He can make any sacrifice for his people

Today, this peaceful and prosperous age is the result of this man's hard work day and night

Everyone thinks that this man has all kinds of prestige. Every day he has a very relaxed and beautiful life.

Only she knows how hard this man is

Only she knows how many unknown hardships are hidden behind this man's full of light.

Many of the things he does are left to the majority of people in this country. I'm afraid they can't do them.

No one can bear the pain.

"Fourth uncle, it's very kind of you..." Jing bao'er said again.

The man did not speak, just quietly holding his little woman.

"By the way, fourth uncle, I think it's OK to go back to university and continue to my medical department now?" Asked Jing bao'er.

The man smell speech, immediately asked, "how suddenly thought, continue to go back to school?"

The little woman said, "I think about it and think about it. I still want to go back to school I want to continue to study in my medical department... "

Hearing this, Jing Rong immediately said, "if you go back to school now, I'm afraid it's a bit of a trouble. Your identity will make you surrounded every day Especially journalists... "

"What to do..." Asked Jing bao'er.

"Well, I'll find a professor in the Department of medicine to teach you at the presidential palace every day..."

"Is that ok?" Asked Jing bao'er.

The man nodded, "naturally, those professors don't have many classes a day. After class, they can come here. No matter what, I'll give them more money."

Jingbao'er immediately nodded heavily, "OK, thank you for your support..."

"It's just that if we do this, will we be told by reporters that we are not grounded?" Asked Jing bao'er.

When Jing Rong heard the speech, he immediately hummed, "which reporter, do you think, dares to report these things? Besides, which reporter dares to say anything bad? "

As soon as Jing bao'er heard it, he immediately nodded, "that's also..."

"Anyway, no matter what you are going to do, I will support you as long as you are obedient Well Jingrong road.

"I'm very obedient. I've always been very obedient..."

"Well, go down to dinner..."

The man said, then immediately got up, direct overbearing will own little woman horizontal hold up.

She is very light in herself, and the man holds her in his arms as if she had nothing.

Being held by him like this, jingbao'er feels as if she has the whole world.

"I really feel happy to be held by my fourth uncle like this..."

When Jing Rong heard the speech, he immediately laughed, "you are happy. The meaning of my existence in the world is to make you happy..."

In a word, all of a sudden, it is warm to the deepest heart of jingbao'er.

With that, the man immediately hugged her and went out of the room.

As soon as he walked out of the room, the man held her and went into the elevator together.

After entering the elevator, the man pressed the button on the first floor and said to her, "if you feel bored at home, you can ask Gu Yifei or LAN LAN to come home to accompany you..."

Jing bao'er nodded, "well, my fourth uncle is thoughtful. In fact, it's OK. I don't feel bored. If I'm bored, I'll just go to bed now..."

"Too much sleep, not good..."

"That's true. I know. If I'm bored in the afternoon, I'll ask if they have time to accompany me..."

"Do you want me to call you and find them?" Jing Rong asked.

Jingbao'er immediately shook his head, "I don't need this. I'll call them and ask them about it myself..."

"Well..." The man nodded faintly.

As soon as the man's voice fell, the elevator door opened.

It's on the first floor.

In the living room, many servants are busy cleaning.

Seeing both of them, the servants immediately nodded respectfully.

In full view of the public, the noble Jing Rong came out of the elevator with her little woman in her arms.

With long legs, he went into the restaurant with jingbao'er in his arms.

In the dining room, song Limei was already sitting there.

She hasn't started yet, obviously, waiting for both of them.

Summer dream, is standing behind Song Li Mei, waiting.

Seeing them come in, Xia Mengli and song Limei immediately smile.

Song Li Mei said with a smile, "old four, you are used to her, you can walk by yourself, you still hold, are you tired?"

When Jing Rong heard the words, he gently put Jing bao'er on the right side of his seat. Then he went to his master's seat and sat down. Looking at Song Li Mei, he said faintly, "women are used to it, aren't they?"

After hearing the words, song Limei said, "that's not what you're used to. When you're at home, you have to hold She doesn't have legs. Although she has injuries, she can't walk. "When the man heard the words, he immediately said with a smile, "but I'm willing to walk with her. I just want to get used to her..."

Song Li Mei's smile on her face immediately deepened after hearing the speech.

Seeing Xia Mengli standing again, Jing Rong immediately said, "sit down. In my dream, you are different from ordinary servants I said that before... "

"I said you could have dinner with us..." Jing Rong and Dao.

Because, in summer dream, you can accompany jingbao'er and chat with jingbao'er anytime and anywhere.

Also because Jing bao'er likes Xia Mengli very much, so Jing Rong is different to her.

Xia Mengli felt his head in embarrassment and said, "but I still don't think it's good. Other servants don't have this treatment..."

"You are not the same. You are her personal servant..." Jing Rong and Dao.

Summer dream smell speech, this just sat in Song Li Mei side, again way, "that good......"

"By the way, fourth uncle, when my injury is healed, I'm going to take Mengli back to the sunset Island, because tiger hid a lot of money on the island. I'm going to help Mengli carry all the money away..." Jing bao'er looks at Jing Rong.

Jing Rong nodded, "yes, I'll send more people to follow you..."

"By the way, what about nangongjing? On weekdays, she follows you every day. Why didn't you see her today? " Asked Jing bao'er.

Jing Rong said, "recently, that little girl is too hard. Today, I let her off and asked her to go shopping..."

"Oh Fourth uncle, you are really a good leader. I really know how to sympathize with employees. I'll give you a compliment. " Jingbao'er praised.

The man hears speech, it is to say immediately, "leader, compassionate employee, that is necessary...."

"Well, stop chatting and eat quickly. I'm starving to death..." Song Limei said.

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