"Yes, I have told me many times that I want to die..." Xia Mengli added, "in fact, many times, my wife and I are really worried about her. We are really scared. She can't think of it for a moment and really end her life In particular, the body consistent with your DNA sample has been salvaged. Up to now, we almost dare not leave her these days I dare not leave her alone... "

With these words, summer dream tears will not from the mainstream down.

Think of the state before bao'er, her heart is inexplicable pain.

The man smell speech, speechless, just silently wiped away the eyes, rolling and falling tears.

When she was alone, she had suffered so many heartbreaking moments alone. He felt very painful when he thought about such a picture

In my heart, I feel more guilty about jingbao'er

"Thank God for sending you back to her If you don't come back, I'm really not sure if bao'er can finish his own life by himself... " Song Li Mei said, tears are immediately flowing down.

As soon as her voice fell, jingbao'er on the bed slowly opened her eyes.

When she opened her eyes, the first person she saw was Jing Rong.

Then song Limei and Xia Mengli

The moment I saw Jingrong, the little woman's eyes turned red.

Then, the crystal tears rolled down -

when she was in a coma at the police station, she heard Jing Rong calling herself.

So she opened her eyes.

But it was because she was so dizzy that she couldn't see the person calling her clearly

I can only tell from my voice that this man is my fourth uncle

At that time, she thought she was just dreaming, or in heaven

And now?

Now is just the continuation of that dream? Or is she already in heaven?

If you go to heaven, why is there song Limei around?

Or, in front of all this, just before, the continuation of that dream?

With a sour nose, the little woman reached out her hand, caressed Jingrong's warm face, and asked, "fourth uncle Is that you? Are you my fourth uncle? Now, am I dreaming? Or is it all true... "

"Fourth uncle, are you really back? Or, it's just a fantasy in my head You tell me, is that true? " With that, her tears flowed into a river on her face.

These days, all the sadness in my heart ran out in an instant, just like the flood of sluice gate. In an instant, she was swallowed up.

She really can't believe that the person in front of her is really Jing Rong.

I can't believe that everything is true.

Even if the feeling of heartache, true to the extreme, she can't believe it

When a man hears the words, he has a sour nose. Through the dim tears, he looks at the weak and poor little woman in front of him

At the moment of eye contact, the man obviously felt that his heart was stabbed by something, and the pain was severe

So is jingbao'er

"It's true. All this is true. My dear, the fourth uncle is back. He's back to you..." The man said word by word.

Jing bao'er burst into tears again, and then choked, "really? Is all this really true? Fourth uncle, do you really come back to me? All this, really is not a dream? After you left me, there have been scenes of you coming back to me many times in my dreams, but whenever I was awakened by heartache, I would find that it was just a dream, and then I would feel more heartbreaking pain "

when a man hears the words, his tears are just like a broken bead, which can't be controlled

He tried to wipe away all the tears from his face, and then he kissed the back of the little woman's hand and said, "it's true Now it's not a dream... "

"Really, isn't it? I'm so scared. After a while I was awakened by the feeling of heartache, I opened my eyes and found that it was still a dream My world is still like that, looking around at empty space.... " Jing bao'er said again.

"Now is reality, not dream..." The man said again.

When Jing bao'er heard that, he immediately pinched the back of his hand

The sudden tingling reminds her that all this is true

It's real.

Not dreams.

Jingrong really came back to her.

It's a miracle

The next second, her tears, flow is more ferocious

Forced to support her weak and stinging body, she struggled to get up, then clenched the gauze wrapped fist and beat Jingrong's chestThe fist hit the man's solid chest, making a thumping sound

It hurts, but the man doesn't say a word. He just looks at his little woman and lets her beat him so hard

While beating, jingbao'er scolded, "Jingrong, you bastard, since you're OK, why don't you come back to me? Why do you have to wander outside all the time? Do you know, in the days when you're not here, how the hell did I survive? Do you know that I almost died because of you... "

"How many times, when I dream back in the middle of the night and look around empty, I want to die and follow you to another world, do you know? Jingrong, why do you do this? Why, why? Since you have nothing to do, why have you refused to give us any news for more than a month? Why do you torture me so much... "

"Jingrong, I hate you. I hate you so much. I hate you Jingrong, you are an asshole You are an asshole

The more you talk about it, the more excited Jing bao'er is.

The more excited you are, the weaker your hands will be.

However, she is still insisting, beating the man's chest constantly, venting all the grievances buried in her heart

The man let her out for a while, and then he pulled his little woman into his arms, held her carefully, choked, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's all my fault It's all my fault Many things are not as simple as you think. After a while, your mood will calm down. I'll tell you a little bit... "

"Po'er, I'm sorry, it's all my fourth uncle. My fourth uncle has wronged my po'er..." Jing Rong and Dao.

Suddenly bumped into the familiar and warm arms, once again breathing to the man he loves, the familiar taste, her heart, five flavors mixed

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