Early the next morning, a woman who was beaten to death was found in the garbage can of a wealthy District in the center of the city, which successfully occupied the front page headlines of major news websites, TV stations, magazines and newspapers.

Incomparably, the topic with the title of "beaten women in the downtown rich area" also successfully jumped to the top of the hot search list.

Netizens, on this issue, launched a very fierce discussion.

Everyone is guessing the identity of the beaten woman and the identity of the person who beat the woman

However, as soon as this topic was occupied, the headlines of major websites, TV stations, magazines and newspapers disappeared.

Even, all the words on this topic have become sensitive and sensitive words.

This time, netizens have different opinions. On Weibo, there are continuous protests

But even if they protest, it's useless.

Soon, their voices of protest will be deleted

LAN LAN, in the interval of makeup, has been listening to the staff talking about the woman who was beaten to death.

After listening to them, Lan Lan knew that what they said must be Tang Xiaoxiao, who was beaten by Meng Yaodong.

Everyone is saying that the news has been suppressed.

He also said that some words in the news have become sensitive and sensitive words.

Everyone is very confused about this, and there is constant speculation.

Only Lan Lan's heart is like a mirror.

Such a thing naturally came from Meng Yaodong.

Only Meng Yaodong could do such a simple and rude thing.

Besides, in Z country, there are few people who can do such earth shaking things except him.

Hearing everyone's comments, LAN LAN, who knows everything, just smiles.

"Lan Lan, have you heard that a man in a rich district of our city went out to take out the garbage in the morning and found a dying woman lying in the garbage can. It is said that the woman, who was beaten black and blue, was not only so, but also covered with blood..."

"At that time, this news was also on the hot search, as well as the front page headlines of major TV stations, magazines, newspapers and websites. However, later, it mysteriously disappeared, and all the words in this news became sensitive and sensitive words on the Internet..."

"What kind of person is standing behind this? What kind of person can have such great ability to beat people without saying anything, and suppress such a big news every minute..."

's makeup artist Angel said he was doing eye shadow for LAN LAN.

Hearing angel say this, Lan Lan immediately shakes her head and says, "I don't know. Maybe she's a powerful person."

"This person is certainly powerful, because ordinary people can't do it at all. It's easy to suppress such a big news. It's too simple and rude. I don't know how many contacts and money it will cost..." Angel added, "just tell me, on Weibo, how much does it cost to withdraw the hot search? It's said that a hot search will cost five or six million yuan It's just microblog. As for other websites, how much will it cost for Shengsheng to take down the news? "

Lan Lan just laughs, showing a flat interest and nothing to do with himself, and says, "I don't know. Anyway, this man is quite powerful, right..."

"Yes, I'm really curious about who the woman, the person she offended, is. You know, it's said that a reporter went to interview the woman, but the woman refused to say anything It's like being scared and silly. I've been staring at the ceiling and can't ask anything... " Angel added.

What she said was expected by LAN LAN.

That Tang Xiaoxiao, as long as he is a smart man, will naturally choose to use such a silent way, to make all things, big things into small things, small things into nothing.

Because, if she and Meng Yaodong are just facing each other, it's like hitting a stone with an egg.

She believed that since Tang Xiaoxiao knew that he was attached to the rich, he was certainly not that stupid

Seeing that Lan Lan didn't speak all the time, angel said, "it's so happy to be a rich man these days. As long as you have money, you can do whatever you want, and you can do whatever you want..."

Lan Lan just smiles and doesn't say much. She doesn't want to continue to discuss this topic with her makeup artist.

Seeing that Lan Lan didn't speak, angel said again, "you're just fine. Your life is really good. I found Meng Shao, a rich man I'm really happy to be a rich man's girlfriend... "

Lan Lan was still silent and didn't say a word.

Angel looks at LAN LAN and doesn't speak any more. She just keeps silent and makes up for her.At the same time, on the other side, in the presidential palace, jingbao'er had breakfast and came out of the restaurant. He heard the servants talking about the beaten woman in the downtown rich area.

All this, she heard LAN LAN and told herself early this morning.

So, she was not surprised to hear that everyone discussed this. She just exchanged a look with Xia Mengli and went upstairs together.

After they went upstairs, Xia Mengli helped Jing bao'er to bed.

On the bed, she will naturally sit on the head of the bed, summer dream is sitting beside her.

"Are you full?" Asked Xia Mengli.

Jing Baoer nodded.

"That's good. Before the president went to work in the morning, he specially told me to watch you eat your fill..." Xia Mengli said again, "you're full. After a while, I can send a text message and make a deal with him..."

"Do you want to exaggerate? Even if I'm not full, you should care so much, right?" Jingbaoer road.

Although the mouth said so, but, in her heart, not to mention how happy.

When Xia Mengli heard the speech, he immediately said with a smile, "that's for sure. The main thing is that the president cares about you Baby, I really envy you. With the president, such a man is always by your side, caring for you and taking care of you. You are really the happiest little woman in Z country. No one will be happier than you any more... "

When Jing bao'er heard the words, he immediately laughed indifferently, and then said, "in fact, are you ok..."

"What is good? It's very good..." Xia Mengli said again.

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