Hearing the speech, Meng Yaodong quickly turned his brain, then continued to cover his stomach, made an extremely painful appearance, looked at LAN LAN and said, "no, I said it was true that it didn't hurt just now, but now, it suddenly began to hurt. Maybe it was just a fight. When I was flying, it was too fierce What a pain I really didn't cheat you. Do you think I'm cheating like this? "

Lan Lan immediately frowned, couldn't help laughing, and said, "I see you, now this kind of thing, is cheating, you don't cheat me, I'm not so easy to cheat, you don't forget, I'm an actor, you are acting, I can see at a glance..."

However, even so, Meng Yaodong kept his original appearance, shaking his head and saying, "no It's not my daughter-in-law. What I said is true. It's killing me. Maybe it's just that the plane hit me too hard. That's why... "

Looking at Meng Yaodong, it seems that he really hurts. He doesn't pretend. Lan Lan panics.

She immediately bent down, looked at Meng Yaodong's face and asked, "what's the matter? Are you serious? "

Seeing that Lan Lan was so nervous, Meng Yaodong immediately nodded heavily, "otherwise, can it be fake? I'm really in pain. My daughter-in-law, I won't leave. You can leave me..."

"Since it hurts so much, I'll take you to the hospital..."

"No, I don't need to. There have been times like this before. It's all by plane..."

"You You don't know. Take it easy... "

Lan Lan doesn't know much about men solving that kind of things by themselves.

He said that it was too much to do that and she would have a stomachache. She didn't doubt it. She just thought it was true.

So she nodded helplessly and said, "well, in that case, you can stay here. I'll clean up a guest room for you and come out..."

When Meng Yaodong heard this, he immediately felt happy. Then he looked at LAN LAN and said, "what, daughter-in-law Thank you Thank you very much... "

Lan Lan nodded, and then again tentatively asked, "well, is that true? You really have a stomachache, right? "

Hearing the speech, Meng Yaodong immediately nodded heavily and said, "that must be true Can I cheat you, daughter-in-law? Please go to clean up the guest room for me. After a while, I'll go to bed. I can't stand it any more... "

Lan Lan immediately got up, nodded and said, "OK, OK, I'll go now. By the way, do you want to take painkillers?"

"It's no use. I'll slow down for a while and I'll get better." Meng Yaodong said, "it's no use taking painkillers..."

Lan Lan immediately nodded, and then directly said, "well, you wait for me here a little while. I'll go to clean up the guest room for you now. I'll come down and help you up, OK?"

Meng Yaodong immediately nodded heavily, pretended to be powerless again, and said, "OK, daughter-in-law, go quickly..."

On the surface, although the performance is very painful and calm, but deep in his heart, it is already in full bloom.

His daughter-in-law, ah, is really simple, casual, make up a reason, she can be fooled.

She's so simple.

It's like a crystal. It's completely transparent.

Lan Lan didn't speak, just quickly went upstairs.

After watching her go away, Meng Yaodong couldn't help but cover his mouth and laugh.

Then, excitedly, he leaned against the sofa, cocked up his legs and said to himself, "yes! OK, it seems that my acting skills are really good. I cheated my daughter-in-law. Ha ha ha... "

"Daughter-in-law, daughter-in-law, you are too simple. You are so simple. You make people feel lovely..." Meng Yaodong said again.

With that, he took out his mobile phone and started to read microblog

About fifteen minutes later, I heard the sound of footsteps.

Meng Yaodong quickly put away his mobile phone, continued to keep the original position, covered his stomach, and put on a painful look.

After Lan Lan went downstairs, he saw that Meng Yaodong was still in such pain. He immediately walked up to him with a look of heartache and bent over to care, "what's the matter? Or does it hurt? "

He immediately nodded heavily, "yes But it's lighter than before. It's better. Daughter in law, now help me to sleep in the guest room? You're ready, aren't you? "

Lan Lan immediately nods, and then carefully supports Meng Yaodong to stand up

Meng Yaodong continued to pretend pain, trembled and stood up

"Be careful, let's go upstairs..." Landau.

With that, she began to help Meng Yaodong go upstairs.

Meng Yaodong didn't say a word. He just laughed in his heart and followed her step by step.Every time he took a step, Lan Lan would say: be careful

Looking at this little girl with such a simple appearance, Meng Yaodong suddenly felt that this little thing was really cute.

The simplest little woman in the world is Meng Yaodong's daughter-in-law.

There's no one who can cheat more easily than LAN LAN.

Thinking of this, he immediately lowered his head and couldn't help laughing secretly

LAN LAN, along the way, carefully helped Meng Yaodong to the guest room.

The size of this room is large, not less than that of the master bedroom.

It's clean inside. The quilt on the bed is obviously new. It's white and spotless

Seeing this room, Meng Yaodong was immediately satisfied and began to laugh in his heart again.

Following Lan Lan's steps, he walked all the way to the bedside, then directly farted and sat down.

As soon as he sat down, Meng Yaodong covered his stomach again and said, "daughter-in-law, OK, I'm going to sleep now. You can go out first..."

Lan Lan immediately nodded, worried and asked, "well, I'll take you to the hospital. I don't think you look very good. I'm really worried about you..."

Meng Yaodong immediately shook his head and waved his hand to her, unable to say, "it's OK. It's really OK. I know what I have. After a while, it's OK. Just let me have a good rest. The main reason is that there are too many just now..."

"Well, are you sure?" Lan Lan asked, "don't you need to take painkillers?"

Meng Yaodong immediately nodded heavily, "well, no Let's go. You have to work tomorrow. Go to bed early. Don't worry about me... "

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