Jing bao'er said as she took a hard step towards the front.

Without receiving Yeming's response, jingbao'er knows that Yeming has completely passed out.

So, he didn't say anything more, just went on, carrying Yeming on his back, walking towards the front

Go a little further and you'll start to meet the viper.

Bungarus Bungarus


There are even many kinds of poisonous snakes

If we go further ahead, we will begin to face the extreme danger.

She's a little out of strength.

To tell you the truth, although she spoke with Yeming very firmly, she didn't have any confidence in herself.

In fact, she doesn't know whether she can live with Yeming, meet her teammates, and then walk out of this secret forest

She really doesn't know.

But now, in this situation, she just can't care about it, thinking too much

Now, the only thing she wants to do is to do everything to save Yeming's life.

That's all.

As for other things, she didn't want to think about it at all. She thought about it again

The more you go forward, the more physical you feel.

Hands, feet, legs, are numb.

It's getting harder and harder to move forward.

Carrying the night, she walked hard as before, step by step.

At the same time, I kept praying in my heart -

"God, please give me strength. Let me walk out of this dense forest with my little brother Yeming. Please give me unlimited strength. I don't want to die here with him..."

"God, I sincerely implore you to protect us from this disaster..."

While praying in her heart, she walked forward

If you have not guessed wrong, you just need to go one meter further, and you will start to meet the poisonous snake.

To tell you the truth, she was really timid in her heart.

After all, just now, all the way through, those pictures, are too creepy.

She had no confidence in herself.

The closer to the danger zone, the less confident she was.

But even so, she still insisted on cheering herself up and telling herself, "Jingbao, come on, you can..."

She always firmly believes that as long as she wants to do something, there will be nothing that can't be done, there will be nothing that can't be persisted

"Come on, jingbao'er, I believe you can. In the past, you survived so many bloody battles in the hail of bullets. So many times, you can survive. I believe that this time, you can also..."

"Jingbao'er, I believe that there is nothing you can't do in this world..."

Jing bao'er, word by word, is constantly implying himself in her heart

When you are in despair, when you doubt yourself, you can give yourself a self suggestion full of positive energy. Often, you can be filled with courage from the bottom of your heart.

This self suggestion means that she began to feel as if she had some strength again

As she breathed deeply, she adjusted her mood.

Next, the road that I will take is extremely dangerous.

So, she must adjust her mind quickly.

Without a good attitude, we can't spend that dangerous journey safely.

Just half a meter away from the danger zone, jingbao'er stops and takes a deep breath again

As soon as he was ready to step forward, he continued to walk forward. Behind him, there was the sound of many people crossing the grass

One by one, so noisy

Her heart came up to her throat in an instant

Because I don't know whether the people who come here are enemies or friends

Turning around, she went immediately.

When she saw the person in front of her, her heart was immediately put back to its original position

It's my teammate.

Not the enemy

"God helps me, too..." Jingbao'er said to herself in silence.

At this time, to see his teammates, Jing bao'er's mood, not to mention how excited.

At this moment, the group of people who came quickly towards themselves seemed to her like the warm sun.

In an instant, it lit up all the dark corners in her heart

They are the sunshine, which can dry all the uneasiness and fear in her heart.

Soon, one couldn't help but shed tears of excitement.At this time, in despair, to be able to see their teammates, this feeling is really great, great, great

Tears, gradually blurred the line of sight, she took a deep breath, carefully squatted down, and then the night on the ground.

After Yeming was put down, she reflected that her back, even her lower body, had been completely soaked by his blood.

Only in this way can she smell how rich the bloody smell on her body is

Just now, when she was extremely nervous, she didn't feel anything.

And at this time of night, has no consciousness.

A face, paler than it was.

It's like a piece of white paper.

Looking at the night like this, jingbao'er's heart was again pained

Soon, her teammates came to her.

All the teammates are here.

You can see that Jing bao'er nodded respectfully at first, and then looked at the night with a worried face at the same time.

After exchanging views with each other, two of them immediately put Yeming on their shoulders

Two tough guys, carrying a person, this for them, is a very easy thing.

They were alone, carrying night's head and legs.

Action, clean and neat

"Miss Jing, let's go..." The two members spoke in unison.

Jingbao nodded heavily.

Only God knows how excited she is now.

Words, there is no way to describe her excitement.

"In front of us, there will be many poisonous snakes waiting for us. We must be very careful." Jing Baoer reminds a way.

"We know that's the way we've just walked." One member said.

Jing Baoer nods

Looking at their strong back, jingbao'er feels very safe.

At such a time, it's really great to have such a group of people come out to help

"It's great that you can show up in time. If you don't come here in a hurry, maybe my little brother Yeming and I can't leave safely..." Jingbaoer road.

One of the members with nightmares on his shoulders immediately looked back at Jing bao'er and said, "after we received your message, we quickly positioned you. After that, all of us immediately rushed to your position regardless of everything at the same time..."

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