There are more and more busy pedestrians running for life.

Breeze bursts, blowing from the face, blowing jingbaoer hair micro motion.

Daimei frowned. She looked at Yeming with a serious face and said, "in a moment, you and I will take some people to the sunset Island secretly to inquire about the situation, first touch the terrain of the island, and then, when we come back, we can draw a specific map and draw up a detailed plan Before I go, I'll go to the president of F country to help transfer a military submarine for us to use... "

When Yeming heard the words, he immediately nodded respectfully, "yes, Miss Jing, I mean it, just Why don't you go? I'll take other people with me. After we have talked about the situation and drawn the route map, you can go with us the next time we carry out the task... "

"As I said, I'll do everything myself. You can't remember, can you? As I said, you don't need to take special care of me. I can do what you can do. Although I'm a woman, I'm not inferior to you masters. Even these people you bring may not be as strong as me... "

"I don't think it's all because I don't trust you to go with me. I'm also worried about you. Miss Jing, you'll come with us next time, won't you?" The night is careful to test.

Even though he knew that Jing bao'er was very powerful, he was still not at ease. She followed them directly to inquire about the situation.

After thinking about it, he still felt that it would be better for Jingbao to follow him next time.

By that time, we had made clear what was happening on the island. In this way, we could avoid her getting involved in some dangerous areas.

If something happens to Jing bao'er, he really can't explain it to Jing Rong.

But Jing Baoer immediately said firmly, "no, I have to go. I said I want to go. If I want to do it myself, I will do it myself. Brother Yeming, don't nag. I have a headache when you nag..."


"Well, well, don't be, Yeming. I'll tell you. It's an order. You have to obey. Do you understand?" Jing bao'er said, "you are directly under my command. Now my fourth uncle is not here. I am acting as president instead of my fourth uncle. So now, you have to obey me, and you have to obey me, OK? You can do what I say. You just have to obey, and you don't have to raise any objection... "

Hearing the speech, Yeming immediately sighed helplessly, then bowed his head respectfully, "OK, if this will make you feel comfortable, that's it. I will obey your order, Miss Jing..."

Jing bao'er nodded with satisfaction, "that's necessary. Let's go. Go down now. Take a few less people first. Go and have a look..."

Yeming nodded respectfully and did not dare to say a word.

Following Jingbao's steps, they went downstairs.

After selecting ten people with better skills, Jing Baoer took them directly to the presidential palace of F country.

With the help of the president, he transferred a military submarine. Jing Baoer took you directly to the military submarine base of country F. he drove the submarine himself and drove you to the destination

At least she has been in country f for two years. Where is sunset island? She doesn't need to look at the map, so she can quickly find it

In the driver's seat, Jing bao'er is wearing a black diving suit and skillfully driving a military submarine. Every movement is extremely standard and fluent.

Looking at Jing bao'er like this, he was wearing the same diving suit in the co pilot's seat. He couldn't help praising him immediately, "Miss Jing, you are really omnipotent. You can fly not only airplanes, but also submarines Who says women are inferior to men You are really better than ordinary masters At the end of the day, there are few masters who can drive submarines... "

Hearing Yeming's praise, jingbao'er immediately turned to look at him and said, "but I can drive anything now, thanks to my fourth uncle. In the past, he taught me how to drive submarines and tanks, and it's because he laid some foundation for me So after I came to f country, when I received the driving training of these things, I was able to train my driving skills to a first-class level so quickly... "

Hearing the speech, Yeming couldn't help praising again, "it's mainly because you are more talented. You are really the most talented girl I've ever seen..."

Jingbao'er said, "in fact, it's just that I'm hard-working and studious In fact, I often feel that I may have put in the wrong tire at the beginning, because I don't care about many things that girls are rare to me. What I am rarest about is airplanes, artillery, warships, submarines, tanks and so on... "

"Can you fly a warship?" Asked the night.

"As I said, now as long as it's something that people can drive, I will I can do a lot of things that can't be driven by people and manipulated by data, such as UAV manipulation and so on. " Jing bao'er said again.Smell speech, night night night to Jing Baoer's admiration of feeling, increased a few minutes again.

Even a little bit adored her.

If it wasn't for what I saw and heard, who would believe that this thin and weak girl had so much energy hidden in her body and so much ability

"I can't help admiring you. I don't know many things..." Night dark way.

"Don't worship me I have nothing to worship. There are more powerful women than me in this world... "

"But you're the best I've ever seen..." Night dark way.

Seriously, she's the most powerful woman he's ever seen.

It's like, Almighty


It seems that nothing can be difficult to get the woman in front of you

"How can I be so powerful? Compared with my fourth uncle, I'm still far behind. My fourth uncle is really powerful. He can do everything. It seems that there is nothing that my fourth uncle can't do in the world..."

When I think of Jingrong, Jingbao's eyes are red again.

Eye pain is severe, tears, soon can't help but flow out.

Seeing that Jing bao'er was crying, Yeming delivered the tissue quickly and said, "don't be like this, Miss Jing. You are always like this. Sishao can't come back. You have to cheer up Cheer up, for a while, we have to carry out a difficult task. Don't cry. It's easy to affect your sight if you cry. "

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