Once, in a hail of bullets, he passed death several times without fear, but at this moment, he was afraid.

In the hazy, jingbao'er heard someone calling her all the time. She opened her heavy eyelids.

The vision is blurred because of excessive blood loss.

She couldn't see who was holding herself now

"Honey Honey... " When the man saw Jing bao'er wake up, he immediately called out to her and ran forward with all his life.

The sound

Jingbao'er burst into tears

It's her fourth uncle

Fourth uncle

"Fourth uncle Am I dreaming? Or, I'm in heaven now... "

"How could I see you..."

"Now I'm dead, aren't I? I feel so happy about death, because it can bring me closer to you... "

Jing bao'er spoke word by word in a very weak voice

"You fool, don't talk nonsense. You're not dead, neither am I. listen, I won't allow you to die..." Men are bossy.


The next second, however, she completely lost all consciousness and closed her eyes again.

In his lifetime, this man, for the first time, felt so scared.

Panic will Jingbao son on the plane, the man is quickly driving the plane, toward the location of the capital military region general hospital.

Heart, panic to the extreme

While operating the plane, he kept calling, on the co pilot, the bleeding little woman

At that moment, he felt his whole world collapse

"Jingbao, can you still hear me? Listen, I won't allow you to die, do you hear me? "

"You promised me that you would stay with me for the rest of my life. You said that you would stay with me forever..."

"Jing bao'er, do you hear me? I don't allow you to have anything. You have to live for me..."

The hand holding the lever was shaking all the time. At this moment, the man felt as if he was going to be unable to hold on.

The little woman in the co pilot's seat was bleeding all the time. Her face was getting paler and paler

This kind of picture, like a knife, knock into the eye!

Tears, involuntarily flowing down, blurred the man's line of sight!

"Jing bao'er, do you hear me? I don't allow you to die. Do you hear me?"

"Jing bao'er, open your eyes to me. I ordered you to open your eyes to me now!"

"Jing bao'er Please, open your eyes... "

The man kept growling and speeding up the plane again


When he arrived at the General Hospital of the capital military region, the man directly carried Jing bao'er into the hall.

As soon as he entered the hall, he kept shouting, "come on, come on, it's killing! Give me someone right away

Soon, a group of nurses ran over and saw Jing Rong. The nurse immediately felt numb.

However, the current situation does not allow her to think more.

So she ran away quickly and turned around to shout

Soon, the nurse, with a large number of medical staff and emergency cart, arrived at Jingrong.

Everyone can't help but take a breath when they see Jingrong.

However, everyone didn't ask and think much. They just put Jing bao'er on the emergency cart and pushed the cart directly and quickly towards the maintenance of the emergency room.

Soon -

Jing bao'er was pushed into the VIP emergency room.

After Jing bao'er was pushed forward, Jing Rong lost all his strength.

His sword eyebrow is tight Cu, a fart, shares sat on the cold ground, can't stand up.

Early in the morning, the tile floor is very cold, but the man, it is not a bit of feeling.

The proud son of heaven on the cloud, at this moment, decadence to the extreme, with extreme despair and fear.

Fear filled his whole heart.

He is really afraid, very afraid of losing his little woman

The little woman who loves her as a treasure

Tears, can not help flowing down, he closed his eyes, constantly in the heart, praying for her

He was never a man who shed tears easily.

On the battlefield, he was shot countless times. When he was on the verge of death, he would never shed a tear. When he broke his leg or arm, he would never shed a tear.

But now, his tears are out of control.For him, jingbao'er is a person who is hundreds of times more important than his own life. He can't lose his existence all his life.

She is his only weakness

As long as you hit the soft spot, he will lose all his strength and rationality in an instant

Time, every minute, every second, swam forward.

Every minute, every second, seems like a century to Jingrong

Nurses, one by one, keep going to the emergency room, carrying blood, and their faces are dignified to the extreme

Half an hour later, Jing Baoer's life and death are still unknown.

His mood is also chaotic to the extreme

The cold on the ground soaked his whole body. He couldn't hold it any longer. Then he got up and walked around in panic at the door of the emergency room

There was a rapid sound of footsteps.

He went immediately.

Only see, scar woman is running towards his position quickly, face, with dignified and serious.

When she came to Jingrong's side, the woman immediately nodded respectfully and said, "at present, the director of the police station has been under control. I have only left one survivor for those drug addicts. I have just finished interrogating them. The director and the drug addicts have recruited everything. The director said that he was ordered by the prime minister. The prime minister called him in person to ask him to kill Miss Jing ……”

"Immediately, order those black hawk members who are hiding outside the prime minister's office to start at once and catch the prime minister to the presidential office first..." Jingrong road.

The woman immediately nodded respectfully and said, "yes!"

"You went there too..." Jing Rong and Dao.

The woman nodded respectfully again, "yes!"

After that, she turned and left without looking back.

After the woman left, Jingrong was directly sitting on the cold bench, a pair of indifferent eyes, red as if dripping blood.

Think of their favorite little woman, at this moment is still inside the first aid, his heart, like a needle like pain.

He's really scared, facing the outcome.

He didn't dare to think what he would be like if Jing bao'er left him foreve

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