Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort

Chapter 952: A huge fleet

The whole mountain started to shake!

At this moment, the road under our feet suddenly turned into sea water, constantly undulating and shaking. In that narrow mountain path, we were like boats thrown up and down on the sea. We could not find a place to rely on, or even Several people slammed into the nearby rocks because they were unstable.

When the mountain started to shake, Liu Qinghan and I fell to the ground at the same time. He gave a painful groan, and his eyes were red.

I was frightened and hurriedly helped him up.

However, the shaking of the ground didn't stop, and there was a burst of hot air from the long narrow tunnel behind us, as if an invisible flame sprayed up, burning everyone's body.

We stood up shaking, the old sixth shouted in horror: "Vulcan is angry! Vulcan is going to be angry!"

As he shouted, he ran out like crazy.

At this time, he could not care about him, and he had to follow him. Pei Yuanfeng turned back and yelled, "Hurry up, go out first!"

After speaking, he helped Xiao Yusheng to rush forward.

The injuries of Liu Qinghan and Yan Qinghan were more serious, but at this time he couldn't care about the illness. He clenched his teeth, and I even heard a deep cry from his nose, struggling to fly out, and Xue Muhua also took Yan Qinghan quickly followed.

The entrance to the cave is getting closer and closer, and the sky outside can even be seen, and the belly is white in the east.

It's almost dawning!

As long as you go out, there is hope!

Thinking of it this way, we all flew out in a sigh of breath. And all of us, because of the wounded, were struggling to run slowly. Only the sixth old man was the fastest and ran the fastest. Seeing that he had rushed to the hole of the mountain wall first, he only gave out a joyful giggling. Without even having time to say a word, he rushed out.

We watched him rush out, but just as he had just left this narrow mountain road and just walked outside, suddenly, a dark thing fell quickly from the sky, like lightning, and was hitting his head. .

Just hear a bang.

He was like a puppet with a broken line, and fell to the ground.

We were all frightened. I did n’t know what was going on. We had to take a few steps to get to the hole, but we did n’t dare to go out. Looking at the probe, the old six fell to the ground, and something was broken in the back of his head. Almost half of his head was broken.

Next to his body, a stone larger than a fist, sizzling with heat, rolled down the mountain road.

very scary!

I was so frightened that I turned white and hurriedly turned away from the tragic appearance.

Xue Muhua also whispered in fright, and Pei Yuanfeng immediately walked to the entrance of the cave and blocked our sight. The guards were also considered to be "informed", but the tragic death caused them to feel some fear. Everyone settled down and looked up.

At this time, we found out that there were huge stones in many places on the road outside. I was afraid that a few people could not hold each other. They were scorching hot and almost drying the grass and trees on the ground. At this time, more and smaller stones fell from the sky, densely, crackling and falling around, as if there was a pouring rain from the sky!

It is on the top of the mountain, and the stones on the top are falling!

When we saw the tragic situation when Lao Liu died, all of us didn't dare to move anymore. We were about to rush out. At this time, we were all still deadlocked and didn't dare to take a step.

No one knows whether the next one to be hit will be himself.

However, the ground beneath us didn't give us any room to stay. The shaking was getting bigger and bigger, and we could barely stand by the mountain wall. There was a hotter wind than a wave under the narrow mountain road behind us. Come up, and the disgusting taste is getting stronger and stronger.

If the old man was right before, there will be a huge flame blowing down the mountain, then this mountain road, I'm afraid it will also be a fire vent!

Staying here, we are not just killed by heat, but also killed by killing each other by inhaling those maddening belches.

Thinking of this, I also panicked: "What to do?"

During the talk, several stones have fallen from the sky and landed not far in front of us. Although the stones are not large, their potential is not small. When they fall, they smashed several pits on the ground.

If anyone is hit, they will end up with the sixth child!

Pei Yuanfeng gritted his teeth: "Can't wait to die here!"

The people around were frightened, and some people said, "However, you will be killed if you go out."

Just then, Xiao Yusheng looked up and looked at the outside environment. He felt as if he was thinking a bit, but it was only a momentary thing, and he said, "Can't wait for death, let's go out."


What else was there to say, Xiao Yusheng raised his head, and his dark eyes were almost killing: "I say it!"

Pei Yuanfeng frowned at him, but didn't ask much, just waved: "Go!"

As soon as the words fell, the two of them had already taken the lead.

I followed behind them, but hesitated a bit. After all, the death of the sixth boy was in front of him, and the body was even hit by a few stones that flew down one after another. Liu Qinghan and I had nothing to do with the power of a chicken and a serious injury. Not to mention a stone with a big fist, even if a small stone fell, it would be enough for us to return to the West.

So, at that step, I didn't take a step out.

