Jing bao'er nodded, then couldn't help taking a breath of air conditioner

"In fact, you really shouldn't have come..." Night and night.

"I think I should come. Even when I get to this stage, I don't think I shouldn't come..."

Jingbao'er's words made Yeming sigh, "you really love Sishao Love to the bone "

" well, stop chatting. Let's focus. " Jing bao'er said again.

Yeming gave a hum, and then stopped talking. She kept staring at her feet and the branches full of Bungarus and cobras

Next, jingbao'er and Yeming don't talk to each other.

Just quietly, step by step forward.

The more you go forward, the more snakes there are

Two people, the more they walk, the more difficult it is

The road ahead is full of danger.

Yeming suddenly stops and looks at jingbao'er with a serious face. He says, "otherwise, you can go back the same way. I always think it's very dangerous ahead..."

Jing bao'er immediately frowned and looked ahead. The road was almost full of snakes

On that road, there are almost all Bungarus, and the space for them to get involved is very small. They have to be more careful.

Jing bao'er was afraid, but she still shook her head firmly, "no I'm going to continue to walk with you. I believe it's good to cross this dense forest... "

Yeming immediately frowned, "but now the problem is that there are more and more snakes in front of him, and the more he goes forward, the more snakes there will be At that time, the situation will be more and more dangerous, more and more dangerous. I don't want you to follow me to take risks. You go back first and let me go to the front to explore the way. You are in the hotel. Just wait for me to report the situation to you... "

However, Jing bao'er shook his head firmly again and looked around at the branches full of poisonous snakes. His attitude was extremely firm. "No, I'll stick to it to the end. I won't be afraid of what you're not afraid of. For my fourth uncle, I will stick to it to the end..."

Ye Ming knows Jing bao'er's temper, and he's against it. It's useless.

So he sighed and said, "well, let's be careful..."

Jing Baoer nodded.

"You are so stubborn. There is nothing you can do..." The night sighs.

Then, step by step, he carefully pulled jingbao'er and walked forward.

Two people, concentrate, one looking at the foot, one looking at the side

The cooperation is very tacit

It's a lot better to go through the dense area of Bungarus multicinctus and go ahead

Surprisingly, there are not many snakes ahead.

Less than when I first entered the dense forest

When Jing bao'er and Yeming saw this, they immediately took a long breath and said, "it seems that we are worried too much. In front of us, it is not too dangerous..."

"We can't say that. If we don't get out of this dense forest, we will never know whether we are really out of danger..." Night and night.

Then he took a look at the compass and went on with Jing bao'er

Jingbao'er is to let the night pull his sleeve, step by step with the night.

Recalling the road she had just walked with Yeming, she still felt numb.

In front of me, although there are piles of poisonous snakes occasionally, it's really much better than before

Their nerves don't need to be as tight as they were just now.

"When I think of the swarms of Bungarus multicinctus just now, I feel that my scalp is numb and I'm scared out of fear..." Jing Baoer sighs.

When she came to a branch with two Bungarus, she bent down with Yeming, crossed the branch calmly and continued to walk forward

After seeing the real snake pile, she was not afraid of the occasional few or the occasional pile of Bungarus.

After experiencing the extreme danger, people will no longer be afraid of the general dangerous situation.

If you go ahead, you can't see the poisonous snake.

Only a few non poisonous snakes occasionally appear on the branches

Under the foot of the grass, there are no poisonous snakes.

This time, their tense nerves were completely relaxed

"It seems that the road ahead is much easier than the one we just walked. But Miss Guo Jing, we still have to work hard and be very careful. After all, an oversight here may kill us..." Night dark way.

Jing Baoer nodded.

Yeming didn't speak any more. He just quickly took out his walkie talkie and asked other people, "how are you? Are you all ok? Please reply when you receive, please reply when you receive, over... "Next, there will be a steady stream of voices from our teammates.

Everyone reported their names one after another, and said that they were safe, and told them to be careful.

Hearing the news that everyone was safe, Yeming was relieved.

So is Jing Baoer.

"It seems that these people organized by Black Hawk are more powerful than I expected..." Night and night.

Jing bao'er nodded, "yes They are all real men, real men... "

Then, she went on, with a serious face, following Yeming and walking forward

If you go a little further, you can't see the snake at all.

You can't see it on the branches or in the grass.

This time, jingbao'er and Yeming's mood became more relaxed.

Walking to a wet open space with no grass, jingbao'er breathes a long breath, looks at Yeming and says, "finally, I can't see the snake, Yeming little brother..."

Yeming nodded, "um..."

As soon as the man's voice fell, there was a commotion in the thick grass around him.

It sounds like a big snake sliding inside.

At that moment, jingbao'er and Yeming were both in a flash, tightening their nerves

What is the situation? Is there a more dangerous situation waiting for them?

Take a deep breath, two people immediately look at the sound source at the same time

I saw a huge black boa constrictor wriggling in the dense grass

The python bared its teeth and wriggled very fast, about 20 meters long It's thicker than a man's waist

This is the first time in her life that she has seen such a boa constrictor. Seeing this picture, she feels numb in her scalp

Without waiting for her to react with Yeming, the boa constrictor rushed madly towards them with lightning speed

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