"But I don't worry about you. You vomit abnormally. I suspect you've been inflamed recently. What's wrong with your stomach..." Summer dream a face anxious.

Looking at Tang Chong er's face, her heart is more uneasy.

Her face was more sallow than before, and there was a touch of light cyan under her eyes.

That kind of dazzling light cyan makes her look haggard as if she is dying.

Such a baby, let her feel afraid.

She's really worried about what's going to happen to her.

Jing bao'er couldn't shake his head, "nothing, really..."

The next second, her tears came down again.

My eyes are like a broken tap. I can't control my tears if I want to

Long cry, let her start to feel sore eyes.

It's very sore.

Along with the temple, they began to have a pain.

Now, there is no place in her body that is different

Even she felt that every cell in her body was like a piece of glass.

She was stabbed with pain.

She felt that she would soon be unable to hold on.

It's like a person who has been poisoned and has been poisoned into the heart.

No one can solve this except Jing Rong

"How can you have nothing to do, you are good, go to the hospital with me, eh?" Xia Mengli said again.

But Jing Baoer shook his head. "I don't want to go, I don't want to go Now I want to be quiet. You are not allowed to call an ambulance. If you do, I will fire you... "

Smell speech, summer dream is a face flustered, "you say what, I also worry about you!"

"I don't need you to worry so much. I have nothing to do. Just let me be quiet. I'll be fine. You go out first Please, will you Jingbao'er's eyes are dim, looking at Xia Mengli begging.

I really need to be quiet. Just be quiet.

Summer dream now, really too much.

More makes her feel particularly irritable.

Summer dream smell speech, although not willing, but still helpless sigh, got up and left.

I dare not even say one more word.

After leaving, she did not walk far, but sat on the floor of her bedroom door, leaning against the wall, the door was not closed

She didn't dare to close the door or stay too far away from Jingbao.

She's really worried about Jingbao.

Since she didn't allow herself to stay in the room, she had to do it this way.

Although this season, the temperature has been very good, but, on the floor, it is still very cold.

As soon as she sat down, she got goose bumps.

It's cold.

She really couldn't stand it, so she took a chair and put it on the wall at the door of her bedroom. She sat against the wall and listened to the movements inside.

Her face was tense, and she did not dare to relax at all.

In the bedroom, Jing bao'er got up and couldn't turn off the light.

Now, only such a posture can make her feel safe.

Heart is still pumping pain, for a while, torture her no way to breathe.



All kinds of feelings intertwined, so that she had no way to sleep like a normal person

The stomach, once again, turned over the river.


She couldn't help retching again.

She felt that she had nothing to vomit, so she just kept on lying in bed

Then the sour water kept coming up.

The whole mouth is sour

I feel terrible.

And then, the feeling of overturning the river and the sea is even more powerful.

So she got up and went into the bathroom, kneeling in front of the toilet, holding the toilet in her hands and retching

This time, it's just retching. I can't vomit anything

But even so, she still felt sick in her stomach

After vomiting for a long time, she couldn't vomit anything. She simply rinsed her mouth, went back to the room, continued to lie on the bed, and then turned on the light

As soon as the light was on, she was familiar with it. She touched a box of Chinese cigarettes on the bedside table. Then, with the cigarettes, she went to the balcony barefoot.

It's six o'clock in the morning

It's light outside

The city is still full of traffic

The world is like this. No matter what kind of agony you experience in the middle of the night, the next morning when you open your eyes, it's still the same

It's still old and bustling.It will not stop because of someone's pain

Looking at the huge prosperous world at her feet, she only felt that her heart was more empty.

A heart, as if there is no place to place.

She began to close her eyes and prayed to God with tears in her eyes --

"God, please, will you return my fourth uncle to me..."

"Please, let all this become a simple nightmare, ok..."

"Let it all become a dream Bao'er really can't bear all this... "

The feeling of missing and not giving up is like two merciless hands tearing her heart.

Jing Rong's face was constantly emerging in front of her eyes.

All of all, all of her torture is about to stand.

At the foot of a shake, her whole person is sitting on the ground.

She didn't try to get up. She just continued to sit on the cold ground, leaning against the cold safety barrier. Lit a cigarette and smoked deeply.

Smoke shrouded in between, that face, looking particularly decadent haggard.

Even without looking in the mirror, at this moment, she knows how decadent, haggard and hard she can be

Sad to the extreme, she has been too lazy to care about their own image.

She didn't want to care about these things.

After smoking a cigarette, the feeling of heartache continues

Tears, also continue to flow down.

She took a deep breath, continued to light a second cigarette, and smoked deeply.

In the twinkling of an eye

A whole box of cigarettes went in.

In front of her, cigarette butts were scattered all over the ground.

But even so, she was not in a better mood.

After smoking so much, her pain nerves were not anesthetized by nicotine.

She is still so painful, body pain, heart pain, every place is so painful.

At this moment, perhaps because she didn't eat, or because of the stimulation of smoke, her stomach began to ache.

It hurts like a knife.

Bear the pain to get up, she step by step hard to go to bed, and then is unable to sit down.

The feeling of stomach pain is more and more severe, just like cancer patients, the pain makes her straight waist.

Unable to lie on the bed, she said to the door, "in my dream..."

Xia Meng, who had been guarding at the door, heard her weak voice, and her heart was thump.

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