Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort

Chapter 2272: Are you dead

He suddenly asked such a word, which was surprising. Chabichen and I looked at each other. Chabichen immediately frowned and said, "What's your matter?"

After speaking, he said to me, "Miss, you tie his hand behind."


I was a little stunned, but I still held the rope around to make the toast behind him. I was about to grab his hands and tie them. Suddenly, I felt his phalanx crackling, as if stretching his bones. I Before he could react, he felt that he bumped back suddenly.


I was caught by him and fell back. Chabixin panicked and hurriedly reached out to help me, but at this moment, the knife in his hand also moved a little, so that the toast immediately turned around and caught me. After taking a few steps back, he avoided Chabexing's hand and backed down to a dirt slope.

Chabixing's complexion suddenly turned blue, and he hurried over: "Let her go!"

This time, only the toasts' hands were allowed to see him, and they immediately moved. Some of the manpower was huge and they broke free of the ropes that tied them. Others were tied, and they were running like a bull. He knocked the people around to the ground, and the scene that had been calm down became chaotic for a moment, and those people immediately retreated to let the toast beside him.

He was holding one of my hands in his hand, just like a little chicken. He couldn't get rid of it. He twisted it gently, and my face was deformed with pain.

Chabixing saw that I had been restrained, and the sword in his hand pointed straight at the toast: "Let her go, I warn you, if you dare to hurt the young lady, I will definitely break you to pieces!" You Don't even think about getting out of Nishikawa! "

Only then did the toast look down at me, seeing that my tears were coming out, and I relaxed my hand, and said, "I don't want to hurt her, as long as everyone can speak well."

"what do you want to say?!"

I couldn't help but look back before giving the toast a glance.

Although at this time, he had been hurt a little by Chabi Hing, and everyone around him had picked up weapons on the ground, and it seemed like he was driven to despair, but he was not panicked at all, but frowned instead. Looking at Chabxing-It seems that just now he has been watching Chabxing.

And he also asked Chabixin about his father and mother, why did he suddenly ask this, does it have anything to do with him?

Then the toast looked at him and asked, "Who are your father and mother? Where are they?"

After being questioned twice like this, Chabixing also felt a bit wrong. He frowned, but still said, "What does this have to do with you? You always ask my father and mother what?"

"you answer me first."


Chabixing looked unhappy, but when he saw me in the hands of the toast, he couldn't completely ignore it, just when he was gritting his teeth and about to say something, a weak voice came next to him. "His father is me."

This is Charin's voice.

I hurriedly looked up, and it turned out that Charin came out of the village. His body should have been bumped a little, and the wound that had already healed seemed to crack again, so a little blood was seen on the bandaged gauze His face was even paler. He covered his wound with one hand and walked slowly here.

Behind him, Pei Yuanzhang followed them.

As soon as I saw Pei Yuanzhang, I knew that everyone in Tiejia Village should have been dealt with by them. Looking at his appearance, he was not affected at all, which was obviously shocking.

But his face sank as soon as he saw me.

When Du Yan and Susu saw me like this, they rushed forward: "Miss!"

Only then the toast immediately said, "Stop me, don't come over! I don't want to hurt her, don't force me to hurt her!"

Hearing his voice, Du Yan and Susu could only stand there. Everyone did not dare to step forward for a while. Only Charin, but also some difficult, went forward step by step. Holding the knife, the other hand supported him.

I clearly felt that when Charin came over, the toast's breathing became heavy.

I immediately understood that there must be some connection between them.

Sure enough, when Charin stopped only a few steps away from us and looked up at us, he let the toast grit his teeth, and when he spoke, he murmured, "It's you .I haven't found you for so many years. It turns out that you hid here. "


"Where is my sister?"

This time, even Cha Bixing looked back at Charin himself.

I was suddenly stunned there.

Only then did the toast say-Is Chabishin's mother his sister?

Is there such a thing?

The people around me were also very surprised. Although everyone had just experienced a fight and panic, no one spoke at this time. Everyone looked at Charin and saw that his face was a little paler than just, "You know she didn't stay with me. She already—is gone."

