With the help of flowers as a cover, they will pass by their patrol bodyguards one by one, all shot in the throat.

The gun is a silent pistol that they prepared in advance. There is no movement in the whole process.

After all the bodyguards were killed, they agreed to carry all the bodyguards' bodies to the flower bed to hide

After that, jingbao'er quickly took others to climb up the balcony above his head and sneaked into the bodyguard dormitory that he had sneaked into with the sea before.

There is still no one in the dormitory.

Jing bao'er immediately took out his walkie talkie and said to the other side, "those who are on standby can act. Now I ask you to secretly dispose of all the bodyguards in the villa."

Without waiting for a reply from the other side, Jing bao'er turned off the intercom and opened the door

The corridor is empty outside.

Seeing this, Jing bao'er quickly waved to the members behind him.

Then, a group of people followed Jingbao's steps and went out of the door directly.

According to the memory, jingbao'er goes directly to the room where tiger was yesterday

Along the way, they bumped into many tiger bodyguards, but all of them were shot in the throat. They didn't give these people any chance to report to others

They shot and killed the enemy cleanly, without a trace of mud and water in the whole process, and even without making any noise.

All of them were solved successfully. They soon came to the door of yesterday's room.

As soon as Jing bao'er arrived at the door, the door just opened.

A charming Oriental woman in Xing Gan red silk nightgown came out of it.

Jing bao'er knows that this must be the woman with tiger yesterday.

When the woman saw Jing bao'er, she immediately stepped back.

Before the woman wanted to shout, jingbao'er's pistol was aimed at her temple

The woman immediately closed her mouth and took a breath of cold air. She didn't dare to say a word.

Not even the atmosphere.

Jing bao'er then waved to a member behind him.

The member immediately bypassed the woman and entered the room.

Finding that the room was empty without tiger, the member immediately went back to Jing bao'er and said, "there is no one in the room..."

Jingbao'er hummed coldly, and then directly used the muzzle of the gun to fight against the woman, forcing her all the way to the front of the big bed in the room.

Other members, too, are closely following Jing bao'er.

Close the door, the whole world, in a moment, become more quiet

As soon as her feet softened, the woman sat down on the bed, trembling, looking at Jing bao'er, and asked in a low voice, "you Who are you and what are you going to do now? "

The woman is a fluent speaker of Z, listening to the accent, she knows that this is a pure Z people.

"And tiger?" Jingbao'er looks at the woman.

Then, she looked around

This room is gorgeous, and the style is typical of European court style.

All the furniture and furnishings are the world's top brands

Everything is luxurious and dazzling

Of course, what attracts Jingbao's attention most is not the decoration here, but the photo of tiger and the woman in front of her on the head of the bed.

In the photo, tiger stands in front of the Eiffel Tower with the woman in front of her eyes, laughing wantonly. The smile on the face of the blonde man really makes her feel angry the more she looks at it!

Looking at the devil, such a bright smile, her heart hate, and deepened a lot.

The devil, who has killed so many people, now laughs so brightly in the photo. It's really damned!

"You Are you, jingbao'er, the first girlfriend of Z country... " The woman said again.

Jingbao'er hummed coldly, "it's none of your business who I am. Now I just want to know where tiger is..."

"You'd better not play tricks..." Jingbao'er hummed coldly, "now take me..."

"In the study next door The one on the right side of the door is where he is now. " The woman said simply.

"Really? Don't play tricks on me... "

The woman shook her head. "I wish he would die soon. How can I play tricks..."

Then the woman got up, looked at jingbao'er and said, "for Jingrong's sake? Want to know the whereabouts of Jingrong? I can tell you now, Jingrong, you don't have to look for him. He died long ago... "

When hearing this, Jing bao'er felt that her heart was torn down by something. She couldn't breathe because of the pain.The air around seems to have glass debris.

Inhale into the lung, prick the lung pain

"You What did you say? " She couldn't believe her ears.

Although I knew before that the probability of Jingrong alive was not big, I knew that Jingrong might be dead.

However, it's one thing to know. After confirming my guess, it's another thing to feel.

This moment

Jingbao'er feels that her whole world seems to have collapsed.

The whole world, it seems to have a rainstorm, sunshine, minute, hidden behind the clouds, her world, dark

Heart, originally only a little bit of hope, but also with the woman this sentence, and shattered.

Jingrong is dead


Really dead

She hasn't had time to get together with this man and enjoy life, but this man just died


Take a deep breath, she wanted to cry, but she found that she couldn't shed a tear at all.

It turns out that when people feel pain to the extreme, they can't cry at all.

It's good to be able to cry.

If you can't cry, you will only feel worse.

Taking a deep breath again, she still looked at the woman with an extremely unbelievable expression and asked, "is that true? I'll tell you, don't talk nonsense... "

The woman said calmly, "nature is true. I saw with my own eyes that tiger, the devil, had Jingrong bound with a big stone and then threw it into the sea It's in the sea outside the island... "

Hearing this, Jing bao'er's heart is extremely painful

Jing Rong, who has two legs and can't move easily, is bound up with a big stone and thrown into the sea. There is no possibility of being alive

That tiger is really cruel to the extreme

How could he treat him in such a cruel way

How painful it would be for a person to be bound with a big stone and throw it directly into the sea

Her heart began to ache again

"Don't lie to me, you really saw it with your own eyes?" Asked Jing bao'er.

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