"No Miss Jing, there's still no clue, no news. It's like the world has evaporated... "

Hearing this, Jing bao'er immediately took a deep breath, grabbed the part of his heart where he was constantly stinging and said, "OK, I see If you have any news, please call me immediately... "

"I know, Miss Jing, don't worry..." The other side said, "in fact, you don't need to call me every day. If you have any news, I'll let you know as soon as possible Miss Jing, you don't need to worry too much. No news now is the best news... "

During this period of time, everyone comforted her with the same lines.

She is fed up with such lines.

She just hung up the phone and looked at Song Limei and said, "Mom, don't cry. Go out first. I want to start working..."

Song Li Mei nodded and said, "well, don't cry. You work hard first. I'll take you out for a walk in the afternoon. Now that you are like this, I feel that I still need to go out for a walk and relax..."

But Jing Baoer immediately shook his head. "I don't want to go out. Now I have a lot of work waiting for me to do..."

Song Li Mei sighed, caressed Jing bao'er's face and said, "silly girl, work is important, your body and your mood are also very important You work first, and go out with your mother in the afternoon to relax. If you stay in this office like this, it's easy to suffocate... "

After hearing the words, Jing bao'er nodded.

I know song Limei's temper.

Song Limei is very persistent. If she doesn't agree, she will try her best to pull her out in the afternoon.

Seeing that Jingbao nodded, song Limei gave her a dry smile. Then she hugged her and comforted her, "that afternoon, I'll take you out shopping. We'll go shopping. After shopping, we'll be in a better mood Then I'll take you to the amusement park and play those exciting projects... "

"Well, you go out first..."

Song Limei didn't speak, just quietly let go of jingbao'er, carrying the tray, and left directly.

After watching Song Li Mei leave, Jing bao'er's mood collapses again.

All the frailty and sadness, just like an appointment, ran out collectively.

One couldn't help it, so she began to lie on the table again and burst into tears.

These days, she can't remember how many times she broke down and cried

I really can't remember.

It's like this two or three times a day

Today, it is the tenth day that Jingrong has disappeared.

It's been so long that he still hasn't heard from him.

It seems that it's really bad luck.

If I live, I will always contact her

But there is still no news

She really wants to know where he is now.

Is it alive or dead.

She feels like she's really dying every day.

It's like being in hell.

If she can, she really hopes to die soon.

Dead, no longer have to think so much, do not know sad.

"Fourth uncle Fourth uncle Where on earth are you? I'm really going crazy. If you don't show up again, bao'er will go crazy. Bao'er really can't keep on... "

"Fourth uncle, bao'er really miss you. Didn't you say that you want to protect bao'er for a lifetime? You said that you want to build a heaven for bao'er and let bao'er live in the heaven you give for a lifetime..."

"Didn't you say that? You will be with me all your life... "

"Fourth uncle, you can't break your promise. You are a big man. You must keep your word..."

"Fourth uncle, I beg you, please come back quickly. As long as you can come back, I am willing to do whatever you want. Even if I want to exchange my own life for yours, I am willing to..."

She said word by word.

While out of control, wanton crying, while saying.

At the end, she felt weak and hoarse. Then she stopped, wiped away her tears, sobbed and went on working with tears

After crying, the work will continue.

No matter how hard it is, we should help that man and keep his country.

For the prosperity of this land, this man has paid too much effort.

She must keep all this for the man while he is away.

Must not make any fork

When she comes back, she will give him everything, the original.


Three days later, Jingrong still had no news at all.He really seems to have evaporated.

On this day, jingbao'er went back to the master bedroom after dinner.

Into the room, looking at the bright big room, her heart again began to painfully.

Every time I walked in here before, I could see the man sitting at the head of the bed, handling official business with his iPad.

But now, I can't see it at all.

In the air, it seems that there is still the breath of the man. In front of me, the man's face is still so clearly visible.

But the man, at the moment, did not know where he had gone.

That man has been gone for 13 days

Supporting her weak body, she walked to the head of the bed step by step, learned his posture, sat down, and her legs naturally overlapped.

Then she picked up the Chinese cigarettes that men often smoke on the bedside table.

Lighting one, she drew deeply.

Smoking the man's favorite cigarette and smelling the familiar tobacco breath, she can close her eyes and deceive herself. The man is still by her side.

Only in this way, constantly self paralysis, constantly self hypnosis, she would not, suddenly because of heartache, and completely faint

After smoking a cigarette and slowly opening your eyes, the dream is over

Looking at the empty room, her heart pained again.

There is no way to describe such heartache.

It's the first time that she's grown up. It hurts like this.

The feeling at this time is more serious when it is separated from Jingrong

Unable to fall on the bed, her whole body curled up into a ball, because of weakness, so shivering

God knows how broken and miserable she is now

"Dong Dong Dong --"

there was a knock on the door.

She instantly came back to her senses, wiped away her tears, got up, sat down beside the bed, and then said to the door, "please come in..."

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