And just when I was hesitant, a big fist rock fell from the sky again, and flew straight down towards the two people in front. Xue Muhua behind him didn't see it, but was stunned by the boldness of both of them, and I already I want to cry.

Just then, I saw an incredible scene.

The stone fell with the thunder, and it was about to hit them overhead, but it suddenly jumped away as if encountering an invisible obstacle.

But at this time, clearly felt Xiao Yusheng's footsteps staggered.

He stared back at us, his eyes cracked: "If I don't come out again, I won't be able to control you!"

I suddenly understood something.

Many of these martial arts practitioners will start with the practice of Qi, and they can be well defended against attacks, but they are ordinary attacks. It is useless when confronted with masters, so few people will use it. , But now it comes in handy.

However, the injuries he sustained at the bottom of the mountain were not minor. I am afraid that he cannot resist too much, nor can he resist too long.

Thinking of this, I hurriedly helped Liu Qinghan to go out.

Just when we were near behind them, Xiao Yusheng exclaimed, "I will protect you, Miss, I will leave it to you!"

I hesitated for a moment, and still couldn't react, and the people around him also showed weird expressions, I don't know who he was talking to.

I intuitively glanced back and saw Xue Muhua holding Yan Qinghan and walking out with several other guards. Those stones fell sparsely, some fell on top of our heads, and they were automatically popped away, and When they were about to hit their heads, a stone suddenly flew from the side, and opened the stone with a pop, which sparked Mars in the air.

All of a sudden I came to understand-Xiao Musheng!

He was talking to Xiao Wusheng!

I do n’t know why Xiao Musheng, who left us early to find them, has not appeared until now, but now is the time, he has not experienced the scent of Yamashita, it should be the one who has retained the greatest strength and the strongest person Based on his martial arts, he should be able to protect the people behind him from harm!

Thinking of this, I could not help but a ecstasy, looking down at Liu Qinghan.

His face was pale, and under the light of the less bright morning light, there was still no trace of blood, only his forehead was soaked with morning dew and sweat, tangled in his eyes, and his eyes were exceptionally bright.

He nodded gratefully at me.

I nodded.

Then I turned back subconsciously and glanced at the top of the mountain.

It didn't matter that much, I was scared to a shudder at my feet and almost fell into the bushes in front of me.

This mountain, the top of a mountain that is several miles in height, is now bearing a huge, thick black smoke, and the plume is thick and large, as if it rushed out from the bottom of the mountain. After being released, the incomparable black dragon screamed into the sky, the whole sky was stirred by it, and the wind was rising like clouds.

And with the tumbling of the black dragon, countless stones on the top of the mountain fell and crashed around us, crackling, although none of them fell on us, but we were so scared that our atmosphere dared not breathe.

Xiao Yusheng seemed to hear my disturbed breathing, without looking back, and he said loudly, "Let's hurry up, don't look back!"

After speaking, he reached out his hand, almost supporting each other with Pei Yuanfeng, waving his long sword in the other hand, chopped the thorn bushes that had been cut open all the way, and ran all the way.

As the black dragon roared into the sky, as the stone rain fell, and the West Bank, there was a loud noise that almost never stopped, and it echoed the thunderous sound of the sky. I almost had the illusion of a sky breaking, like the whole earth. It's going to crack, and huge gullies will swallow us down at any time.

After running for a while in the chaos like a floodland, we finally ran out of the thorn bush, and after turning a detour, the stones didn't fall as densely as before.

Everyone was relieved.

However, the tone just relaxed, and before I even had time to stop, I heard a loud noise behind us, and the mountain under our feet shook violently.

what happened?

Everyone experienced the change just now, and they were all scared at this time, and one of them stood on the corner of the mountain road and glanced back at the way we came. Suddenly, the whole person jumped up in shock, leaving nothing behind. I ran forward and shouted, "Fire! Fire!"


Could it be that the old man said that a fire broke out in the mountain?

Vulcan is angry?

I was going to take a look at it subconsciously, but I could n’t wait for the two steps before I could see the thick smoke rising from the thorny ground. Immediately, the thorny bushes ignited the raging fire. The fire continued to swell, and the ground beneath the thorn bushes began to soften, and some soft and muddy things emerged from the ground, red and black, and immediately the large area was almost invisible Swallowing bushes!

This time, the hot temperature has not only existed in the air, it even looks like an invisible dragon, roaring and fluttering towards us, about to swallow us.

The thin and muddy things, more like flowing water, slowly spread out, flowing towards us with the hot and hot temperature.

And on the distant mountain top, there seemed to be something fiery red in the thick black smoke, which had already ignited a flame in the air and fell down overwhelmingly.

In front of Pei Yuanfeng, he yelled, "Run!"

