"Well, I'll treat her well, because she's your Savior. She saved my favorite man. By the way, what's her name? Seventeen year old, she has so much money in her family, why don't she go to school? What's more, her family also agreed that she would follow you as an entourage? Her parents are so rich that they are willing to let her be your servant? " Asked Jing bao'er.

When the man heard this, he immediately said, "her name is Nangong Jing. Because she doesn't like to study, she won't study after graduating from junior high school. The reason why she is willing to stay with me is that she is interested in our black hawk organization and is also interested in being a female agent Like you, her dream is to be a female agent... "

Smell speech, scene treasure son eye ground eyebrow tip is immediately flashed a touch of surprised facial expression, "what? She has the same dream as me? "

"Well Yes, her parents agreed that she would follow me because of her dream Her parents, who are more open-minded and respect her, are willing to let me help her realize her dream. " Jing Rong and Dao.

"It seems that nangongjing and I share similar ideals. In the future, I can train with her..." Jingbaoer road.

The man nodded, "well, when she's finished, you can go on a mission. When you go on a mission, I'll be a little relieved if there's a woman around to follow you and take care of you..."

Jing bao'er nods, then gets up again and hugs Jing Rong

"Fool, why do you sit up all the time? Well Jing Rong gently stroked the girl's hair and asked.

Jingbao'er continued to hold Jingrong tightly and said, "well, I just want to hold you, can't I? Fourth uncle, I miss you so much Thank you for coming back to me. You know, I'm in a really good mood now... "

Jing Rong immediately smiles and says, "well, fourth uncle can come back to you in a very good mood. Fourth uncle also thinks of you very much. Honey, I really can't live without you..."

Jing bao'er choked, her eyes were red, and she forced herself to tear. Crack general pain, looking up at Jing Rong, said, "fourth uncle, we later, never separate, OK? In the future, if there is such a thing, would you please let me know in advance? Don't let me know nothing any more and face all the pain alone, OK? "

The man nodded

"Well, I see. Next time I won't, eh?" The man said.

The voice just dropped. The man held the girl's face in his hands and said, "it won't happen again in the future I promise... "

Jing bao'er nodded, the tip of his nose was sour, and tears immediately flowed out again.

Women's tears, like a pearl in general, dazzling, brilliant light, deeply hurt his heart.

"Fool, why do you cry? I'm such a crybaby... "

"It's you who have come back to me. I feel very moved and happy, fourth uncle I'm really happy. I can't describe my mood in words now... "

Jing Rong immediately smiles when he hears the words. His eyes are red.

A heart is filled with something called moving by this little woman.

Holding the little woman to lie down, the man immediately gently took her hand, kissing the back of her hand, and said, "silly girl, lie down and have a rest, don't get up all the time? Huh? Take care of the wound first, eh? "

Jing Baoer nodded.

Looking at the man's face and thinking about what she had experienced during his absence, the tip of her nose could not help feeling sour again.

With the heart, also began to severe pain.

In those days when this man was away, she was suffering from hell

"When you're better, I'll take you to masochi..." The man said, "well? How about that? "

"You mean, Prime Minister?" Asked Jing bao'er.

"In addition, director Zhu, a policeman named Liu Hai, and the only living drug addict who hurt you were involved in this incident..." Speaking of the names of these people, the man's eyes and eyebrows were immediately infected with a layer of extreme chill.

Mention those people, men would like to, immediately those people are all alive.

Jing bao'er nodded, "OK, I'll go with you to abuse the dregs..."

The man nodded, then gently stroked the little woman's face and asked in a soft voice, "how do you feel about yourself? Huh? Does it hurt? "

The little woman nodded, "the pain is very painful, but looking at your face, I feel much better Fourth uncle, don't go. Just stay with me all the time... "

The man nodded.

Although there are still many things to deal with, now that the little woman has opened her mouth, he will put them down for the time being and accompany her with those things waiting for her to deal with.After all, nothing in this world is more important than the little woman in front of you

"It's just that you should have a lot of things to deal with now. I'll take back what I just said. If you have something to do, you can deal with it. I'll be fine..." Jing bao'er says again

She thought that when she just spoke, she was a little brainless

Now, Jingrong has just returned, there should be a lot of things waiting for him to do.

Thinking of this, jingbao'er said, "I'm sorry, I'm not sensible. If you have something to do, please hurry to do it..."

Jing Rong heard the speech, but immediately said with a smile, "fool, accompany you, is my top priority, as for other things, compared with this thing, it is not important..."

"Goodbye, you'd better deal with your affairs. I know you still have a lot of things to deal with..." Jing bao'er said again.

The man is indifferent, shook his head, "no, I have propriety, eh?"

The man's eyes and blurted words make Jing bao'er feel warm

She smiles, clenches the man's hand and says, "really not? I don't want you to delay too much because of me... "

"As long as you are happy, I am willing to give up the whole country for you..." The man said again.

Hearing this, jingbao'er feels warm again.

Again, hearing the man's affectionate words and looking at the man's face, jingbao'er felt very happy.

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