Thinking of Jing bao'er's nearly being tortured to death by those drug addicts, his heart began to ache

On hearing this, the premier immediately hummed again and said, "not so much. Why Because she is the person closest to you, so I hate you at the same time, I naturally hate her. So, when you die, I will not leave her... "

"Oh! You are so vicious Jingrong is cold.

"Yes If you are not cruel, you can't stand steadily. Therefore, I have always been so cruel, but I always disguised better. You didn't find it. Mr. President, what else do you want to ask? If not, do it quickly Give me a good time... " The premier said coldly, with hatred in his eyes

His heart is now filled with infinite reluctance.

He's really not reconciled.

Just because, this time, Jing Rong's luck was a little better, so he became a failure

This really made him unwilling.

He really doesn't understand why, all along, the lucky ones are Jing Rong, not him

Why do all the good things always happen to Jing Rong? Why?

Clearly, his plans have been successful, and he will do everything seamlessly

Why, in the end, he fell into such a field just because of Jingrong's good luck.

He didn't really agree.

I'm not willing to!

With his eyes closed, he said again, "kill me, give me a good time..."

Jing Rong is so cold that his eyes are filled with hatred that he almost turns into blood drops

"Have a good time? Do you think it's possible? " Jingrong is cold.

"What do you want..."

"The person who betrayed me, I will never let him die too happily..." Jing Rong and Dao.

"What do you want..." The premier asked coldly with a frown on his sword.

"What do you want? You'll soon know..." Jing Rong said coldly.

Then, he waved to several members of the Black Hawk organization around him and said, "you guys, show me this person. If you lose this person, I'll ask for you!"

When they heard the words, they immediately nodded respectfully and cried out, "yes! Mr. President

"What do you want to do to me? Since you want to kill me, you can kill me directly... " The premier added.

Jingrong just snorted coldly. Looking back at him coldly, he said, "kill you. It's natural, just. Not now... "

With these words, Jing Rong immediately went to the hospital, got on his own plane, drove the plane, and returned to the General Hospital of the capital Military Region

On the roof of the hospital, after stopping the plane, Jing Rong comes directly to Jing bao'er's ward

At this time, jingbao'er's ward door was full of reporters and nurses

Nurses, standing at the door of the ward, surrounded by a wall, for fear that the reporters would break in

A few hours ago, when the medical staff of this hospital found out that Jing Rong had not really died, many people couldn't help but live in their circle of friends. They also published this news on Weibo, and they were accompanied with a picture of Jing Rong

The photos have been released, which has caused a sensation all over the Internet

Because of this, these reporters, at this moment, will gather at the entrance of Jing bao'er's ward.

When you see Jingrong coming, you immediately go crazy and run to Jingrong

They look like mosquitoes with blood, so crazy, so indifferent

The man's side, all of a sudden surrounded by people

In the face of such a messy situation, the man is still, a cold, a face indifferent, fundus brow, do not see the slightest expression of fluctuations.

"Mr. President, where have you been these days?"

"Before, the prime minister clearly said that the bodies recovered at sea are consistent with your DNA..."

"Mr. President, what have you experienced these days? Can you tell us more about it?"

Reporters' questions, like surging waves, rush towards Jingrong.

Everyone's face, with the same curiosity

They're really going crazy.

Why is it that before Ming Dynasty, all kinds of signs showed that Jingrong had died, but now, Jingrong is standing in front of them?

What happened in the middle?

Now they all want to know, all this

Jing Rong just frowned. Then he took one of the reporters' microphones and said to everyone, "specific questions, I will hold a press conference later, and then, at the press conference, I will announce everything to you Now, I'm in a hurry to see my woman. I don't have much time to answer your questions. I hope you all can let me know... "With that, the man returned the microphone to the reporter.

Then, the man immediately raised his head and glanced faintly around him

Although the vision is clear and light, the people around can't help but open a path for Jingrong.

No one dare, continue to block in front of him.

Because this man's aura is too strong.

Strong enough to make people dare not listen to him.

Looking at the way out, Jing Rong said, "I'm very grateful for your cooperation. The press conference should be held in the afternoon. When I get back, I'll ask my subordinates to send you an invitation letter and invite you to come here together..."

With that, Jing Rong walked into Jing bao'er's ward with long legs

When Jingrong came in, the little woman on the bed was still sleeping

Even if it's sleeping, the brow of the little woman is tightly locked

Song Limei and Xia Mengli, left and right, sit by her bed, holding her hand tightly

As soon as he entered the door, song Limei's eyes turned red

She immediately trembled and got out of bed. Then she rushed to Jingrong like crazy and held Jingrong's hand. Then she asked excitedly, "old four, are you really our old four? You're really human, aren't you? "

With that, she immediately reached out and touched Jingrong's face. She felt that the face was warm. Only then did song Limei really believe that the person in front of her was a person, not a ghost

The next second, Song Li Mei's tears, is an instant, in the face of the counter current into a river.

One excited, she immediately hugged Jing Rong tightly, tears like rain, "old four, you finally came back, finally came back, do you know, you are not in these days, we these people, in the end endure how much suffering, especially bao'er that girl, do you know, that girl, almost died because of you..."

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