This time, everyone couldn't even care about anything, and started to run wildly.

However, when I started running, I found that the situation in front of me was almost desperate, the whole mountain was shaking, and the hot and hot temperature behind me was getting closer and closer, and it was almost igniting my hair and the skirt behind me. Hearing the rumbling sound of a boulder rolling away.

I kept hearing the people behind me being swallowed by the hot torrent and making a terrible scream; there was a flying stone falling overhead, and when they hit them, people almost died without even humming, and the more More and more people disappeared in my sight, and I heard more and more screams helplessly engulfed in the loud sound of landslides.

Under such circumstances, we are almost destined to escape this catastrophe!

But even then, I still didn't stop.

Even Liu Qinghan couldn't care about his injuries at this moment. The sounds in my ears are getting noisier, screams, roars, and even the heavy footsteps of everyone running back are echoing in my ears, mixed together, becoming more and more confused, the only thing I can distinguish, What I can hear is the sound of his heartbeat and breathing near him, which has almost covered up the screams of those people, and it has also let me get rid of the feeling of helplessness and despair. I feel he is struggling. I ran, the blood from the wound on my shoulder was almost swayed into the air, but was immediately steamed to dry with only a cloud of white smoke, but he still clenched his teeth, and even grabbed my wrist with his backhand, desperately Dashing forward.

But where can we go?

The earth is the most solid, and the greatest reliance on people since ancient times. I never thought that one day the ground could not be relied on, and it would even become a demon that devoured our lives.

Where can we escape?

I'm not alone in asking such questions. Everyone around me also realized that although I didn't speak, I watched the flames behind me growling and chasing after each other. The people around me fell into the sea of ​​fire and screamed dead. Despair is spreading among us.

In the end, there was almost only a persistent breath, which supported us to continue to move forward.

At this time, Xiao Yusheng was the most sober one. He ran back and said loudly, "Go to the east bank, go to the sea first!"

As soon as he said this, everyone was instantly energized.

He and Liu Qinghan, Xiao Wusheng, and Xue Muhua both landed on the island from the east coast, where it is the closest to here, and there are mountains on the back, at least in the current state, they can temporarily avoid the boulder and the rock on the top of the mountain. The sea of ​​fire, even if the entire mountain can not be maintained afterwards, we can jump into the sea, at least the cold water will be our last redemption!

However, when I thought of it, I subconsciously looked back to the west.

The rumbling noise there has not stopped.

The iron-faced king ’s cross-sea flying clouds should always be there. The most flames and boulders spewing from the mountains tumbled and fell toward the west. The people of the Sea Snake gang were stationed there after they landed on the island. They must have countless deaths and injuries. They have ships. I also want to get on the boat and leave the island.

So, the sound of gunfire there has not stopped.

Because at this time, the Iron King will wipe out everyone at once!

Thinking of this, I could not help fighting a shiver.

Liu Qinghan, who was supporting me, felt something different about me. He subconsciously looked down at me and saw me looking to the west. He seemed to understand what I was thinking, and whispered, "Let's go to the east and escape first Go out and talk. "


I nodded.

At this time, I do n’t have the time and mood to show any pity. Moreover, the Sea Snake Gang is indeed a group of evil pirates. With today, it should be said to be due.

It's just a bit miserable.

I couldn't help but think of the tragic scene I saw in the underground stone room before, my chest hurt, but I immediately threw those thoughts out of my mind and continued to fly forward.

Fortunately, we are a long way from the land of the island to the hiding place of the Frangipani artillery indicated by the fake map of Tiemenwang. Over the hill.

The sound of the waves was already close to my ears.

However, the moment before I saw the sea, I suddenly felt a panic.

Here, it is too close to the fire-breathing mountain pass, and the old man said that there was a small island before the fire broke out, and the surrounding sea water was boiled. Even if we fled into the sea, we could swim by manpower. How far?

After all, is it still impossible to escape?

Thinking of this, I almost stopped, but Liu Qinghan pulled me behind and walked forward.

On the face, I saw a vast, unfathomable ocean looking at the vastness, but there was still a dark sea. This half of the sky was not eroded by dark fog, and there was no swell of fire dragons. It was also faint and dim. The faint halo leaching from the clouds illuminated our eyes.

And in the most eastern place, where the sea and the sky meet, the dazzling light emanates from below the sea level, as if a huge white peacock flew beautiful and eye-catching feathers on the sea.

That is, the sun rises!

Seeing this scene, I was almost suffocated.

However, when the sun finally broke free from the retention of the sea level, when it slowly rises, it emits magnificent rays, illuminating the endless, undulating sea, and also the things appearing on the sea, I really Stifled.

To the east of Tianquan Island, on the mighty sea, a huge and incredible fleet appeared in front of us.

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