After all, he couldn't help but open his mouth -

"Jingrong, since you want to kill me, please give me a good time, don't do this, continue to torture me..."

"You are not human!"

"Stinky boy, you are not human!"

The prime minister denounced this word by word, and his eyes and eyebrows were filled with hatred. "If I could, I really want to tear you up into pieces. It's all bad for tiger. Why did he throw you into the sea at that time? If he gave you a shot and shot you in the head, then there would be nothing wrong?"

It's a pity for the prime minister to think of this.

At that time, if tiger shot Jingrong and killed him instead of throwing him into the sea, everything would be different

Jingrong will disappear from the world completely.

And he will soon become the president of a powerful country

After thinking about it, he still felt that it was all because that tiger was so stupid.

He really regretted that he had chosen that fool to cooperate with such a fool.

If you change the person, maybe it will be different!

"I can't help it. My luck is just a little bit better than you..." The man said again.

With that, the man fired another shot at his right big leg

"Bang -"

the deafening gunfire, again

The cold bullet went straight through his right leg

The bright red liquid gushes out again like a fountain

"Jingrong, you want to beat me into a sieve, don't you? If you are a man, please shoot me in the heart. Don't let me suffer like this The prime minister said.

But without saying a word, Jing Rong pointed the muzzle of the gun at his heart and said, "this place, I will shoot sooner or later But, not now... "

With that, he threw the gun directly at Jing bao'er

Jingbao'er takes the pistol neatly. With hatred on her face, jingbao'er stands up and walks to Jingrong step by step. Looking at the prime minister, she has a pale face full of sweat

"Little girl, why, you have to learn Jingrong, shoot me and torture me, don't you?" The premier asked coldly.

Jingbao'er snorted coldly, "why can't I?"

With that, she aimed the gun directly at the prime minister's right upper arm

"Bang -" a gunshot, cold bullets accurately hit his right upper arm and lower arm connecting parts

The bullet was impartial and hit the joint

This kind of pain, let the premier sweat again!

"Er..." He can't even help snorting

Taking a deep breath, he gritted his teeth, looked at jingbao'er and said, "jingbao'er, you are as cruel as Jingrong..."

Without saying a word, Jing bao'er aimed his gun at the joint between his left upper arm and his left lower arm

"Bang -" she pulled the trigger again.

Soon, the cold bullet, which was accurate, entered his joint!

Heart splitting pain spread in the body again, this time, his whole body began to sweat!

It hurts!

He really hurt

Even if he wanted to bear it, he didn't make any noise, but his mouth still made a muffled sound -

"er Jingbao, you... " The prime minister has no choice but to say a complete sentence.

Jing bao'er sneered, holding a pistol in one hand, kept playing with it in his hand, turning around, and said, "don't look at me so hatefully. My fourth uncle's arms were broken by tiger's people It's just as painful as you are now. Now, I just give you back what my fourth uncle has suffered... "

"You You are so cruel The premier added.

Jingbao'er sneered, "why don't you? It's you who are cruel to my fourth uncle. That's why I'm cruel to you now... "

With that, Jing bao'er returned the gun to Jing Rong and said, "fourth uncle, next, come on yourself..."

With that, she turned around and went back to the sofa, folded her slender legs, picked up the cigar on the tea table, lit one and smoked

She wants to continue to see the good play

She was never a virgin.

There is always revenge.

This person makes her and Jing Rong unhappy, and she doesn't want to see this person happy

What she and Jing Rong have endured, she also wants this person to endure.

She likes it, tooth for tooth, eye for eye!

Even though, everything she did with Jingrong was a little cruel.However, they were also forced out by him.

If he had not been so cruel to them before, how could they have treated him like this?

Thinking of this, jingbao'er immediately took a deep breath.

Smoking cigarettes into the lungs, the pain of the body wound was pulled, all of a sudden relieved a lot.

Everyone, at this moment, held their breath, waiting for Jingrong's next action.

Jing bao'er lights a cigarette. Jing Rong takes a cigarette out of his pocket and lights it. Then he smokes it leisurely.

In the smoke, the man's face became colder and colder

Eyes inside, radiate out, is endless murderous!

The prime minister's whole body was shaking in pain, and he was almost completely soaked in cold sweat.

And he is obviously not as calm as he was just now.

She began to twitch on the chair.

Fear and pain, let him almost lose all reason!

"Give me a shot Please... " Finally, the man who is used to the storm can't help but beg for mercy from Jingrong.

There is pain in the eyes and brows

Jing Rong just stood calmly in front of him, smoking and saying nothing

The calmness of men made the prime minister very angry.

He gritted his teeth, looked at the man and said, "do you hear me, give me a shot, shoot me in the heart, let me die..."

He's really fed up with the pain.

Enough of it.

Jing Rong is still silent.

The pain of the enemy is his own happiness.

After smoking a cigarette, he slowly snuffed out the cigarette end with his bare hands, and then quickly pointed the muzzle of the gun at his heart

"Bang -"

the deafening gunfire rang out, but in the end, the bullet did not hit his heart

It went into the artery in his neck

Soon -

the blood gushed out from his arterial wound like the flood water

The spatter of blood smeared Jing Rong's white shirt and shining black shoes

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