At this time, Jing bao'er, who was sleeping in the hospital bed, began to dream again -

in her dream, as now, she was lying on the snow-white hospital bed because of stomach bleeding

Suddenly she felt a pair of hands pushing her, and she opened her eyes.

When she opened her eyes, she saw that Jing Rongzheng was concerned and stood in front of her, with gentle eyes and eyebrows.

Looking carefully at the man's body, she found that the man's arms, legs, all with a shocking cut.

In those openings, blood is constantly seeping out, which is gloomy and terrifying!

But even so, the man is still facing her, smiling gently, as if the wound on his body does not exist.

At the moment of eye contact, the man said softly, "baby, I'm back..."

The next second, her tears came down, and then she sat up with a weak body, pulled the man over and let him sit beside her. Then she looked carefully at the wound on his body and asked anxiously, "fourth uncle, how can you be so seriously injured, you..."

The next second, before she finished, the man disappeared in front of her

In this way, in the blink of an eye, people disappeared.

As a result, she jumped out of the bed like crazy, running towards the outside of the ward, while constantly calling out the man's name -




She screamed hysterically and ran all the way to the door of the ward.

However, standing at the door, you can see the empty corridor

There is no one around in the corridor, no one can see

She started to run in the corridor like crazy again, while running wildly, calling him -

"fourth uncle Fourth uncle... "

"Where are you Don't leave it behind me. Come back... "

"Don't disappear, you come back to me..."

"Fourth uncle Fourth uncle Fourth uncle... "

A strong sense of heartache awakens Jing bao'er in her sleep

The body suddenly hit an excited spirit, she immediately opened her eyes

When I open my eyes, the feeling of heartbreak in my dream has spread to the reality.

Then, the feeling of heart pain is even worse.

Tears also flow down unconsciously.

Once again, my eyes turned into a broken tap

Looking at the snow-white ward and the summer dream beside her, she asked, "how can I be here..."

Trying to think back, she remembered that before she had a stomachache, she fainted

Xia Mengli immediately said, "you have a stomachache and fainted, so I made an emergency call You know what? You're bleeding from your stomach. Fortunately, it was delivered in time. Otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable Did you just dream? "

Mention just dream, Jing Baoer's heart is once again mercilessly twitch.


She just had another dream.

"Well, I dreamt of my fourth uncle. He was injured all over He came to my hospital bed, said a few words to me, and then disappeared in an instant... " Jing bao'er choked.

Long cry, let her voice, hoarse to the extreme.

Smell speech, summer dream is a long sigh, heartache, holding Jingbao Er incomparably cold hand, said, "well, don't think about these unhappy, you should pay attention to adjust your mood, the doctor said, you have stomach bleeding, because, you originally have a bad stomach, plus, by a strong psychological stimulation caused by..."

"The doctor also said that you must keep a good mood and mediate your emotions, otherwise it will be harmful to your recovery..." Xia Mengli said again.

When Jing bao'er heard the speech, she had no choice but to smile bitterly

Keep in a good mood?

Pay attention to regulating emotions?

Doesn't she want to?

But under such circumstances, how can she keep a good mood and mediate her emotions?

There's nothing she can do.

Unless there is a miracle, Jingrong will come back to her.

Otherwise, her mood will be better all her life

As for the body, she doesn't care so much now.

Except Jing Rong, she doesn't care about anything now

"I know..." Jing bao'er sighed helplessly and said.

With that, she was tired and closed her heavy eyelids.

"So, don't immerse yourself in grief now. Besides, you haven't found the body yet. Maybe, as someone said before, there will be a miracle?" Xia Mengli says again

Now, she just wants to do everything she can to make Jing bao'er happy. Even if she wants to make some dreams for her, she will not hesitateJingbao'er grinned bitterly and sighed again, "well, maybe Maybe, I hope... "

She also hope, good hope, really can have a miracle.

If there is such a miracle, she is willing to exchange her life for

"No body is found. In fact, strictly speaking, it can't prove that this person is dead at all. So, you should be more open, OK?" Xia Mengli said again.

Jing bao'er nodded, tears rolling down from the corner of her eyes again.

In a flash, the tears of the burst of the dike soaked the pillow through a large area

"Don't cry, eh?" Xia Mengli said again.

"Give me that cigarette..." Jing bao'er sits up and looks at Xia Mengli.

As soon as I sit up, I feel dizzy and dizzy, which is overwhelming

She closed her eyes subconsciously and took a deep breath.

When you open your eyes, the stars appear

She felt as if she had collapsed now.

It's as if it's going to be broken.

Xia Mengli shook his head. "People who have some common sense all know that in this case, you can't smoke. The stimulation of smoke will slow down the recovery speed..."

When Jing bao'er heard the speech, she immediately couldn't lean against the head of the bed, closed her eyes and stopped talking.

But now, she really wants to smoke

Without cigarettes, she would find her life more difficult.

My heart is so empty, how can I do without a cigarette

But summer dream so insist, she also lazy to continue to say what.

I haven't been in touch with her for a long time, but she also knows that Xia Mengli is very stubborn, so she doesn't want to talk to her any more.

It's mainly because I'm upset and I don't want to talk too much to others.

"By the way, you can't eat at this time, the nurse said. You can only rely on nutrition solution to maintain You can't eat until your stomach is fully recovered... " Xia Mengli said again.

Jing Baoer nods again

"So, in order to eat early, you should also pay attention not to smoke..." Xia Mengli said again, "by the way, and when you were sleepy, Yeming came to see you..."

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