Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort

Chapter 963: The only people who can change my decision are--

I looked at the water under the bridge, but he kept looking at me, his eyes did not shift in the slightest: "You still want to share a room with me?"

I was silent and tacit.

He was silent for a while and said, "I thought-at least he appeared, and would make you change your decision."


I was a bit weak, and the hand holding the rough fence also exerted a little strength, only to support myself at this moment. I sighed and said slowly, "Yuan Xiu, I think you haven't figured it out yet."


"I said I wanted to share a room with you. This is a matter between our husband and wife and has nothing to do with anyone else."


"Whoever appears and who leaves will not change my decision."


"The only person who can change my decision is--" I looked up at him, but found that he had never seen such a dark color in his eyes, and even made me feel that there was no light in his eyes, and no Light can shine in.

At this moment, the feeling of weakness was even deeper.

I paused for a moment, turning around hurriedly, preparing to walk in to pack up my things, and suddenly a hand came out behind my back and grabbed my wrist, and the temperature was as hot as a soldering iron. , But I did n’t look back, I just held it tighter by that hand.

Hearing his heavy breathing, the hot wind dangled around my back neck, and it was already a bit hot, and it was more like a flame entangled at this moment.

But I still didn't break his hand and just stood so quietly.

In such quietness, you can even hear the busy footsteps of those servants in the distance, although I know that they have already protected Han Ruoshi and have traveled far away. Moreover, the place where the Han sisters live is separated from us by a grass field. It's impossible to hear them both again, but I don't know why, I just feel that my eyes and ears are full of their figures and their voices.

Thinking of this, my hands slightly earned.

Immediately, he clenched.

Then he heard his low voice sounding behind him: "You baby, you don't have to move out."


"There is your home. It belongs to you. You don't have to leave there."

My throat narrowed and I felt a soreness rising from the bottom of my heart. I couldn't help looking back at him and saw him looking at me calmly, saying, "I'll move out first."


"Since it's a matter between us, it can be resolved."


I didn't speak, but after taking a final look at him, I finally pulled the wrist that had been reddened by him from his palm and turned into the inner courtyard.


There are obviously people cleaning here every day, and there is even incense in the house. I have experienced wandering and trekking in these months. It is impossible to say that I am not tired. It is easy to return home. I naturally want to be secure. Rest steadily and take a hard sleep.

But I couldn't settle down and couldn't sleep.

During this time, and what happened on the pier today, it is doomed that the next days will not be calm. When I think about all this and figure out where I should go, I really can't sleep.

I believe many people are just like me.

I sat on the couch for a long time, but didn't wait for Lier to come back after watching Han Ruoshi-it seemed that she was very ill.

It would seem a bit redundant to visit now.

After thinking about it, I finally asked the maid to go to the bathroom and prepare hot water. I sat by the bath, because the bath soup was a little hot, I only soaked my calf, wrapped in a slightly thin body with a bath towel, and sat quietly. At the bath, think about what happened before.

Pei Yuanzhang has come to Jiangnan.

In the days before going to sea, I devoted my whole body and soul to having a child. What happens outside of the day, even in the wind and rain, was blocked from dripping, so I have no idea about the movement of the court I don't know how his new policy will be implemented.

But I know that he must go out to sea for the Folang machine gun.

Only such things can make the emperor move away from his solid imperial city in Beijing.

Obviously, the Folang machine artillery is a "lie" that has deceived too many people. From the performances of him and Pei Yuanxiu on the east side of the island, I already know that they have clarified the truth, so this trip, he was nothing. Run away-probably not a white run, anyway, Lier is his biological daughter, the princess of the royal family, and for him, it is not nothing.

The problem was that he didn't seem to plan to recognize Lier immediately.

At least on the dock, he was just asking Lier's opinion about "father", but he didn't tell her that the man standing in front of her was her father.

He didn't even want to take away.


With his character, shouldn't it be to take this princess who has been away for many years back immediately, and to recognize his ancestors?

Or does he suppress his character and do these unexpected things with other plans?

What are you going to do?


Countless thoughts and thoughts, like waves rising from the bottom of the sea, constantly rise in my heart, but they are always elusive.

I tossed in the warm bath soup for an hour, and the maids came in and came to see it several times. It seemed to be worried that I would be drowned when I fell asleep in the bath, and finally I felt soaked and exhausted. Let them help me dry my body, put on a thin stool and go back.

As soon as I went out, I saw that the sky above it was dark.

Walking back all the way in wet hair, I saw two maids standing at the door, serving Lili on weekdays. When they saw me, they hurriedly bowed to me.

I walked in doubt, and as soon as I entered the door, I saw a small figure lying on the bed.


"Mrs. Miss Li said she would come in to listen to his wife's instruction, but—"

Probably wait for me to sleepy.

I smiled slightly, waved my hand, let them go down, and then walked to the bed by myself. The girl didn't take off her clothes and slept on the bed. She slept like a pig and snorted softly.

I reached out and patted her on the shoulder: "Lier ..."

"Woohoo ..."

"Linger, if you want to sleep, undress and sleep again."


She grunted a little, then turned over and fell asleep towards the wall.

I sat a little speechless by the bed, looked at her for a while, finally sighed softly, and lay down against the bed myself.

