"Now, I can't afford to be hurt. I'm afraid of who I will fall in love with and be hurt by this person again..." Song Ruge also said, "now, for me, the best state is a person, clean, good life, that's all..."

Farewell to the last, disgusting marriage, now she, want, just after a good life.

As for men, she would never take them.

After hearing this, song Mingyang immediately sighed and said, "it's really wrong for you to think like this. In fact, there are still good people in the world, but you just happen to meet bad people You can't deny the fact that there are good people in the world just because you meet bad people, and close yourself up? "

Song Ruge sighed helplessly and said, "but now, I want to seal myself up. From then on, I will close the door and refuse everyone to ask..."

"Such as GE Jie, you such idea, really can't, this idea, can't have, must quickly discard." Gu Yifei said again.

At this moment, everyone is worried about song Ruge's idea.

"Well, don't talk about this. There's nothing to say about my business. It's boring. Let's talk about you two..." Song Ruge asked, "I see you get along really well. When are you going to get married?"

Gu Yifei felt embarrassed and touched her hair immediately, then looked at her and said, "this matter is not in our consideration for the moment, because I haven't graduated yet. Considering this problem, at least I have to wait for my graduation, right?"

"Now you're a sophomore, aren't you?" Song Ruge asked.

Gu Yifei nodded, "yes, I'm still a sophomore, but I'll be a junior soon..."

"After graduating from junior year, you can think about it. Mingyang is such a good person, you must firmly grasp it..." The Song Dynasty is like a song and a way.

Gu Yifei smelled the speech, then immediately felt his head embarrassed and said, "this, I'm not in a hurry..."

When song Mingyang heard the speech, he immediately said, "why not hurry? Ruge is right. I'm such a good man. You have to find a way to catch him. I don't think we'll get married before you graduate from University..."

This is the first time that song Mingyang mentioned marriage with Gu Yifei.

When he said that, her heart beat faster.

She did not expect that he would say such words to himself in such a way on this occasion today.

He said -

get married after college

So he is already thinking about marriage.

Think of here, Gu Yifei heart, it seems to wipe the honey as sweet.

"In fact, I think it's good to get married after graduating from university. Yifei, think about it." Lan Lan also said.

Gu Yifei, although also wants to agree directly, but she still wants to show a little reserve.

So she pushed song Mingyang awkwardly and said, "well, let me think about this later I don't think that's too fast? "

"What's so fast? A lot of people have already held weddings in University. I don't ask you to marry me before graduation. It's very good, OK?" Song Mingyang also said.

Smell speech, Gu Yifei immediately embarrassed ground lowers a head, the face is direct red to neck root son. "Oh, I'll talk about it later. Mainly, I'll see your performance..."

Hearing this, song Mingyang immediately gave her a little smile, then hugged her and said, "I'm sure I'll do well. You can rest assured, baby. I'll treat you well, eh?"

Because, she has, with his favorite Xiao ran similar face, so, he will treat her well.

Because every time he looked at her, he felt that Xiao ran, whom he loved deeply, was in front of him.

Such a girl, he is certain, will not let go easily, he must marry her home.

We must make up for the fact that we didn't get married with Xiao ran.

Gu Yifei immediately lowered his head, embarrassed to keep playing with his thumb, and said, "OK, I see your performance..."

On the surface, although pretending to be very calm, but at this time, the little girl's heart, has already played endless ripples.

Next, a few of them began to chat all over the world.

Chatting, Meng Yaodong came out of the kitchen with a bowl of instant noodles.

He was wearing a snow-white apron.

It's quite like a family cook.

With LAN LAN, Meng Yaodong looks much softer than before.

Seeing Meng Yaodong come out like this, song Mingyang immediately said, "it's really more and more like a family cook."Meng Yaodong black face, all the way to his side, put down, said, "Damn, you just laughed at me, right? I'll cook noodles for you with good intentions. You're still kidding me, aren't you? "

”Don't worry. There's no such thing Song Mingyang gave a faint smile, then lowered his head and looked at the noodles he cooked.

He hates being considerate. He adds ham sausage, poached eggs and scallion in it. It sells very well and people have a good appetite

"I'm going to have some too. There's a lot more in the kitchen. Do you want to eat?" Asked Meng Yaodong.

"I want to..." Landau.

"I want it, too." Song Ruge said.

"Then I want to..." Gu Yifei said.

Meng Yaodong looked at them, then he shook his head, turned around and went directly into the kitchen.

In the past, Meng Yaodong would never serve anyone.

The instant noodles cooked by Meng Yaodong are very delicious. The poached eggs are also very tasty. Everyone who eats them praises them.

It's also very good to hear everyone praise Meng Shao's mood.

In fact, other people, how to say, he does not care much, but his Lan Lan, also said so, then he is really happy, very happy.

After dinner, LAN LAN, Meng Yaodong and song Ruge send song Mingyang and Gu Yifei away.

After watching song Mingyang and Gu Yifei leave, the three of them return to the living room.

On the tea table in the living room, there are various kinds of noodles, bowls and chopsticks

Seeing this, Lan Lan went straight forward, bent down and wanted to clean up.

Seeing this, Meng Yaodong immediately took her hand and said, "don't worry, I'll come..."

Then he quickly rolled up his sleeves and began to work.

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