"It turns out that the prime minister is really not a thing. In fact, I have known for a long time that this guy is not a thing. Before, when he was in front of you, he showed all kinds of respect to me and bao'er. After you were gone, his attitude towards us turned a corner..." Song Li Mei said again.

Jing Rong nodded and didn't answer. He just continued to explain his words -

"after that, I asked the girl who saved me to arrange people for me, secretly observe and track the prime minister, and collect a lot of evidence about his betrayal After a long time of hard work, we finally collected enough evidence yesterday afternoon to completely trip him... "

"Of course, after I woke up, I also asked the girl to send someone to protect you and follow you in secret..."

"Just because of this, last night, when you were arrested by the police station, I soon got the news..."

"Because I have no fear of the prime minister, when I learned that you were arrested, I directly sent people to encircle the prime minister's office, and directly took the girl to the police station, ready to rescue you..."

"But what I didn't expect was that when I walked into the prison room of the police station, I saw you, you were full of holes At that time, I was so angry that I picked up the bloody you and took you to the hospital And let the girl clean up the people who hurt you. The girl killed several people and left only one living person. Then she took control of the director of the police station and interrogated him and the only living person. The person who hurt you said that he was instructed by the director of the police station... "

"The director said that he was instructed by the prime minister. When I got the news, I directly ordered the girl, and directly ordered all the people who were hiding around the prime minister's office to do it!"

Jing Rong said word by word, and his fists were unconsciously clenched together.

When he thought of what the prime minister had done to his little woman, his hatred was like a torrent of water

He really hated that vicious Prime Minister!

After hearing what Jing Rong said, Jing bao'er immediately nodded

She doesn't talk anymore

Because, after she calms down and thinks about what Jingrong said to herself, she can fully understand Jingrong's practice.

Maybe the same thing will happen to her, and she will make the same choice as Jingrong

She no longer spoke, just silent, and in the heart, constantly thank God, thank God for her scenery.

Jingbao'er was completely quiet, and Jingrong said, "in fact, I thought you couldn't stand it before. I also went to see you secretly It's just that you don't know When I go to see you, you are sleeping... "

Summer dream smell speech, in the heart is immediately clap Deng for a while.

She then looked at Jing Rong and asked, "so before, when we were in country f, when bao'er was hospitalized for gastric bleeding, did you also visit her?"

Jingrong nodded, "yes, I once sneaked into her ward. I saw her when you were all away. I took a look at her that time. Later, when I heard that someone was going to enter the ward, I jumped out of the window and ran away..."

Wen Yan, Xia Meng Li is a see light suddenly -

"no wonder, once, when I went back to the ward, I once saw the smell of a mint perfume in the air... It turns out that the taste is what you left behind, isn't it? Not only that, at that time, I also found that the window of the ward was not closed, and I was very confused at first, because I always remember that before I left the ward, I closed the window, but after I came back, it was open. Because of this, I still had doubts for a long time... " Xia Mengli said.

Hearing the words, Jing Rong immediately looked at Xia Mengli and said, "that may be the time. You are really careful Xia Mengli... "

"That time, did you lose a cuff link?" Asked Xia Mengli.

Jing Rong nodded, "it's really..."

"Isn't that right? Not long after we returned home, you sneaked into the presidential palace and visited bao'er?" Summer dream asks again.

Jing Rong nods again

"no wonder, once, when I came back to my room, I smelled a smell of perfume that I smelled when I was in F's ward, and I also found a closed window as before. At that time, I suspected that someone had entered the room and checked the surveillance. However, no abnormality was found in all the surveillance images of the presidential palace.... " Xia Mengli said again.

When Jing Rong heard the speech, he immediately laughed and said, "that's for sure. I've lived in the presidential palace for a long time. Naturally, I know where the monitoring dead corner is. As long as I walk in the dead corner, you can't find me..."

"It's amazing..." Xia Mengli said.

"You are also very powerful. You are more careful. With people like you by my side, I feel relieved..." Jingrong road."Your honor, I'm flattered..." Xia Mengli said again.

With a smile toward Xia Mengli, Jing Rong puts his eyes on Jing bao'er again.

At this time, the little woman, with tears in her eyes, looked at him affectionately -

the moment her eyes collided, the little woman asked, "so, you came back to see me secretly before Because it's hard to miss... "

Jing Rong nodded, "well, after hearing that your stomach bleeding, I feel very uncomfortable. I'm worried about you. I really can't help it, so I secretly went to see you twice..."

"But every time, the time is very short, for fear of being found out by others..." Jing Rong and Dao.

Hearing the words, jingbao'er immediately hugged Jingrong tightly, and his eyes and eyebrows were moved, "fool Anyway, thank you for coming back safely... "

Jing Rong didn't speak, just hugged Jing bao'er tightly

It's really very happy for Jingrong to feel like this again, holding her beloved little woman

Embracing this little woman is like embracing the whole world

So is Jing Baoer.

After the ordeal of life and death, Jing bao'er's excitement can't be expressed in words if she can hold this man again.

At this time, no words can describe her excitement and happiness

Any vocabulary, at this time, will become pale.

"By the way..." Suddenly thinking of something, jingbao'er immediately pushed Jingrong away and asked, "who is the girl who saved you? When I listen to you, I feel that this girl's background seems to be very strong... "

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