Only then did the toast's breath pause for a moment: "Gone? How did you get there?"


"If you take good care of her, how can she get sick? It must be that you are not good for her!"

In the face of such almost outrageous accusations, Charin seemed to be speechless. He only grinned and looked at him whistling and gasping, and only the toast was allowed when the eyes became red. God came and said, "Father, what are you talking about? My mother is his sister?"

Charin nodded.

Chabi Xing was stupid: "How could it?"

Until this time, I didn't return to my mind a bit.

Only toast was the ruler of Qingchuan, but in the earliest days, they were a part of several major families in Qinghai-Tibet. I remember that the earliest nobles on the other side of Qinghai-Tibet had six major Shi and six major Zeng and eighteen Large amount, 18th Cha's.

Only toast them, is one of the 18th National Congress of Cha.

So, Chabixing's surname was Cha, and Chalin also surnamed Cha. Actually, the toast's sister's surname was followed?

Sure enough, Charin gently said to Chabixing: "Your mother is one of their princesses. After meeting with me that year, she rebelled against their father and followed me secretly and ran here, never again. I've been back. My last name is too weird. I'm afraid they will find me, so I'm incognito and let you follow your mother's last name for so many years. "

Chabixing listened silly, and after a long time, he looked back and let the toast.

At this moment, the toast made him look at him again. The eyes of the two people were not the same as before. They were still fighting each other and almost killed each other. But now, I found out that the other person was his own relative. This feeling is indeed weird and can be confusing.

It was only a moment of silence, and then he said, "You said my sister is gone, then where are you buried?"

Charin said: "She lives with me in this mountain. She left, and of course she stayed in this mountain."

Then he said, "I want to take her home!"

"This is her home," Charin said.

"I don't care, I just want to take her away!"

"Then you try and see if you can find her."

Seeing that the two were so old that they even quarreled. The people around were a little overwhelmed. Although Charin was injured, he was not losing momentum to the big **** like Black Bear.

He was let out of his breath, his breath was uneven, but after he took a few breaths, it suddenly seemed like he remembered something. I heard his breath suddenly, then looked up at Charin, Said: "It turned out that they said that green ore is produced in Taihe, and there are still people who can cast green ore, is that you?"

Charin's face also sank.

So let's say immediately: "It's you."

Charin was silent for a moment before he said, "What do you want?"

Only a little smile appeared on the toast's face, but the smile was full of stingy expression, saying, "That would be great."

The crowd frowned when they saw him like this. I don't know if he is now a trapped beast. Why do they still show such a smile and say such a thing, I subconsciously wanted to look back at him, but was He clenched his arm hard and couldn't move at all. He said, "I'm afraid you don't know. I have a man outside."

what? !!

Everyone was stunned at hearing what he said.

He smirked and said, "Since you already know that the situation inside you is complicated, why can't I stay behind? As long as I give an order, they will rush in and step on your run-down village. stay!"

Pei Yuanzhang's face also changed. He was about to order immediately, but suddenly the toast's hand was suddenly forced. I suddenly screamed in pain: "Ah!"

Only toast said: "You better not move!"


"It's Miss Yan's in my hand. I don't want to hurt her, but don't force me to hurt her."

Immediately, they dared not move.

Chabishin's face was crooked, and he said, "Dare you threaten us with Miss ?!"

Only then the toast glanced at him, but unexpectedly did not speak. He just winked at the person under him, who immediately inserted his mouth with **** and whistled.

The whistle was extraordinarily harsh, and it spread far away in an instant. Obviously, it was the whistle they used to convey information when they were in Qingchuan. Anyone who stayed outside would rush in as soon as they heard this .

It's going to be that time, I'm afraid the people here, and this village, can't keep it!

Thinking of this, I struggled hard.

Only toast was caught off guard, and I didn't expect that I dared to struggle at this time, startled him, and immediately shouted, "What are you doing? Don't you die? Don't move!"

Who still listens to him at this time?

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