Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort

Chapter 996: Who is the third person you said?

I felt his breath sink at this moment, and the hand that had been stroking my back, which helped me slowly, also stopped.

Then he looked up and looked at me.

I also looked at him, my eyes flickering in the sway of the candlelight.

"No one else between us, right?"

I repeated it, before he answered, he said, "There won't be a third person between us, right?"

He took a deep breath, and the hot breath slowly cooled down at this moment.

He said, "You said, who is the third person?"

I bit my lower lip, but this time there was no longer any concealment, and the name was clearly stated: "Han Ruoshi."


He didn't speak, but just looked at me silently, but after a long silence, he used a cold scent that was completely different from now, "but I said Liu Qinghan."


My face sank, and I bit my lower lip subconsciously.

He still looked at me, but his eyes gradually became hot.

After a while, I said, "Why mention him?"

"Because he is this person."

I bit my lower lip tighter: "You said, he is the third person between us?"

"Is not it?"


This time, the two of them were silently surprised. I looked at him, his eyes became heavier and colder, and his body seemed to feel that at this moment I was motionless, but it came from my heart. Resisted, slowly propped up, and sat on the bed.

I barely propped myself up with my weak but weak hand, leaned on the bedside, and looked at him quietly.

"Why him?"

"Why is he?" He heard my question, the light in his eyes was almost broken, and I even felt that his heartbeat was chaotic at this moment, and there was a flame that could not be expressed and could not be released in his body. Burning, he suddenly stood up and walked into the room. Even without saying a word, the back showed a great deal of anxiety, and then he turned and walked back quickly: "Why is he--"

He looked up and took a deep breath, as if suppressing something stiffly, and then looked down at me: "Because you never forget him!"

My face paled at this moment.

"I do not have."

"You have! When you are with me, every moment and every moment, I can feel that you are still thinking of him, no matter where we go, no matter what I have experienced with you, I can feel He is between me and you, because in your heart you never put him down! "


"Whatever you do, it's all for him!"

His voice became sharp, and he looked back at me: "At the time he and Yuan Zhen were accused of marrying, you cried all night under the lamp for him!"


"You left me for him!"


"You took Lier to Jixiang Village for a whole year and it was for him!"


Every time he said, the hasty words pierced into my chest like a steel knife, my face became paler and weaker, and his eyes became more and more confused. His purity was as clean as ever At this moment, I was tangled up with him and the man's passion and relationship, and I even heard his disordered breathing, like my messy heartbeat at this moment.

He finally looked at me, his eyes were almost flushed: "You laughed for him and cried for him, because he lost his memory, you made up your mind to marry me, and because he and you fell apart at sea, you have to share with me , Unwilling to have our two children ... how do you make me believe that we are without him? "

He finally stared at me, saying hardly: "Every time I hold you, you close your eyes, do you want to escape at all, when you have nowhere to run, you simply—"

He said here, as if there was also a knife pierced into his chest, the kind of pain that struck him as if the whole person was torn, I can clearly see from his eyes.

This time, I gritted my teeth and got off the bed. Messy clothes barely covered my pink skin, leaving him with countless traces of joy. When I stepped barefoot on the cold ground, a cold chill The soles of the feet have risen to my heart. I didn't tremble, but at this moment my heartbeat leaked countlessly, then looked up at him, and slowly said, "Go on."


"What are you going to say? Tell me."


He looked down at me, and after a long silence, stepped forward and walked in front of me. Reaching out and holding my face, the still hot lips fell on my cold lips, and I burned a kiss.

Then, he pressed my lips and looked into my eyes: "When I kissed you, who do you think was kissing you?"

"Is Pei Yuanxiu?"


"Or do you think of me as him at all?"

"Slap!" I waited, waiting for him to finish the sentence, but when he finished the last word, I raised my hand severely and gave him a slap.

On a quiet night, the empty room, a slap in the face like a thunder, blew between me and him.

"Pei Yuanxiu, you bastard!"

He froze all over, staring at me with wide eyes.

After that slap in the face, I just looked at him with a resentful look and turned to leave, but when I just walked to the door to open the door, the rapid footsteps behind him had caught up behind him. Holding my wrist: "Green baby!"

I gritted my teeth, endured the pain of rotten epithelium on my shoulders, and had to go out, but couldn't even struggle. He pulled me back forcefully, and at this moment, I couldn't hold back the anger in my heart completely. As he was about to fall into his **** again, watching his hands grab my wrist, I beat him fiercely like crazy.

"You bastard! Pei Yuanxiu, you bastard!"

I was scolding fiercely and struggling hard, he grabbed my wrist, but at this moment I was completely out of control, and even attacked him with his own body and rammed him, he was frightened and let go of me His hands, his hands around my waist, held me in his arms.

Without mercy, I punched him in the chest.

boom__! boom__! boom__!

The sound sounded like a thunderous thunder in my ears, but I have completely lost my mind, and even started kicking him fiercely with his feet, but he stood in front of me like a mountain, holding the rings around my waist and imprisoned My body's arms did not loosen, although I ate pain and a painful expression on my face, I didn't say a word at all, I just held it with my teeth.

I do not know how long it has been.

Slowly, my breathing became heavy.

My hands also became weak after repeated beatings.

The pain that hit him seemed to be imposed on me as well. I just felt that I was also in great pain, tears burst out, and once again *** cheeks, the tears on my face made me look even more Wolverine.

In the end, my two hands rested on his chest, supporting my crippled body.

He looked at me and it took a long time before he finally exhaled.

Then he reached out his hand and reached my cheek. The fingertips just touched my cheek, and he immediately got wet.

"Green baby __"

What he was about to say, I wanted to wave his hand, but this time, he grabbed my wrist and pulled it hard. The whole person seemed to have lost the traction puppet, without any struggling strength, fell Into his arms.

The chest that had just been beaten by me surrounded me again.

I still wanted to struggle, but he didn't give me the opportunity at all, and he clung to my body with both hands, holding me tightly, as if to put my body into his body, never again Give me a chance to leave.

Tears, flowing from his eyes, immediately soaked into his shirt, and soon smashed his chest.

I cried silently, and gradually fell down in his arms.


He finally spoke, but he was clearly hesitant in his voice.

He stretched out a hand, stroking my back gently, completely without the coldness just now, but so unreal and gentle, "Sorry ..."

I listened to his heartbeat, and I didn't know how long it took before I finally calmed myself, but my throbbing heart didn't calm down at all, but in the sound of his heartbeat, it became more and more disordered. I didn't even dare to look up at his eyes, just put it on his chest, and asked, "Have you always thought this way?"


"From the day I married you?"


He was silent and didn't speak, but I knew he had acquiesced.

It turns out that ...

It turned out that he had been skeptical since our wedding night, and his heart had never been secure.

So every time when he hugs me in a passion, he always keeps calling me his name, over and over, tirelessly, be sure to scream his name into a hoarse voice, even in his hug Lost consciousness before he gave up.

I thought he just wanted to hear me calling his name, I thought it was just his tenderness, but it turned out that it wasn't ...

He thought I would treat him as Liu Qinghan, and every time I closed my eyes, he thought, I would think of him as a substitute for Liu Qinghan, so every time he hugged, he would make me shout repeatedly His name was because he wanted me to know clearly that the person holding me was him.

Thinking of this, more tears fell from my eyes.

He seemed to feel a deeper wetness on his chest. He lowered his head gently, looked at my tearful eyes, and seemed to want to say something, but in the end he didn't say a word, just tightened his His arms clasped me in his arms.

I said, "If you really think he's an obstacle between us, why did I still marry you?"

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