Just for a moment, the whole person is like, just steamed sauna.

Looking at her this kind of son, the night night night urgent tears directly fell down.

Just at this moment, everyone's attention is on Jing bao'er's body, so no one notices the rolling tears on Yeming's face.

Soon, the three nurses quickly pushed the emergency cart into the room.

Then, the doctor, together with Xia Mengli and three nurses, carried jingbao'er to the cart.

In order to prevent her from choking because her blood chokes into her trachea, Jay specially adjusts the posture for Jing bao'er and makes her lie on her side

On the cart, her mouth is still in a steady stream, vomiting blood.

This picture really scared everyone present

The medical staff, immediately together, hurriedly pushed Jing bao'er away.

Summer dream just want to go out with everyone, then thought of the night in the ward.

So she quickly returned to Yeming and said, "I'll push you first and go back to your own ward. I'll keep you informed of any situation... "

Yeming shook his head and insisted, "don't push me, go to the emergency room door, I'll wait outside..."

"At this time, you don't want to follow me around. A baby is enough to make me worried. Your physical condition can't allow you to move all the time And you need a good rest. " Xia Mengli said again.

She really felt that the night was dark and paranoid, which was a little annoying

Yeming shook his head, "no way..."

Looking at his persistence, Xia Mengli didn't have so much time to accompany him to continue to struggle like this, so he had no choice but to sigh and push him directly towards the emergency room

By the time they got outside the emergency room, Jing bao'er had been pushed in.

The emergency room is empty.

The emergency light came on, which made people very nervous

Push the night to the wall, summer dream is directly unable to sit on the door bench.

After tossing for so long, she was soaked with sweat.

The sweat evaporated and took away the heat from her body. Soon she began to feel cold

Bursts of cold swept by, she immediately unconsciously hit a shiver.

At this time, she had to wait for Jing bao'er to come out.

Jing bao'er couldn't come out for a moment, so she couldn't settle down and do something else.

Not to mention changing clothes, even if she went to the toilet, she didn't have the heart

Looking at the night on the bed, she frowned and said, "I really don't know how she is now. Is it serious? Just now, she vomited so much blood. It looks so serious..."

She's really scared. She's scared. What's going to happen to Jing bao'er

She hoped that Jing bao'er would live a long life and grow old safely.

Yeming's sword frowned and said, "what's the specific situation? I'll know when the doctor comes out. I think it should be gastric bleeding, severe acute gastric bleeding. When he comes back, I'll see if I don't deal with him well!"

When he said this, the tone of night was gnashing his teeth.


Summer dream did not continue to speak, just hands together, eyes closed, devoutly praying to God, praying that Jing bao'er can safely come out of the emergency room.

Pray for her to be safe.

Seeing this, Yeming immediately closed his eyes and began to pray silently for jingbao'er in his heart.

Time, minute by minute, swam forward.

Every minute, every second, seems like a century for the two people present.

They are very anxious to wait

The nerve in my heart is always in a tense state.

There was silence in the corridor.

It's so quiet that even the sound of a needle landing can be heard clearly.


In half an hour.

After a long wait, the emergency light suddenly went out.

When the emergency light goes out, the nerves of Xia Mengli and Yeming are tense again.

Two people's heart, is also all of a sudden, mentioned the throat.

Xia Mengli immediately stands up and walks directly to the door of the emergency room, waiting for the attending doctor, JSY

Soon -

JSY came out.

As soon as he went out, Jay quickly took off his mask and went to summer dream.

"How's it going, doctor?" Night night grab in summer dream before open mouth, his eyes eyebrows are anxious.

"Yes, how's it going, doctor?" Summer dream inside again way, "is she all right?"

With that, her tears flowed down unconsciously.She was afraid.

I'm really scared.

I'm afraid I'll hear some bad news from Jay.

Jay sighed. Then he looked at Yeming and xiamengli, and said, "it's a serious acute gastric bleeding. Fortunately, it's in the hospital. We handled it in time, and the blood stopped successfully..."

"She's all right now..." Jay added.

Smell speech, summer dream and night dark two people hang of heart, just completely fell to the ground.

The nervous tension has been relaxed all of a sudden.


Fortunately, Jing bao'er is OK.


Summer dream red eyes, full of gratitude, looking at Jay and said, "thank you doctor, thank you very much..."

When JSY heard the speech, he shook his head. "You're welcome. Next, I really don't want to make the patient suffer any mental stimulation. Her body can't bear the stimulation again. If there's such gastric bleeding again, I can't guarantee that I can save her life..."

Xia Mengli immediately nodded and nervously said, "yes, yes, we know, we must pay attention next..."

"Doctor, can you give her some sedatives so that she can sleep until her stomach is completely recovered..." Night dark way.

In principle, this is OK.

But under normal circumstances, doctors don't do that.

Because this is illegal operation.

Besides, it's very bad for people's health.

"No way..." Jay said, it hurts

Ye Ming naturally knows.

However, at this time, he really can't think of any other way.

Even if it hurts your body, you can only do so.

Yeming immediately said, "doctor, please use artificial means to let her sleep all the time, otherwise, she won't be able to If the stomach is bad all the time, I'm afraid it will have more side effects than taking sedatives... "

Jay took a deep look at Yeming, thought for a few seconds, and immediately asked, "are you sure you want to fight this? If you are sure to fight, you can also fight I'm not responsible for any side effects. Are you sure you want to fight? "

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