Entering the bedroom, Jing bao'er can't wait to lock the door.

She was really scared. She would follow her in her dream.

Now she needs to be quiet.

It's just quiet.

She didn't want to do anything but stay here alone.

A person, in the face of such a large bedroom, such a quiet environment, her heart, the pain is more severe.

In the past, those warm and bright pictures with Jing Rong were replayed in front of her eyes again and again, just like the replay of old movies.

Each frame of the picture is like a knife, deeply stinging Jing bao'er's heart.

A sense of vulnerability, like a flood, swept through the sky -

she immediately felt that she was completely engulfed by this feeling.

Throat is also called a fragile thing, hard pinch, want to breathe, are so difficult.

The feet, at this time, are softening.

She took a deep breath and went straight to the bedside, struggling with vulnerability and heartache

Just wanted to sit on the bed and light a cigarette.

However, the body has not touched the bed, feet are immediately a soft.

The next second, her whole person is unable to sit on the ground, even up the strength are not.

Clenching, she tried her best to stand up, but she didn't have any strength.

Jingrong not only takes away her soul, but also takes away all the energy in her body.

At this moment, she felt like a walking corpse, with no soul and no idea how to think.

All over, no strength at all.

The whole body is soft.

It's like a man who's been drained of all his muscles.

Taking a deep breath again, she reached for the box of Chinese cigarettes on the bedside table with shaking hands.

The cigarette case was very light, but at this moment, holding it in her hand, she felt as if it was heavy.

Looking at the bright red cigarette case, her heart was pained again

This is Jingrong's favorite cigarette.

He said that this kind of cigarette is better than any expensive cigarette imported from abroad

Because the name of this kind of cigarette is Zhonghua.

Looking at the word "Zhonghua", she thought of the man smoking again

Think of that man's appearance, her heart, once again hard pain.

Take a deep breath, she really want to cry out, can vent, but can't.

For the first time, it turned out that tears were such a difficult thing.

Grief to the extreme, is no tears to flow.

Originally, when you are sad, the reason why you can shed tears is that the so-called sadness has not reached the limit you can bear

When the sadness reaches a certain point, the tears will not flow out at all.

Now, tears, for her, is the most desired, but also the most luxurious thing

Biting her lips hard, she lit a Chinese cigarette directly, and then took a hard puff.

She thought nicotine could slightly paralyze the pain nerves in her body.

But it didn't work at all.

It's no use at all.

The feeling of heartache continues.

Every cell in my body is convulsing wildly.

There is no place on the whole body that doesn't hurt.

Ten thousand arrows pierce the heart.

This feeling, not to mention how uncomfortable.

She took a deep breath of the cigarette again, then slowly spit it out. She directly took out her mobile phone and began to look at the group photo of herself and Jingrong.

Looking at the picture, the kind of love between herself and Jingrong, her heart, once again pained.

If she could, how she wished time could go back, back to them. When two people were in love.

If she could go back, she would not go to Lingbo county to sweep the tombs. Even if she did, she would not take the scenery with her feet.

Even if she took him with her, she would always be by his side and would never separate from him.

In fact, now she often thinks that if she didn't separate from Jing Rong at that time, the result would be different

Thinking of this, she would be enveloped in a deep sense of remorse.

The more she thought about these things, the harder she felt

Although I know that in the present situation, sadness can not solve anything.

However, Jing bao'er still couldn't control himself.

Everyone knows the general principle, but when it comes to emotion, there is no way to control it.The snow-white smoke lingers on the scarred fingertips.

Between the smoke, the sadness on the little woman's face increased a little.

The familiar smell of tobacco lingers between her nose and breath. Closing her eyes, she begins to deceive herself. Now, Jingrong is by her side.

Now, only such self deception can temporarily make her feel better.

It wasn't until the cigarette burned to her fingernails that the pain spread to her fingertips for a long time. She couldn't bear it any more. When the skin and flesh between her fingers were all blurred by the cigarette, she came back to herself. She opened her eyes and threw the cigarette end directly on the ground

Looking around, looking at everything empty, her heart convulsed again.

After waking up from self deception, she has to face more serious sadness and loneliness.

She really didn't like the feeling.

She really doesn't like it.

She especially hopes that her life can go back to the past, to the time when nothing happened

She especially hopes that all this is just a dream, just a dream

Think, her mood, is once again collapsed.

She bit her lips again, tried to cry, but couldn't

Once again, she took a look at the photo of herself and Jing Rong in the mobile phone, and she locked the screen directly.

After smoking a cigarette and dropping the cigarette end on the ground, she leaned directly against the window, held her legs in her hands, and buried her head deep in her knees

Jing Rong is not here. Now when she is sad, all she can do is to hold herself.

all of a sudden, I really miss it, the warm embrace of that man, and the smell of tobacco and mint perfume mixed up on that man.

Miss everything about that man

She really good hope, good hope, that man, can come back to her again.

If she can, she is willing to use her life for the return of that man.

However, she is also very clear that in this world, there is no if, only the results and consequences!

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