"So what..." Meng Yaodong doesn't care about Tao.

No matter how expensive it is, as long as LAN LAN likes it, he is willing to respectfully hold it in front of LAN LAN.

He Meng Yaodong now just wants to hand over all the best things in the world to LAN LAN.

"I don't like it. You spend too much money for me..." Landau.

"But I like it. I like to spend money for you..." Meng Yaodong said again.

Before, Lan Lan once read such a sentence on the Internet, to see whether a man loves you or not, it mainly depends on this person, whether he is willing to spend money for you, the man who is willing to spend money must love you, but the man who is not willing to spend money for you must not love you

Now think about it, this sentence is really quite right

"Well, we've agreed that for a while, you can't take too expensive pictures for me..." Landau.

She was with Meng Yaodong only because of him, not because of his money. She didn't want to get any profit from Meng Yaodong.

Because, she wants, they can rely on their own skills to earn back, do not need to rely on anyone's strength.

"Later, eh?" Meng Yaodong road.

Lan Lan said with a smile, "anyway, say ahead of time."

"No, really Daughter in law, sometimes I really doubt whether you are a fool? Do you know what it's like to fall in love with others, especially with a diamond king like me? " Meng Yaodong road.

Lan Lan asked with a smile, "what's the state?"

"Of course, you flatter me, act coquetry with me, and then ask me for all kinds of things. What you want is a variety of things, such as millions of hermes bags, millions of watches, apartments, villas and luxury cars..." Meng Yaodong also said, "and you're good. From the day you were with me, until now, you didn't take the initiative to ask me for anything. I want to send you something. You either refuse or ask not to send too expensive things. Are you a fool, you girl?"

Lan Lan shook her head with a smile and said, "why do I have to ask for something when I fall in love with you? I fall in love with you for the sake of your kindness to me and your love for me for the sake of spiritual enjoyment and satisfaction, not material things. I can earn material things with my own efforts. You just need to give me love. As for bread, I don't need it, because I have... " Landau.

To be honest, she has been working hard in the entertainment industry since she was 19 years old, and now, for four years, she has accumulated a lot of wealth.

Although there is no way to compare with what Meng Yaodong has, she is at least a well-known little rich woman in the entertainment circle. She really doesn't need some material things

Besides, let alone that she can make money now, even if she can't make money, she won't. She hopes that Meng Yaodong can give her something. She always thinks that when it comes to love, it's better to be simple. When it comes to love, it's better to just talk about love

It's really vulgar to talk about money in love.

She didn't want to be that vulgar.

Hearing the speech, Meng Yaodong immediately turned his eyes. Then he took a cigarette out of his pocket and put it in his mouth. Then he lit it with one hand and took a puff. Then he slowly spit it out and said, "you can't think like that. In fact, you still need what you want from your man You know that? "

Lan Lan shook her head. "I don't want I hope our love is clean and pure. I don't like myself and become vulgar... "

"You girl, brain circuits are really different from ordinary people Hey! Girl, I'll teach you that when you meet someone like me who has a lot of stupid money, in fact, you should be slaughtered crazily and ask me for what you need You understand? I can satisfy you with any luxury car, luxury house or luxury jewelry... " Meng Yaodong said again.

Lan Lan immediately turned her eyes and said, "forget it. I don't lack these either..."

“……” Meng Yaodong was directly speechless by all the things she said.

Although he didn't speak, in his heart, he was thinking: this girl is really simple

It is also because his Lan Lan is simple enough and kind enough that he will love her deeply for several years.

It was her who made him see the different beauty in this world.


After dinner, jingbao'er and Jingrong take a bath together. Then they sit on the balcony of their bedroom, watching the stars, blowing the air, tasting red wine

At this time, Jing bao'er was wearing a snow-white silk nightgown. The Nightgown was low, with the design of chest and short skirt. On her body, she could see the scars at a glance

Looking at the scarred little woman, the man's heart, once again hard pain up.

But he didn't say anything, just quietly clinked a glass with her, and then took a sip of the red wine in the glass.After the test of life and death, he really feels very happy to be able to sit with his beloved little woman like this.

So is Jing Baoer.

After a mouthful of red wine, she began to recall the whole process of her acquaintance and love with Jingrong.

Looking back on her former self, she really thought it was fun and fearless

"Four uncles, you say, at the beginning, if I don't die skin Lai face to pester you, you will develop into lovers with me?" Asked Jing bao'er.

When the man heard the speech, he immediately thought seriously, "maybe, maybe not..."

"Yes, it's the same as not..." Jing bao'er was dissatisfied.

The man just laughed and didn't talk much.

He is always like this, a cold and rebellious appearance, words, never count much.

"Dudududu -"

the vibration of the mobile phone interrupted the warm atmosphere between the two people.

Jing Baoer immediately put her eyes in front of her, on the small round table, on her mobile phone

On the screen of the mobile phone, a piece of news appeared -

title, which was very popular!

"Meng Yaodong laughs for Bo Hongyan and throws money at the auction!"

Jingrong also saw the news on jingbao'er's mobile phone.

He immediately said with great interest, "open up and see what Dongzi has done..."

Jingbao'er immediately nodded, took the mobile phone, walked to Jingrong, then put down the red wine glass, directly sat on his big leg, one hand holding the mobile phone, one hand, and opened the news.

First of all, some photos of Meng Yaodong and LAN LAN at the auction.

Then, jingbao'er began to slide down quickly

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