Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort

Chapter 2335: If the people in the world do not worship You

Everyone was staring with eyes wide, watching this scene more unbelievably than me. There were hundreds or thousands of people in a large army house, and at this moment they didn't even hear a sound.

And I was originally surprised, then shy, but in the end, I suddenly felt an indescribable bitterness.

He has never been like this.

It has never been revealed in the public, when everyone is watching us. It seems that since we met, even when we are in Jixiang Village, we have not been blessed by anyone and we must always be cautious. This one, worrying about that one, even had to deceive oneself and evade each other. Until now, I have n’t even had a name.

A kiss, I felt like it was stolen.

And he would kiss me at this time.

The sourness rushed up, and soon wept the eye sockets, and the hot eyelids made me unbearable. I slowly closed my eyes, and a tear coagulated in the corner of my eyes for a long time.

His nose was thicker and he kissed deeper.

I could even feel his trembling, but it was extremely firm.

I don't know how long it took before he finally pulled back slowly, but the two people's breath was still entangled. I even felt that my breath was completely his taste, there is a feeling that it is difficult to tell you and me.

I said, "You--"

As soon as he opened his mouth, he felt that his voice was a little muddy, and he looked at me close to him, breathing was chaotic.

Seeing the tear that had condensed on my eyelashes, he sighed slightly, and reached out his hand and gently wiped it away.

Until this time, I did not find my voice.

"Light cold."


"Will you wait for me to come back?"

He didn't speak, only stroking my face with that slightly hot hand, and after a long time, he said softly, "I will."


"You, come back early."

After hearing this promise from him all the time, I finally breathed a sigh of relief, and a slight smile appeared on my face.

The two people smiled in this way, only to feel the warmth of spring in the cold. Although we all know that it is too far from spring, what does it matter if he is waiting for me?

He supported my shoulders and made me sit up straight. At this time, the front team had already started to move forward, and I also moved forward. After taking two steps, I turned back and saw him standing in place. As I gently waved, I waved.

He walked a long distance, and couldn't help but look back, and still stood there when he saw him, but the attendant around had already brought him a horse, and he reached for the reins, and his eyes kept looking at me.

The mist in the mountain slowly rose up. Finally, in the winding and winding mountain road, he lost my back and I lost his gaze.

The road ahead has become increasingly difficult.

After walking for several days, we finally got out of this thick forest and stayed for two days at the junction of Sichuan and Shaanxi. Because of the rain, the road collapsed.

However, as soon as I arrived at this place, the report of the war ahead kept coming.

I only realized that the sword pavilion is not only a natural strategic barrier for Xichuan, but also shields us from too much outside blood and blood. We only know that Tongguan has been playing for two full months.

Cao Ji and Cao Che, the father and son, have been holding fast, and have never lost the pass.

But the losses were heavy.

Moreover, this is still in the cold winter and snow and ice days, and Pei Yuanxiu can make such a determination to fight this battle. It can be seen that he is bound to win Tongguan, or in other words, he must hold Pei Yuanzhen by tying Tongguan. , And then enter Xichuan.

If the spring blossoms in the coming year and the soldiers have enough food, can Tongguan still hold on?

After reading the battle report, Pei Yuanzhang looked silently at the burning flame in front of her. After a long time, she dropped the stationery into the fire, and a sudden burst of flame erupted, and the black smoke went straight up into the sky.

I looked up and looked at the rare clear sky above my head, and the black smoke quickly dissipated.

Although it is already night, the kind of black is like a large piece of shiny satin and the stars are shining, and it should be a good day tomorrow.

After a while, I turned my head again. Pei Yuanzhang explained things to a few soldiers. Soon, I saw them pass the order, and someone set off on a horse while it was night.

It should be to convey his will.

Rarely clear tonight. Although I can sleep peacefully in the wild countryside, I lit a lot of bonfires, everyone grilled their wet clothes, and the heat of the fire was a lot more comfortable.

After a while, there was a horseshoe sound ahead.

In this place, there are not many people who can ride horses. On the way we came, we saw very few pedestrians, and they were all walking. The two brothers Wenhu Wenbao immediately took the soldiers on guard. After walking up, a few people were welcomed back.

Come and take a look. It turned out that the people who came from Xi'an were from Changqing.

