As soon as he sat down, Jing bao'er leaned his head directly on the back of the chair. Dai Mei frowned and clenched her fists

She wanted to cry, but she couldn't.

I want to drive the submarine to leave, but I have no strength

I really don't have any strength.

As long as she thinks that her fourth uncle has completely disappeared, she has no strength

Even, even in the face of future life, there is no courage.

Close your eyes, in front of you again, the sound and smile of Jingrong appear

The picture of the man, gentle and considerate to himself, emerges.

Those pictures, to her, are like a ruthless knife, cutting her heart.

With her eyes closed and her brows frowned, she breathed hard and tried to make herself cry.

However, it doesn't work at all

She couldn't cry at all.

When the sadness reaches the extreme, tears can't flow out at all.

The feeling of heartache, just like the waves, wave by wave, towards her crazy swept.

Every time she hit, she felt as if her breathing was going to stop

The character "meijianchuan" is more and more obvious and more profound. The two fists are more and more tight.

She really missed Jingrong and hoped to see this man's smiling face again and walk hand in hand with this man in the sunset

I miss that man so much.

She's really, really sorry now.

I regret that I wanted to go back to Lingbo county with song Limei to sweep the tomb.

I regret that I have to take Jingrong with me when I sweep the grave.

Regret at that time, meet the danger, not with Jingrong has been together, but chose, let Jingrong go first, oneself stay to play the cover.

Maybe at that time, if she didn't let Jingrong leave her, it wouldn't happen.

Thinking of everything before Jingrong was killed, her heart hurt even more.

But Mingming's heart has hurt so much, and she is so sad that she can't bear it. She still can't cry.

It's really the most oppressive and painful feeling in the world that I want to cry but can't express my emotion through tears

I'm in agony.

At this moment, jingbao'er deeply understood what it was to be miserable.

In the past, when she was separated from Jingrong because of misunderstanding, she had a very painful feeling. She thought that the pain could be described as pain.

But at this moment, she found that, in fact, the pain before, compared with the pain now, it is still a little less interesting.

Now this kind of pain, is the real acme

This kind of pain, is really can be used to describe the pain.

"If you feel uncomfortable, I'll lend you my shoulder. You can cry. It doesn't matter. You don't care about me..." In the dream.

Jingbao'er immediately shook his head, trembled every word, and said, "I don't want to cry directly, to vent all my emotions, but I can't Now, I can't cry at all. My heart is so painful, but I just can't cry. In my dream, what do you say I should do... "

"What should I do I've lost my fourth uncle. How can I go in the future... " Jing bao'er said again.

At this moment, she really felt like a child abandoned in the boundless night

Can not find the direction, do not know where to go.

Jingrong's departure really takes away all her joy and hope

She really can't imagine the picture of living alone in the future.

That should have, how painful, how desolate

If it wasn't for the thought of song Limei, at this moment, she really wanted to jump into the sea, sink into the bottom, and then go to another world to accompany Jingrong.

She really wanted to. She just died.

"Come on, there's still a long way to go. To tell you the truth, everyone who leaves will live the same life. The earth will turn the same way when it's gone. Many obstacles you feel you can't get past at that time, in fact, after a long time, slowly and unconsciously, you will get over, and the present pain is temporary After a period of time, you'll be fine... " The dream also said, "I've lost a loved one, too. I understand your feeling, but please believe me, your feeling now will not last too long As long as you are willing to cheer up, you can also have a good life.... "

Jing bao'er is silent, just quietly closed his eyes, frowning

Is that right?

Can she really?Is it really possible to achieve the degree as mentioned in the dream?

She felt that she could not.

She felt that she could not get out of the shadow of Jingrong's death all her life.

In this lifetime, it is impossible to forget Jingrong and heartache.

She really felt that she had really stepped past the dilemma in front of her

Jingrong is her backbone.

As soon as the man left, her world collapsed

"Honey You can cry... "

"But I can't cry now. I want to cry too..."

"Don't do that. You must find a way to cry. If you hold it now, you will get sick..." In my dream, I look worried, but I feel sad.

Jing bao'er just smiles bitterly, but he doesn't speak at all

With her eyes closed, she began to try to make herself cry.

But, still not

No matter how she tried, she couldn't cry at all.

The more so, the more depressed I feel.

The more this happens, the more painful the heart is.

The feeling of ten thousand ants eating the heart is probably just like this.

"Otherwise, let's get ashore first. After landing, you can find a place to be quiet first..." In the dream, there is another way.

Jing bao'er took a deep breath, then looked at the dream beside him and said, "why don't you go outside first and let me be alone here And tell everyone to wait for me for a while. If I am quiet enough, I will take them to the shore... "

In my dream, I immediately got up and said, "well, I'll go out first. If you have anything, you must call me, and don't do anything. You know what, if you think about it, your own parents and relatives, even if not for yourself, you have to live well for your parents?"

Jingbao'er sighed and nodded, "don't worry, I'm not as vulnerable as you think..."

Hearing the words in my dream, I nodded at ease. Then I took a deep look at jingbao'er and turned to leave.

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