I didn't feel comfortable sleeping. I even felt like I wasn't asleep at all, but I was struggling in the middle of a dream, and I felt like I was in the cold water, surrounded by tall ships, like walls blocking it The sunlight blocked my way; for a while, I felt like I was in a deep and rugged mountain road on Tianquan Island, and there was boiling fire under my feet, and I would swallow me at any time.


I opened my eyes suddenly.

The sun lit my eyes immediately, and my eyes became pale. I reached out and held my hands subconsciously, and when I looked back, I saw Lier lying on the bedside and staring at me with wide eyes. When I saw me sitting up, I immediately said, "Mother, you are awake!"

The thrilling memories of the dream made me a little embarrassed, and the moment I saw Lier's small face, it immediately made me find the realistic and supportable power.

I was relieved: "When did you wake up?"

"I woke up for a while, waiting for my mother to wake up."


"Mother, the time is coming."


"I'm going to Yangzhou today."


It took me a while to think about it, and then I remembered, right, Pei Yuanzhang is going to pick her up and play in Yangzhou today.

No wonder, she woke up so early, and she looked forward to it with all her spirits, right?

There was some uneasy emotion in my heart, especially looking at her bright eyes, it seemed that she was really looking forward to it. This was rarely seen in the past, even if she said she was going to marry Liu Qinghan Every time I saw Liu Qinghan, I didn't have the look I was looking forward to.

I could not help frowning: "Lier ..."

She blinked and looked at me.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and Lier went out to take a look. It was the maids holding hot water and towels to serve us.

I also blushed a bit. After all, it was a bit lazy than my daughter, so I immediately got out of bed, finished washing with Lier, and combed her head again. The maids had set up breakfast and a rich table of porridge He Cai, I accompanied Lier to eat some, but in the end there is no appetite, only half a bowl of porridge and put down the chopsticks.

After thinking about it, I asked a waitress who was always waiting: "Did the son have breakfast?"

"Madam's words have already been used."

"He, where was last night?"

"My son is in the study and doesn't sleep until very late."


At this time, Lier, who had been holding the bowl, looked up at me, and whispered, "Mother, because Lier fell asleep here last night, did Adie not sleep in the study? Is Lier not? it is good."

I glanced at her, shook her head with a smile, and stroked her head. "No, it has nothing to do with Lier."

"Then, why is Dad sleeping in the study?"

"He has his own business to consider."


Although Lier responded, it didn't seem to be completely persuaded by me, and looked at me with a little doubtful look, but without asking more, he lowered his head and drank the last porridge.

The maid waited quietly, and after leaving breakfast, we were all ready to get up, she whispered, "Mrs., do you want to speak to your son?"

I shook my head: "Let him sleep for a while. Since it is in the study, he must not sleep well. When he wakes up, tell him again."


After that, I took Li Li up and went out.

Who knows, as soon as I got out of the gate of the inner courtyard, I saw Pei Yuanxiu standing on the stone bridge, almost exactly the same place as where I was yesterday. He was wearing a thin gown. Feeling floating.

When Lili saw him, he ran up immediately: "A Dad!"

Pei Yuanxiu took her hand and said with a smile, "I woke up so early to go to Yangzhou?"


Lier nodded and looked up at him again: "They said that Dad went to bed in the study last night. Why did Dad wake up so early?"

His smile didn't change, but his eyes flickered a little, and he still smiled: "I know Lier is going to Yangzhou today, and Athete came to accompany you to the dock."

"Really? Great!"

By the time the two of them finished talking, I looked up, and I came to him.

His face did not look carefully, maybe he could not see it, but when I walked in front of him, I could see that the slightly pale face and dark corners of his eyes showed a kind of unnoticeable burnout.

He looked at me with a smile: "Early."

"Early." After that, I still couldn't help but said, "Why don't you take a little rest?"

"No, I wake up early."

At this time, Lier said, "Aye, it was because Lie took up Aye's bed last night, that ’s why Aye went to the study, right? Aye sorry, Lie won't be in the future. Last night was just too Sleepy……"

Pei Yuanxiu twisted her cheek with a smile, and then said, "It has nothing to do with Lier. Dad has some things to do, so he rests in the study."


Almost the same words as me, looked at him from a child, and looked at me again, the doubts in his eyes deepened.

Pei Yuanxiu laughed: "Ada has to think about a lot of things these days and can't stay with your mother. If Lier is a big girl who can take care of people, you should go to the inner courtyard to accompany your mother, OK?"

Li's eyes lit up immediately: "Really? That's good!"

Pei Yuanxiu laughed, and patted her face again, then looked up at me.

I glanced at him for a while, and for a while, both of them calmed down.

Then he smiled.

I also smiled.

It ’s too late to delay. I went with him to take the child out, and the carriage was already ready. Three people got on the same carriage. The carriage is actually very large, but the child must be in his arms. Holding his arm and holding my sleeve with one hand, as a result, all three people were piled up in a small place, which was inevitably a little crowded.

As the carriage moved forward, it bumped slightly, but Lier shook her head happily, and suddenly remembered something like, saying, "A father, is Aunt Ruoshi better now?"

My heart fluttered with the bumping wheel under the car.

Pei Yuanxiu's face sank slightly.

And I held my breath at this time.

For a while, although the three of them did not speak, the atmosphere in the car was quiet, and all of a sudden, the only **** sounded when the wheels bumped on the road, some monotonous.

Lier still looked at him, but gradually, he seemed to feel something, and said gently, "A father, is Aunt Ruoshi's illness better?"

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