She needs to call Yeming and ask him what he's calling to do.

Xia Mengli hears speech, it is to hand over mobile phone to Jing Baoer immediately.

Jing bao'er took the mobile phone and dialed Yeming directly.

Soon, it was picked up over there.

In the voice, there was some anxiety -

"Hello, is that Miss Jing? You're awake, aren't you

Listening to the tone of night, jingbao'er immediately felt warm.

She forced out a smile, looked out of the window and said, "well, I wake up, little brother Yeming, what did you call me to say to me before?"

There smell speech, didn't immediately answer her, but continue to ask, "Miss Jing, you now, how do you feel, stomach still ache?"? Do you feel dizzy? Is there anything wrong? If so, tell that Xia Mengli and ask her to find doctors and nurses... "

The tone over there is still very tense.

Jing bao'er forced out a smile again and said, "I don't feel any pain. Don't worry. I don't feel dizzy now. I used to feel a little dizzy, but after taking the nutrient solution, I feel much better. There's nothing uncomfortable. Don't worry Well, did you call me before to say something? What's up? "

Hearing the speech, Yeming immediately said, "it's nothing. I just want to care about you, ask you how you feel, and comfort you. Because I'm lying in the hospital, people can't go there, so I'll call you..."

Hearing this, jingbao'er feels warm again.

The feeling of being cared by her big brother made her feel great.

In the most difficult time, it's really happy to have such a group of people with you.

"You don't have to worry about me. You should take care of your own body first. Now, you can't worry too much about me. Your body is not good either..." Jing bao'er added, "only by keeping a peaceful mood can we recover as soon as possible..."

"Well, I know. You should pay attention to that, too, you know? Don't be too sad... " Night dark way.

Jing bao'er nodded, "I know, little brother Yeming, I'll pay attention to it, and you also pay attention to it. Well, don't talk about it. You can keep it..."


On the other side of the phone, in the next ward, Yeming's sword eyebrows are frowning. He lies on the bed and says to jingbao'er.

All the way to the other side, the phone was hung up, and Yeming didn't take the phone immediately.

But continue to maintain the original position, the phone on the ear, looking at the ceiling

When he thought of the picture jingbao'er had just seen with his own eyes, his face was pale, like a candle in the wind, lying on the bed, his heart seemed to tear and crack.

He really loves Jingbao.

I'm really afraid that Jing bao'er will have an accident because of Jing Rong.

She was the little woman he secretly loved in his heart.

He wanted the little woman to be safe all her life.

If he can, he is willing to exchange his life for the peace of this little woman

As long as jingbao'er can be happy, he is willing to do anything at night.

On one side, a member of Black Hawk organization, looking at Yeming's extremely worried look, said, "chief, you are really kind to miss Jing. When you hear that she has an accident, you are desperate to see her. Now that you can't move, you ask the medical staff to arrange an emergency cart for you and push you to the ward of others..."

After hearing this, Yeming immediately sighed and said, "she has saved my life. It's normal for me to be nice to her. People should know how to repay their kindness..."

When the member heard the speech, he immediately nodded, "yes..."

"However, chief, you are not in good health now, so you are desperate to run to her ward. Don't have another one next time..." The member added.

"I see. You are very wordy." The night is cold.

The member, feeling the impatience of Yeming, immediately shut up

"Well, you go out. I want to be alone and quiet." Night dark way.

The member nodded respectfully and then left directly.

After he left, there was only one person left in the huge ward, Yeming.

When he was alone, he felt that the ward suddenly became more empty than just now

In the open world, there is no sound. It's very quiet.

It's so quiet that it's like the sound of a needle landing. People can hear it clearly

Such a quiet, people are particularly easy to think.

Once again, he couldn't help recalling jingbao'er's loss, pain, weakness and paleness

Every scene is like a needle in the most soft place in his heart.

When he closed his eyes, he couldn't look out of the window and prayed silently for JingrongPray for a miracle.

Even now, all this has become a nail on the board, and he doesn't want to accept it.

He always hoped that a miracle would happen to Jing bao'er.

Before he saw Jingrong's body, he didn't want to give up his pursuit of the miracle

Even if the possibility of a miracle is very small, only 0.01%, he does not want to give up.

"God, if I can, I am willing to exchange my life for a miracle with you. If jingbao'er can be happy, I am willing to exchange my life for all this with you..." Night night word by word, praying to heaven.

When people are helpless, they always place their hopes on the sky.

Even hard men like Yeming are no exception

After praying, he closed his eyes again

This time, in front of his eyes, the scene of jingbao'er walking on his back in the sunset island at a critical moment

Now, in a day, he has to recall that picture at least ten million times

Every time he recalled that picture, he felt warm in his heart.

He thought that he would never forget that picture in his whole life. In his whole life, he would never forget the infinite warmth and hope brought to him by that little woman named Jing bao'er when he was dying

For the warmth and hope she brought to her when she was most desperate, he would also guard this little woman for a lifetime

He would not marry for the sake of this little woman.

Willing to spend a lifetime waiting behind her, to be her umbrella

He began to swear silently in his heart, "as long as I live at night, I will not allow anyone to bully Miss Jing in my life. As long as I live for one day, I will guard her for one day..."

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