It's just

She's recovered, which means they don't need any more sedatives.

This means that Jing bao'er is about to wake up.

And her wake-up, also means that she is about to continue to face the feeling of heartbreak.

Looking at each other, they immediately sighed

Outside the window, it's sunny.

But in their hearts, it was a continuous rain.

Their mood is in sharp contrast to the weather outside.

"In fact, I really don't want to continue to watch her sad. If I can, I would rather she has been sleeping, just like the other day." Xia Mengli said.

What Xia Mengli said was exactly what song Limei thought.

She immediately sighed, looked at Xia Mengli and said, "why am I not? It's just that a normal person, how can we make her sleep all the time? Besides, these sedative drugs, which have a lot of side effects, can't be used all the time... "

Xia Mengli nodded, sighed, and said, "I know, I'm just saying that..."

Think of a few days ago, that hysterical, daily tears soaked in jingbao'er, summer dream is still palpitating.

"Well, in my dream, since bao'er has recovered, let's pack up her clothes when she hasn't woken up. Tomorrow we have to leave here with bao'er..." Song Limei said.

Xia Mengli immediately nods,

Jingrong has passed away, so naturally they have no reason to stay here.

Next, the next president will be in charge of the presidential palace.

"Next, a new president will move in soon..." Song Limei said.

Thinking of this, she felt very sad.

It seems that the picture of Jingrong ascending the presidency is still in sight.

But in the blink of an eye, everything changed

With a flick of a finger, the presidential palace is going to change its owner again.

"It is estimated that the next person who can win the presidential election will be the prime minister..." Xia Mengli said.

Song Limei nodded, "well, his chances of winning should be bigger than others So far, it's true... "

Xia Mengli nodded and said nothing more.

Song did not continue to speak.

Now song does not care who will win the presidential election, because it has nothing to do with her.

All she cared about was what would happen to her daughter if she woke up.

"Master, that guy is on the phone again!"

"Master, that guy is on the phone again!"

The childish voice disturbed the silence of the room.

Xia Mengli hears the sound and quickly takes jingbao'er's mobile phone out of the head cabinet.

What comes into view is a fixed telephone number of country F.

She answered with curiosity and said, "hello..."

"Is that Miss Jing, please?" On the other side of the phone, a woman's voice came. She spoke fluent Mandarin Z.

"What can I do for Miss Jing?" Asked Xia Mengli.

"Well, I was a nurse in the first hospital where Miss Jing lived before. Just now, when one of our aunts was cleaning her room, she found a man's cuff link under the bed. It was a Cartier man's black gem cuff link I want to ask, is it miss Jing's? Because before, she was the only one who lived in that room... " That way.

When Xia Mengli heard the speech, he immediately shook his head, "no There is no such thing on Miss Jing... "

"OK..." That way.

Smell speech, summer dream is to hang up the phone directly.

After Xia Mengli hung up, song Limei asked, "what are you talking about, over there?"

She immediately took her mobile phone, returned to song Limei and sat down, saying, "nothing. It's a nurse from the hospital where bao'er used to live. The nurse said that a cleaning aunt just found a Cartier man's black Ruby cuff link under the bed while cleaning She wanted to ask if it belonged to bao'er, because she was the only one who lived in that room I said, "there's no such thing on bao'er..."

Song Limei nodded

After a while, she sighed with sadness and said, "speaking of Cartier's cufflinks, this is really the love of our senior. Basically, his cufflinks are of this brand..."

"Is it?" Asked Xia Mengli.

"Well He has all the Cufflinks of this brand... " Song Limei said.

"It seems that he really has a deep love for the cuff links of this brand..." Xia Mengli said again.

Song Li Mei immediately nodded, "that's..."……

In the evening, Jing bao'er, who had been sleeping for several days, slowly opened her eyes

The long sleep made her dizzy.

When she opened her eyes, she frowned uncomfortably.

Looking around, she found that she was now back in the main bedroom of the presidential palace.

Xia Mengli is lying beside her, playing with her mobile phone.

In the familiar environment, her heart was again painful.

Such pain is indescribable.

The next second, her eyes, then involuntarily red up.

My eyes are sore.

Soon, tears flow down as well -

on one side, Xia Mengli looks back and sees that Jing bao'er wakes up. He immediately puts down his mobile phone, sits up straight with a serious face, wiping his tears nervously for Jing bao'er, and says, "honey, you You wake up How're you feeling now? Is there any discomfort in the stomach? "

Jing bao'er didn't speak, just shook his head to show that he was not uncomfortable

"Really? That's good... " Xia Mengli said, "don't cry..."

Jing bao'er took a deep breath, then opened his mouth and asked, "how long have I been sleepy? How did we come back? Where's my fourth uncle's body? "

"You You've been sleeping for ten days... " Xia Mengli said that she didn't immediately answer Jing bao'er's question about Jing Rong.

Jing bao'er was stunned when she heard the speech. She sat up like a spring and looked at Xia Mengli. She couldn't believe it and asked, "what? I've been sleeping for ten days? How could I sleep so long? "

"Because we asked the doctor to give you a sedative So That's why you've been sleeping so long... " Xia Mengli said truthfully.

"What? You gave me that injection? Why are you doing this? " Jing bao'er was discontented. "What's more, has anything happened in my ten days of sleepiness? In addition, I ask you, where is my fourth uncle's body? How did you deal with it? "

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