"It's strange to lose such a perfect male god. If I were, I would not even have the courage to live..." Another girl said.

"To say, I really admire Jing bao'er. He can still live well after losing his favorite person. If I had, I would have followed him..." Another boy said.

In the bar, the sound of music roared, and their comments did not reach jingbao'er's ears

At this time, Jing bao'er didn't know that there were so many people talking about himself.

More did not pay attention to, there are so many people, looking at themselves.

She just lowered her head, holding a glass of wine, and took a cup of sunset rum with 84.5 degree alcohol, which was very stuffy

Hot liquid, along the throat, a little bit down the flow.

This kind of fire - spicy feeling, let her throat and stomach, all feel burning.

Head, also soon feel a little dizzy.

With her somnolent head propped up, she again picked up the bottle and was ready to pour herself wine.

On one side, the waiter immediately grabbed Jing bao'er's hand and said, "Miss, don't go on. It's easy to die if you drink like this. You can't drink this wine too much. You just drank so much, it's already excessive..."

The waiters now regret that they sold this wine to Jing bao'er.

But Jing bao'er immediately threw away his hand, poured himself a glass of wine, and then took another sip

This kind of picture once again scared everyone present.

You know, if you drink these two glasses of wine, it will be about seventy-eight Liang

If you drink it any more, you'll be dead and you'll get alcoholism.

The waiter was so scared that he picked up the bottle and looked at Jing bao'er and said, "miss. You shouldn't drink this kind of wine like this... "

"It's very harmful to drink like this, and it's easy to kill people." The waiter added.

Jing bao'er, however, snorted coldly, disdaining to say, "what's the matter? Don't worry. I'm not so easy to die. If I can die so lucky, I'll be lucky... "

"Miss, you really can't drink any more." The waiter added.

Jingbao'er orders coldly, "bring me the wine. Do you hear me..."

But the waiter refused.

As soon as she was ready to get up and grab her own wine, she was patted on the shoulder.

She looked back impatiently.

What came into view was the face of a strange man.

This man looks like he's only 27 or 28 years old. He's wearing an international famous brand. He looks like a rich second generation.

It's just the way you look, the way you laugh, it's even more common.

Not only ordinary, but also a little obscene.

Looking at the smile, jingbao'er was disgusted.

"What are you doing?" She asked resentfully.

Now that alcohol is a little on her head, she begins to feel that the world in front of her is a little fuzzy

But the man continued to smile and said, "nothing, just want to make a friend with you..."

"Who are you? I want to make friends with you? Do I know you? " Jing bao'er was dissatisfied.

Then he directly turned away the man's hand and said, "take away your paws, I'm dirty..."

With that, she turned around, looked at the waiter and said, "give me my wine back, do you hear..."

However, the man didn't mean to go away at all.

Not only did he not go away, but he also sat down beside jingbao'er.

As soon as he sat down, he immediately extended his long arm, put his arm around her shoulder, put it close to her ear and said, "hey You don't know me, but I know you, jingbao'er I've been paying attention to you for a long time. I always feel that you are very energetic and want to associate with you. However, because you have Jingrong around you, I didn't dare to do it Well, now that Jingrong is gone, should you think about me? "

Men's behavior and words make jingbao'er disgusted to the extreme.

She frowned and looked discontented. She turned her head to shake off the man's hand and said in a cold voice, "I'm warning you, go away for me. I'm not interested in you..."

"No, Miss Jing, think about what I said. Well, I'll introduce myself to you first. After listening, you can decide whether to drive me away, OK?" The man was elated and said, "well, my name is Jiang Yang. Do you know who my father is? The president of Jiang's group is Jiang's real estate, a famous real estate company in Beijing. Do you know that? "

"My conditions are not as good as Jing Rong, but they are good. How about you follow me? I promise to make you as beautiful as ever... " The man said again.

Then he reached out and stroked Jing bao'er's hair.

After caressing, he took back his hand directly and put his finger on the tip of his nose.This action makes Jingbao feel extremely obscene.

She immediately felt that her stomach was tumbling.

It's - it's a fucker.

“Shit!” She couldn't help cursing, snorted coldly, and then said directly. "No interest, go away..."

But the man was still reluctant. He put his hand on Jing bao'er's shoulder again and said, "roll what? Roll? Rolling sheets? "

With that, he couldn't help laughing.

That laughter, is also more listen to more people feel lewd.

Jing bao'er, however, said nothing. He just grasped the man's wrist

And, start adding gravity channels a little bit.

The wrists were so painful that the man could not help screaming, "ah Pain You You let me go, you You let me go... "

But Jing bao'er didn't mean to let go, and he was still adding gravity

At this moment, she really wanted to crush the man's wrist.

What I hate most is this kind of wretched guy!

"Ah Pain It hurts What are you doing? You You let me go Ah... " Men are constantly crying.

But Jing bao'er still didn't want to let him go

"Lying trough, you - damn, release me, do you hear me..." The man screamed again, the wrist pain to the extreme, even the strength of resistance are not

Feeling almost done, Jing bao'er threw away the man's hand. Then, from his pocket, he took out a white handkerchief and carefully wiped the hand that touched the man's wrist. Then he abandoned the handkerchief to the waiter and said, "give me this handkerchief stained with the man's dirty sebaceous glands..."

When a man hears the words, he is completely annoyed.

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