Now, what she wants is that Jing bao'er's mood can be quickly stabilized

That's all.

Looking at Jing bao'er like this, she was really worried to death.

For the first time, I feel that my language ability is so poor.

In fact, there are many comforting words that she wants to say to jingbao'er, but at the critical moment, she doesn't know where to start.

She was really flustered.

But Jing bao'er still didn't say a word, just closed her eyes, quietly leaning against her arms and crying

"Miss Jing, you are obedient. Don't do that. Let's get up first and go to bed first. The ground is cold. You are still so weak now. If you catch cold, you will easily catch cold..." Xia Mengli also said, "also, you have acute gastric bleeding once before, you really can't let yourself be excessively sad, you should pay attention to control your mood, otherwise, you will continue to have gastric bleeding..."

Jing bao'er still said nothing, just closed his eyes

Xia Mengli's words, she listened in the ear, but she didn't want to make any response to these words.

She's just too lazy to move now. She's too lazy to move a step.

I just want to sit on the ground and lean on her until I die.

Stomach bleeding or something, at this moment, it's really nothing to her.

Maybe it's a good thing to die suddenly

For the first time, she hoped that she could die suddenly.

Jing bao'er doesn't mean to get up at all. Xia Mengli is ready to drag Jing bao'er to bed.

Just ready to get up for action, outside the ward, there was a rush, the sound of the wheels of the emergency cart rolling.

Soon, the door of the ward opened

It was a nurse who opened the door

Then, the nurse pushed Yeming and came in.

As she pushed Yeming into the door, the nurse, speaking fluent Chinese, said to Yeming, "Sir, I have clearly told you that you can't run around in this situation. You have to listen. I'm not responsible for anything..."

"Besides, it's not going to happen again..." The nurse added.

Yeming doesn't say a word. Since entering the door, her eyes have been flowing on jingbao'er. She doesn't look at the nurse at all

The nurse rolled her eyes directly at Yeming, and then she was silent.

She swore that this man named Yeming was definitely the most wonderful person she had ever seen in her nursing career.

She is convinced that a person who can't move can be so active!

Although the night did not speak, but the nurse is still very witty to push the car, came to Jing bao'er in front.

Approaching jingbao'er and looking at jingbao'er's sad appearance, Yeming immediately feels that his heart is torn and cracked again

When she cried like this, he felt that his whole world had collapsed

Heartache to unable to breathe, clearly a lot of comfort words, want to say with Jing bao'er, but the words clearly to the mouth, but into a simple incomparable, "Miss Jing, are you ok?"

Hearing the speech, Jing bao'er didn't speak either, just as if he had been frozen. He leaned against Xia Mengli, motionless, staring at the night with tears

One tear after another is like a sharp nail to night. Shengsheng knocks into the eye!

Night dark continues sword eyebrow tight Cu, open mouth, want to comfort scene treasure son of.

However, because of worry, his tongue began to knot.

After struggling for a long time, he said, "Jing Miss Jing Don't you Don't do that. We'll all follow you Follow the worried... "

Then, Yeming looked at the nurse beside him and growled, "what are you doing? Why don't you help her to the bed

When the nurse hears the words, she quickly goes to Jing bao'er. After nodding with Xia Mengli, she forces Jing bao'er into bed

When he got to bed, Jingbao's eyes were dull and he lay on his back.

That pair of tearful eyes, empty looking at the snow-white ceiling, pupil dispersion incomparable

This kind of Jing bao'er is just like a skeleton, which is heartbreaking.

Yeming wants to give Jingbao a hug.

However, he can only give up his current physical condition.

Now no matter what he does, he is powerless

He can only comfort again, "Miss Jing, don't be like this. If you are like this, Si Shao will feel uncomfortable when he sees it in the sky. What Si Shao most wants to see is your happiness. You know this. When Si Shao was alive, he would panic when he saw you shed tears. You know that, so don't let him feel uncomfortable..."If you can, Yeming really hopes that all the situations are not real.

Good hope, wake up and find that all the grief is just a nightmare.

Open your eyes, the sun is still there, the scenery is still there, life is still the same, everything is still the same

However, in this world, there is no if

"You go out..." Night dark looking at nurse way.

When the nurse heard the words, she immediately nodded respectfully, and then left quickly.

After the nurse left, Xia Mengli pushed Yeming's first aid cart directly to jingbao'er's bed, next to jingbao'er's bed. Then she looked at Yeming with a sad face and said, "hurry up and try to persuade bao'er. I can't help it. It's all because of the dead sea. He really goes too far. At that time, you must deal with this problem well People! If it wasn't for this man, baby wouldn't be like this now! "

Summer dream mentions that sea, feels abhorrent very much.

Yeming nodded, "I know..."

Then, once again, he put his eyes on Jing bao'er and said to her, "Miss Jing, don't do that. You are not in good health. You should pay attention to regulating your mood and protecting your body If you break down, I'll I We will all be very sad... "

In fact, what he wanted to say to her was: if you break down, I will be very sad.

After all, he didn't have the courage to say what he wanted to say, so he directly changed the "I" into "we"

He thought that he would never say something in his life.

At any time, he is Jingrong's most loyal subordinate. Jingrong's woman, he can't touch

He can do, just in the heart, secretly love, that's all.

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