After that, he arranged the microphone in front of him and said, "thank you very much, friends from the press, for coming to the local press conference in your busy schedule. Thank you I believe you are full of doubts about my resurrection from death. Next, let me tell you about it carefully. "

Jingrong, without any hesitation, cuts directly into the theme

The reporters immediately held their breath and pointed the camera at Jingrong, ready to listen to Jingrong's next words.

After another light look, the nervous reporters under the stage gave a glance. Jing Rong frowned slightly, and then said, "in fact, the whole thing was planned by my most trusted Prime Minister..."

When Jing Rong said this, the scene was in an uproar

All the reporters were shocked and wide eyed.

Then, everyone began to look at each other.

Everyone's eyes are full of unbelievable

After noticing the shock in everyone's eyes, Jing Rong just slightly raised his eyebrows, and then said, "before, the reason why I was captured by the people of the War Tiger organization of Y, in fact, is that our prime minister has been secretly colluding with tiger, the leader of the organization, to reveal my whereabouts to each other. His purpose is to eradicate me, and then step on my body I'm in the top position... "

As soon as Jing Rong said this, there was another uproar at the scene

They were shocked again and their eyes widened.

Everyone was confused.

No one can believe it. It turns out that all the time, looking at the prime minister who is loyal to Jingrong, he would be such a person!

Everyone held their breath and waited. Jingrong, what's next

After another light look at the people at the bottom, Jing Rong said, "at that time, after I was captured by tiger's people, I suspected someone around me and revealed my whereabouts to tiger, suspecting that there was a conspiracy. However, at that time, even if I doubted, there was no way for me. I was like a bird with wings cut off, controlled by tiger's people, in order to let him know I died completely. Tiger not only had me beaten so hard that I was black and blue, my arms were broken, even He also asked someone to bind me with a huge stone and throw it into the deep sea near the sunset island of F country... "

"At that time, when I was thrown into the sea, I thought that I would be completely finished. But what I didn't expect was that I met a girl who was diving. She saved me. When I was rescued by her and came to my senses, I started the secret investigation of my own murder. In order to let the people who framed me relax their vigilance, so, I decided to disguise my death and secretly investigate everything. After my investigation, I finally found out that the person who stabbed me in the back was the prime minister I trusted most.... "

"And he did it because he coveted my presidency. He wanted to kill me, and then stepped on my corpse..."

"After I confirmed everything, I surrounded the premier's office with people, and controlled him. He, in front of me, honestly admitted all his crimes..."

Jing Rong said word by word. At last, his eyes and eyebrows were stained with a strong hatred.

Every word and sentence he uttered shocked the reporters on the scene and made them tremble

Before that, no one thought that there was such a big conspiracy behind Jingrong's murder.

No one has ever thought that the prime minister actually played such a big chess piece behind his back.

Many reporters were shocked and speechless

"Sir, who is the diving girl who saved you A female reporter, clutching the microphone, looked at Jing Rong curiously and asked.

Jing Rong immediately looked at the reporter and said, "it's an ordinary girl in F country..."

"Mr. President, does Miss Jing know about your suspended animation?" Another male reporter asked.

Jingrong immediately responded, "I don't know. I didn't tell Jingbao, or anyone around Jingbao, or even my most trusted subordinate, Yeming, about this, because, I think, it's necessary to do a full set of drama..."

"Mr President, what kind of punishment will you face next? Will you show mercy to him? " Another male reporter asked.

When Jing Rong heard the speech, he immediately hummed coldly and said, "those who betray me, I will naturally deal with them according to law, and I will not show mercy...!"

"Your Excellency, we firmly support your approach!"

"Yes, sir, we firmly support your approach! Mr. President, such a person should be punished as he should be! ~"

" it's just, it's too much! "

Reporters are scrambling to express their views on Jingrong! ~Jing Rong nodded faintly, "it's natural. Well, friends, let's hold today's press conference. I'm tired too. Moreover, my woman is still in the hospital, waiting for me to accompany her..."

"Sir, can you wait a moment? I heard that last night, Miss Jing, because of beating someone in a bar, was called to the police station by the party concerned, put into a cell, and even nearly killed by a drug addict in the same cell. Could you tell us something about this? " A female reporter, with an anxious face, stood up, looked at Jing Rong and asked.

"Yes, Mr. President, can you tell us the details of this matter?" Another male reporter stood up and looked at Jing Rong.

Jing Rong immediately looked at the two people who asked questions and said, "my woman didn't make trouble on her own initiative. She was honest and drank in the bar. Later, she was transferred and played by one person. She started against that person out of self-defense, and that person, so she called the police just for no reason. As for the people in the police station, why, She was put in a cell with drug addicts because the director of the police station was instructed by the prime minister... "

There was another uproar at the scene

"What? Do you mean that the prime minister manipulated the events of last night? " A reporter asked.

"Yes He not only wants to kill me, but also my woman... " Jing Rong's eyes were firm, looking at the reporter and saying

In front of reporters, he doesn't want to have any reservation about everything.

Because there is nothing to keep.

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