In order to avoid their emotional excitement, they beat others, so they didn't pay any attention to Tang Xiaoxiao

On the riverside of the moat, the car stopped.

"Here we are..." Said the driver.

Hearing this, Tang Xiaoxiao's mind was blank.

Although it's spring now, it's still cold at night. As you can imagine, the river is even colder.

If people are thrown into it, they will freeze to death.

Tang Xiaoxiao immediately struggled again and roared, "you let go of me, you hanging wires. Do you know how cold the water is below? If you freeze my body, can you afford to pay for your hanging wires?"

When several security guards heard this, they were even more angry.

A security guard in the back seat got out of the car directly, quickly carried her on her shoulder and scolded, "fuck, you're the one who's lost, you fool

The next second, the security guard is carrying her to the river.

At this time, the wind by the river was very strong, and it was a little biting cold.

Without saying a word, the security guard threw her directly into the river.

"Bang..." A sound, the original calm picture, splashed a good layer of water.

When the whole body was engulfed by the river, Tang Xiaoxiao felt that he was about to freeze to death.

Chilling, instant erosion of the whole body, let her shiver.

She struggled to keep herself from sinking.

Fortunately, she can swim, otherwise, in such deep water, she will be drowned directly.

In the water, struggling, swimming

For a long time, until she shivered with cold, she got to the shore.

On the shore, the security guards have been watching the show.

Everyone's face, with a proud smile.

Seeing their faces, Tang Xiaoxiao really wanted to rush to the front and beat them all.

When, this group of Yue Kang dirty security, also deserve to laugh at her?

When I used to follow Xu Jindou, these dirty smelly men of yuekang didn't even have the qualification to see her!

With a shivering body, she climbed directly to the shore.

The moment she landed, the cold wind came directly to her face, which made her even colder.

The limbs have been eroded by the cold river, so stiff

She tried hard to climb forward, but she couldn't.

When several security guards saw this picture, they couldn't help coming up to her, looking down at her and laughing

"You You You You People laugh Laugh Laugh What What What Well, still Also Also No, send me back Go home? " Tang Xiaoxiao said in a cold voice, and his voice was shivering. His upper and lower teeth were constantly shaking and colliding.

The security guards gave her a cold look and laughed again. Then they left and got into the car

Then they left.

In this way, she was mercilessly left by the river and in the wild.

"You You don't leave, you stop What shall I do if you leave me here like this? " Tang Xiaoxiao roared at the car that was far away.

Subconsciously to touch their bags, want to take the mobile phone, but the bag is gone

I think it must have just fallen into the river.

Just now, the situation was too special for her to take care of her bag

It's over.

She knows she's done

Mobile phone bag, all gone

How she's going to get back.

It's hard to find a car in this place where there's no shit.

Do you want her to drag her frozen body back to the city?

How could it be? How many hours would she have to walk if she walked?

Normal people can't do it. What's more, she is frozen

At this moment, she really felt desperate.

A burst of piercing cold wind came to her face, which made her feel the pain of being blown all over her body.

Tonight's wind, more cold than ever, like a knife, mercilessly cutting her skin.

She's really in pain and cold.

She felt so vulnerable and helpless.

Tears, in an instant, can't help falling down.

At this moment, she really regretted it.

I regret that I should not go to Gu Yifei to show off my work this evening.

If we ignored Gu Yifei directly, she would not come to such an end now.

Not only was he dumped by his rich boyfriend, but also Was thrown into the cold moat riverAll this is because of Gu Yifei.

It's all because of Gu Yifei.

If she did not tell song Mingyang what she had done, she would not have come to such a miserable end

Gu Yifei!!! Gu Yifei!!! Gu Yifei!!!

From before to now, Gu Yifei is so disgusting, so hateful.

She really hates Gu Yifei.

I hate that girl.

She began to swear in her heart: "Gu Yifei, one day, if I climb on your head, or if you are jilted by song Mingyang and become a Phoenix, then I, Tang Xiaoxiao, will return everything you added to me.

"Gu Yifei, I will never forget what happened to me tonight You wait for me. Don't be complacent. Life is full of ups and downs. One day, you will be thrown away by song Mingyang. At that time, I will clean you up and make you miserable! " Tang Xiaoxiao said word by word, with hatred in his eyes.

The frozen and purplish hands were also directly clenched into fists

Difficult to get up, she bit by bit to support their rigid body, step by step, toward the front.

Even if the road ahead, no matter how far, she must insist on going on

She had to go back to the city, to her villa, and take a hot bath.

Otherwise, she will die here.

She was determined not to let herself die here. Before Gu Yifei had bad luck, she would certainly live well.

Only living can we have a chance to kill Gu Yifei

Here, Tang Xiaoxiao walks against the wind. On the other side, Gu Yifei is drinking with song Mingyang and watching the performance

Looking at Gu Yifei drinking a lot, song Mingyang said, "I ordered a bottle of fruit wine for you tonight. You are almost finished. If you are drunk, I don't care about you..."

That's what he said, but how can he really ignore it?

Gu Yifei said with a smile, "because it's delicious, it's the first time to drink such delicious fruit wine..."

"Good? After a while, the strength of the wine comes up, and you will know how bad the wine is. " Song Mingyang road.

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