As soon as LAN LAN came home, her cell phone rang.

It was a strange local number.

Thinking of Meng Yaodong's saying that Meng's mother is leaving, she immediately answers her wechat call.

Intuition tells her that the caller is Meng mu.

Just pressed answer, before she could say hello to the other side, the other side said directly, "Lan Lan baby, what are you doing?"

"Guess who I am." There's another way.

Hear the words over there, Lan Lan immediately said, "is it Auntie?"

"It's me, it's me..." There was laughter in the voice over there.

She could hear that Meng Yaodong's mother was in a good mood at the moment.

"Auntie, why are you calling so late? You didn't sleep? " Lan Lan asked.

"No, you're on the set, aren't you?" He asked again.

"No, I was just outside with Meng Yaodong. After dinner, I came home..." Landau.

"Oh, you can go to bed early later. By the way, I added your wechat. You can have a look I also added your QQ. " Then he said,

"OK, auntie, I see. Go to bed early." Lan Lan also said.

When she spoke, she always had a gentle smile on her lips.

In fact, to get Meng Yaodong's mother's so valued, LAN LAN is really in a good mood.

Then he said, "OK, baby, I'll go to bed first. Your uncle urged me. Remember to add me..."

"Well, good night, auntie."

"Good night, baby "

after hanging up, Lan Lan walks into the bathroom with a wonderful mood.

After a simple shower, she got into bed with a smile.

Just into the bed, the mobile phone will shake up.

I took my cell phone and found that Meng Yaodong sent me a text message.

Meng Yaodong said: daughter in law, I'm home. Good night

Lan Lan smiles and responds: good night.

Then he smiles, locks the screen, turns off the light and lies down.

As soon as the light was off, the whole room turned from light to dark.

She soon went to sleep.


The next day, Lan Lan finished filming in the evening. It was already more than eleven o'clock.

Meng Yaodong then finished her meal, and then took her to her home.

As soon as she was ready to get off, Meng Yaodong immediately took Lan Lan's hand and said, "I'll go down with you..."

"Well? What's up? " Lan Lan asked.

Meng Yaodong immediately laughed and said, "it's natural..."

"What's the matter?" Lan Lan asked.

"You will know in a moment..."

With that, Meng Yaodong took the lead to get out of the car, then walked to her with long legs and opened the door.

As soon as the car door opened, the light of the street lamp in the yard immediately shone on her, making her skin more white than snow. Fair water, tender.

Looking at such a little woman, Meng Yaodong felt feverish again,

but he just kept a gentleman's smile, held out his hand to her and said, "let's go, daughter-in-law, let's go home first."

Suddenly thought of what, Lan Li Ma way, "you should not be the gold three gold's new girlfriend, get home?"

I remember what Meng Yaodong said yesterday. Today, he will bring Tang Xiaoxiao over and let her and song Ruge vent their anger

Think of here, Lan Lan immediately warm heart.

Her man, as expected, always keeps his word.

Meng Yaodong just laughed and didn't answer. He just pulled her into the house.

At home, the lights are bright, just like day.

The floor has just been dragged, and the clean ones are flashing.

It can even reflect people.

LAN LAN and Meng Yaodong put on their slippers and went into the living room together.

As soon as she came to the living room, Lan Lan was shocked by the scene.

At this time, a very beautiful woman, tied to a chair, the woman's mouth, was stuffed with white towels, and the woman's back, is standing, eight, wearing uniform black clothes and black pants bodyguards.

Every bodyguard has a gun in his hand. The muzzle of the gun is on the woman's head.

Because of fear, the woman did not dare to struggle at all. She just sat down and trembled.

She knew that this woman must be Tang Xiaoxiao.

At this time, song Ruge sits on the sofa opposite Tang Xiaoxiao and looks at her quietly, with indifference at the bottom of her eyes and eyebrows.

"What a big battle..." Lan Lan said, "I really got it right "

Meng Yaodong smiles, pulls LAN LAN and walks to song Ruge step by step.As soon as he sat down, Meng Yaodong gave a cold glance. On the other side, Tang Xiaoxiao was full of fear. Then he looked at Song Ruge and asked softly, "Ruge, how are you feeling today? Does the nose still hurt? "

Song Ruge nodded, "it's still a little painful, but it's much better than yesterday. Thank you, Meng Shao..."

At this time song Ruge, or the original pair of bruised appearance, let a person see particularly distressed.

Looking at Song Ruge, Meng Yaodong hated Tang Xiaoxiao.

Meng Yaodong smiles at Song Ruge, then immediately cools his face, looks at Tang Xiaoxiao, and asks, "Ruge, LAN LAN, how do you plan to teach this cheap woman?"

"Well Well Well... " As soon as Meng Yaodong's voice fell, Tang Xiaoxiao immediately widened his eyes and tried to make himself make a sound. His head was constantly shaking, just like a rattle drum.

However, her struggle, as well as fear, did not let the presence of people, feel a trace of heartache and not give up.

Looking at her like this, all the people present felt disgusted.

"Open her mouth." Meng Yaodong said, "I'm not afraid of her shouting..."

He is Meng Yaodong, fearless.

Soon, a bodyguard immediately pulled the towel out of her mouth.

"What do you want to say? Bitch... " Asked Meng Yaodong.

After the towel was pulled out, Tang Xiaoxiao immediately gasped for breath. Then he pitifully looked at Meng Yaodong and LAN LAN song Ruge and said, "Meng Shao, Miss Lan Lan, and Miss Song, I beg you, if you don't remember the villains, you can let me go. I really know it's wrong. I don't dare to do it any more. I really don't want to do it any more If you dare, just think I'm a mad dog. Please let me go

When Meng Yaodong heard the speech, he immediately gave a cold hum, then extended his long arm and put his arm around LAN LAN. He looked at Tang with a cold smile and said, "excuse me? When did you hear that I, Meng Yaodong, would forgive anyone who provoked me? "

"Meng Shao, I'm not provoking you or your girlfriend. I'm only provoking Miss Song..." Tang Xiaoxiao said again.

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