One of the leaders walked down to Pei Yuanzhang and knelt down and said, "The queen mother learned that Her Majesty had left Xichuan, and the special subordinates came to answer, and brought some things with him."

Chang Qing is still so careful.

Probably, she hasn't been able to feel relieved in Xi'an. On the one hand, Tongguan was stormed, and on the other, Pei Yuanzhang's situation in Xichuan was unpredictable. Now that he finally received the news that he had safely left Xichuan, he immediately sent someone over.

And when I looked up, she sent me some rice noodles and some fresh vegetables.

On the way, because of the rain, I could n’t eat well. Indeed, everyone ’s appetite was exhausted. She even thought about it. It was so rare. Pei Yuanzhang's face was originally cold. There was also a little warmth, facing those humanities: "Well, go down first and eat something."


These people and the things they brought also excited everyone. Soon, a pot was caught on each bonfire, and it murmured loudly. Soon, the fragrance of rice spread.

Drinking hot porridge dissipated the chill brought by the rainy and rainy weather these days, and the whole person was relieved a lot.

Susu served me for half a bowl. At this time, a piece of roasted golden crispy meat was delivered to me.

Looking up, it turned out that Pei Yuanzhang was holding it and came to us.

Susu stood up in a hurry and said, "I have a laborer."

He just waved his hand so that Susu didn't have to panic, and then sat next to me and said, "I see you do n’t eat much these days, do you have no appetite? The next step is not good, eat more Right. "

I gave him a surprised look.

This person seems to be turning around. When talking-at least when talking to me, he is not so aggressive and no longer has a commanding tone, but is a little deliberately gentle.

I thought about it and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

After that, let Su Su take over the things in his hand.

Two people were sitting. I ate something in my bowl. He said nothing. Although the atmosphere was not embarrassing, there was nothing to say after all. After a while, I heard him cough slightly, it seemed to be When clearing his throat, he said again, "Liu Qinghan has returned to Sheshan now."

I didn't expect that he would talk about light cold in front of me again.

I kept thinking and shook my head gently: "If the weather is fine, but the recent weather in Xichuan-I am afraid he is still on the road."


"I'm afraid of his body ..."

He turned to look at my frown, and after a while, he said, "He will be fine."

Did he comfort me?

I was silent for a while before I said, "Thank you."

At this time, the pots around the bonfire were also boiled, everyone was eating hot steaming porridge, and everyone's face showed a cheerful smile.

I asked: "Will your Majesty return to Xi'an?"

Pei Yuanzhang glanced around, then shook his head and said, "No need."


"The queen has already sent everything over. I can go straight to Longnan without having to make a detour."

I just reacted. Chang Qing sent a lot of people. Except for some fresh vegetables and meat, other rice noodles piled up like a mountain. It turned out that it was for Pei Yuanzhang to go to Longnan.

In this way, Pei Yuanzhang does not have to go to Xi'an anymore.

I sighed: "The queen mother is very considerate to her Majesty."

He was silent for a while before he said, "Yeah, these days, she is working hard. By the way, she also asks you."


"She asked you how, I'll ask someone to go back and send her a message later, but you have something to bring to her?"


"Or, are you going to see her?"

I immediately shook my head, and my heart was still warm and sour. At this time, Chang Qing still remembered me, and it really moved me, but I can only say, "After receiving the wonderful words, I will return to Laoshan I won't go anywhere else until after the light cold thing. I also hope that Her Majesty will explain to me to the Queen Mother. "

He said, "I understand. Now the most important thing for you is these two things, both of them."



This evening, his tone was exceptionally gentle, so gentle that I doubted whether he was the Pei Yuanzhang I was familiar with, but as soon as he spoke sharply, I subconsciously frowned and looked at him.

Instead of looking at me, he looked at the bonfire in front of me, and the flames of constant dancing reflected in his eyes, saying, "Have you ever thought about life's unsatisfactory things?"

My throat was a little itchy, and I said, "I thought, Your Majesty would never say that."

He said lightly: "After so many things, if you think you can go to heaven and do everything, do you still think that you are too naive?"


"Your mother said that very well. The emperor is the Son of Heaven because of the offerings of the people of the world."


"If the people in the world do not worship You as the King, then who is He?"

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