Hearing the man say this, Jing bao'er blushed instantly.

She remembered that before, the man seemed to have proposed to make a swing here

What's more, the man's words at that time were very ambiguous

He said, install a swing here, and then you can do that thing in the flower shed

Thinking of what the man said, Jing bao'er's face turned red to the root of his neck.

Looking at the shy appearance of the little girl, the man could not help but ask, "what do you think? You are so engrossed, and your face is red? Well

Voice just fell, the man immediately gently pinched the little woman's chin.

When she heard the speech, she immediately took a deep breath, then looked at the handsome face of the man close at hand and said, "nothing So, are you here to install this swing so that you can do that with me? As you said before? "

With that, she felt that her whole body was beginning to get hot.

Heartbeat, also minute, disordered rhythm.

The man immediately warm, ambiguous smile, said, "what do you say?"

When Jing bao'er heard the speech, he immediately took a deep breath and said, "what do I say? How do I know? What's in your mind?"

As soon as her voice fell, the man picked her up and put her on his big leg, making her naturally sit on his leg.

Then he held her pretty face in his hands and said, "you really don't know, or you don't know, eh? Tell me... "

Jingbaoer immediately shy don't cross the face, stroking his crazy heart position, said, "you hate, I just really don't know, you don't say, how can I know?"

"My little girl, now that she's grown up, knows she's blushing When you were a child, you never knew how shy you were or how blushing you were... "

Men's words are so ambiguous

This tone, listen to Jingbao heart beat again disordered rhythm.

A heart, like minutes, is about to jump out of the throat

Jingbao'er looked at the man in embarrassment and said, "nonsense, when did I become shy and blush? Don't you lie with your eyes open? "

When a man hears the words, he immediately feels a little embarrassed. "OK, you're not shy, you're not blushing. It's all because I open my eyes and tell lies. I see that your recent wound has almost recovered..."

Jing Baoer nods

"Now that I've recovered, I can do that with you..." The man said.

These days, he is really about to suffocate

I haven't touched this little girl for a long time.

As soon as Jing bao'er heard this, her face turned red to the root of her neck again, "you really hate Are you going to do it here with me? "

"What's wrong? I've given orders. No one will show up in two hours The bodyguards will not come to patrol... " The man said again.

"You It turns out that you have been planning for a long time... " Jingbaoer road.

"What's the matter, isn't it?" The man said.

Finish saying, the man is immediately, overbearing kiss small woman's lips, petals.

At the moment when the lips and teeth twinkle, everything is in a mess

Her heart beat, her breath and her rhythm were all out of order

At this moment, she felt that her whole world was spinning


I don't know how long

The man who had enough to eat and drink was reluctant to give up and let her go.

The whole person can't lie on the swing. Jingbao'er feels as if he is about to be tortured and fall apart

The bones and muscles of the whole body are very sore

The whole person is just like being crushed by a big car

I feel terrible

On the other hand, the man was still calm and calm. There was no difference in his face

The man soon arranged himself and dressed himself.

The shirt was well dressed, and the trousers were well dressed, as if nothing had changed just now

Looking at a man like this, Jing bao'er feels very jealous.


It's him who moves more every time.

But she is the one who wants to die in the end?

This NIMA is so unfair.

This man's physical strength, why so good?

Okay, it's shaking, okay?

"Unfair..." Jingbao'er complains that she is powerless. She leans on the swing and arranges her messy clothes while looking at the man. She looks unhappy and says.The man naturally put his hands in his pocket, stood beside her, looked down at her, and asked, "what's the matter? It's just fine. Now, why are you not happy?"

Jingbao'er said, "hum, every time I finish it, it's me who is weak, but you always look like nothing happened Do you think it's fair? "

When the man heard the speech, the smile on the corner of his mouth immediately deepened a lot. "I think it's Fair..."

With that, he naturally sat next to the little woman, with a gentle face, and arranged her clothes.

As he tidied up, the man said, "I haven't touched you for a long time. I'm a little excited, so I'm just a little cruel If it makes you feel uncomfortable, I'm sorry... "

Jingbao'er said, "hum, it's not enough to apologize..."

The man immediately asked, "what do you want to do? Go ahead... "

He knew that Jing bao'er was on purpose. He wanted to follow his words, and then took the opportunity to blackmail himself.

This little girl's many routines are common to men.

After hearing this, Jing bao'er couldn't help laughing and said, "hum, I want you to take me out for lunch I want to eat good and expensive... "

I thought she would blackmail herself.

Hearing what she said, he immediately couldn't help laughing, "OK, OK, I'll take you to lunch You can eat whatever you want You see, order a restaurant At noon, I'll come and take you there... "

Jing Baoer immediately nodded, "OK That's it. Besides, in the afternoon, you'll go shopping with me... "

As soon as the man heard this, he immediately looked serious and said, "this can't do. Your injuries are not so sharp. I'm too tired to go shopping. This can't do for the time being I'll buy you what you want... "

"I want new underwear. Do you want to buy it for me?" Asked Jing bao'er.

The man immediately nodded, "can..."

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