Until now, Lan Lan's brain has been in a state of being encircled.

Now, he is even more hoodwinked than when he knew that Meng Yaodong liked himself.

Mainly, she didn't expect that he could be so direct, so high-profile, so high-profile to show love in front of 200000 people at her concert.

She really didn't think of it.

Never dreamed of it.

She wanted to speak, but at this moment, she was too nervous to say a word.

Tears, but unconsciously flowing out of the eyes.

Because excited, because moved.

All over the sky flower rain, is still going on, as if will never stop the same.

The huge stage is as romantic and beautiful as it was at the beginning.

The audience under the stage kept shouting.

Everyone was shouting at her neatly, "promise him, promise him, promise him..."

They clapped their palms, beat the rhythm, and yelled at the people on the stage.

In such a big scene, how can she be calm and not excited.

Looking at Lan Lan's silence, Meng Yaodong once again said, "Lan Lan, I'm here today in front of 200000 people. I promise and swear to you that as long as you are with me, I will love you and protect you all my life. I won't let you suffer any injustice. I'll be your towering tree and shelter you from the wind and rain..."

"If I can't, I'm willing to fight five thunders in the sky..."

"To tell you the truth, it's the first time in my life that I love a woman so much. Before you appeared, I always thought that no woman in this world could move me and make me settle down..."

"I used to feel like a bird without feet. I can only fly freely in the sky, but I can't stay there. But since I met you, I found that I'm not. Originally, I would like to settle down. Originally, I wanted to stay for you..."

"Lan Lan promise me, let me take care of you, let me love you deeply, let me spoil you, all my life, OK?"

Meng Yaodong continued to speak word by word.

At this time, the audience have been moved to tears.

On the VIP table, jingbao'er, song Mingyang and Gu Yifei were all red eyed.

Even Jing Rong, who is always cold, has red eyes.

"Promise him!"

"Promise him!"

"Promise him!"

The audience under the stage, shouting, shouting, more deafening than ever!

At this moment, there are more than 200000 people in the huge stadium. Everyone has only one wish, that is, Lan Lan agrees to Meng Yaodong's courtship.

Everyone hopes that LAN LAN can be with Meng Yaodong.

"Lan Lan, talk to me, will you promise me?"

"As long as you promise me, I will make you happy forever."

"All the words Meng Yaodong said today are true. You must believe me from the bottom of your heart..."

"I used to be a jerk, but now, because of you, I have really changed. Please believe me and give yourself to me, OK?"

Meng Yaodong once again said word by word.

At this time, Lan Lan's brain has gradually returned to normal

Her expression was not as stiff as it had been.

After wiping her tears, she nodded directly to Meng Yaodong.

Seeing her nodding, Meng Yaodong was directly shocked.

Because he didn't expect that Lan Lan would be here. In front of so many people, he nodded and promised him.

To tell you the truth, at the beginning, he had no confidence in himself.

He always thought that the possibility of success in his courtship was not so high.

Now seeing Lan Lan nodding, he couldn't believe his eyes.

At the same time, the huge gymnasium was boiling all of a sudden.

Everyone began to cheer and shout wildly

I don't know who it is. I brought the rhythm first.

Then, the following began to go crazy, shouting, "kiss one, kiss one, kiss one!"

Soon, everyone stood up, facing the stage, shouting like this, shouting like crazy.

At the scene, everyone stood up except Jing Rong, who was inconvenient.

This confession brought the audience's excitement to the top.

Meng Yaodong did not get up in a hurry to kiss LAN LAN. Instead, he held the microphone tightly and asked carefully, "you Lan Lan You You just nodded, didn't you? I'm not wrong, am I? I didn't dream, did I? You really agreed to me? Is that true? "Meng Yaodong's words made the audience laugh.

Everyone felt that Meng Yaodong was so interesting.

Lan Lan took the microphone in his hand, wiped the tears on his face again, looked at him and said, "yes, you didn't dream, you didn't read it wrong, brother Dong, I nodded, I'm willing to promise you..."

"In fact, before you told me, I realized that you might like me. Later, I told bao'er my doubts. At that time, bao'er was sure that you did like me, and then she began to persuade me to be with you To tell you the truth, at that time, I felt so confused that I didn't know how to choose... "

"But after careful consideration these days, I finally decided to be with you, because I think you can give me a sense of security, and I also think you can make me happy..."

Lan Lan said word by word, "maybe I don't like you so much now, but I am willing to cultivate feelings with you. I believe that in this world, there is not only love at first sight, but also love for a long time. I believe that in the future, I will love you as much as you love me..."

Lan Lan's words made Meng Yaodong burst into tears.

A big man.

All Z country famous diamond Wang Laowu.

A man who used to be in love and rebellious can't cry at this moment.

Everyone under the stage was shocked by the scene.

Including LAN LAN on the stage, it's the same.

She immediately wiped her tears and bent down to help him up.

But it can't.

He has been kneeling on one knee, constantly crying, looking very excited.

With a tearful smile, Lan Lan slowly knelt down in front of him and said, "brother Dong, get up first. If you have any words, let's talk about it after stepping down."

Meng Yaodong immediately hugged Lan Lan

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