist the mountain wind, the pure wooden structure is not easy to do. I just walked into this ruin. You can also see the glittering nails exposed on the wooden boards, which makes people extremely scared.

However, in addition to those nails, many iron plates and iron blocks appeared in the ruins in front of me!

These iron plates and iron blocks were built into different shapes. I do n’t know what special treatment they have done. They are extremely dark. Moreover, the entire building has collapsed. With such a powerful twist and heavy blow, these things are a little bit There are no signs of depression deformation, the surface appears extra smooth, and even some are inlaid with precision.

I stared at everything in front of me, with some unresponsiveness: "This is--"

Qing Han was silent for a while, then Shen said: "This is the machine that is hiding on the top of the library loft."

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