When saying this, Xia Mengli's eyes suddenly become extremely desperate.

This kind of eyes is definitely the most distressing eyes that Jing bao'er has ever seen.

She couldn't help but feel

In such summer dream, let her be distressed extremely.

If she can, how she hopes that summer dream can be happy, how she hopes that everything that happened to her will disappear.

How I wish that tiger never appeared. She was the happy little woman who loved her fiance

Unfortunately, there is no if in the world.

There are only results and consequences.

"In my dream, if I can, I really hope you can be happy..." Jing bao'er then said, "well behaved, listen to me, don't always think about the past, a person, only ruthlessly put down the past, can recklessly embrace the future..."

"Ha ha, the future? Have I ever had a future in my dream? " Xia Mengli smiles bitterly, and the despair in her eyes becomes more and more profound

This kind of look once again makes Jing bao'er feel tight

"Don't say that. Why can't you have a future in your dreams? You are the same as everyone else. You also have a future. Don't despair too much about the future. Maybe God has already arranged a warm person for you to wait for you at a certain time in the future... "

"This person, he can cure all the pain on your body, can embrace all the cracks in your heart..."

Jing bao'er said word by word.

When Xia Mengli heard the words, he immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "ha ha How is that possible? It will never be possible There won't be such a person. Even if I meet such a person in the future, I won't be with this person... "

"My heart died long ago when my fiance died It's impossible for a dead heart to survive. People like me are not qualified to fall in love with anyone... "

With these words, Xia Mengli immediately picked up the three famous skirts that Jing bao'er had bought for herself, and changed the topic with a smile. "I'll go up and try these skirts, but I won't talk about them, bao'er..."

With that, she went upstairs with her skirt in her arms.

Jingbao'er knows that she is just using this way to escape and change the topic

Looking at her almost hasty escape of the back, jingbao'er's heart, once again hard pain.

"It's so pathetic in my dream." Song said with a sigh.

Jing Baoer immediately nodded, "it's not No one is more pitiful than her. Why should such a good woman go through such a thing In this world, so many bad people can live wantonly and happily. Why can't such good people in summer dream live? Is it true that good people are not rewarded? "

"Then you can't say that. Temporary misfortune doesn't mean permanent misfortune..." Song Li Mei added, "don't worry, the Lord will never make such a good girl unhappy. Such a girl should be happy. She deserves the best love in the world..."

Hearing the speech, Jing bao'er immediately nodded heavily, "yes, Ms. song, I think what you said makes me feel particularly satisfied..."

Song Li Mei just laughed, and then held Jing bao'er's hand tightly and said, "are you happy today?"

Jingbao'er immediately nodded heavily, "that must be happy Nothing can make me feel more happy than going out to buy... "

"I've spent a lot of money today for you, haven't I?" Song asked.

Jingbao'er immediately nodded heavily, "yes, it cost a lot of money Millions are spent... "

"You girl, ordinary people really can't support you..."

"Ha ha, but my man is not ordinary. He is Jing Rong..."

"That's why old four can afford it, you little thing..." Song Limei said with eyes full of doting.

Looking at Jing bao'er's smile, Song Li Mei really feels very satisfied.

As a mother, there is nothing in the world that makes her feel more satisfied and happy than her daughter.

"Yes..." Jingbaoer road.

"I'm relieved to see you so happy now. In this way, even if one day I have an accident and die, I won't worry about you when I'm leaving I won't worry about you when I'm far away... " Song Limei said.

When Jing bao'er heard the speech, he felt a clap in his heart.

She then looked at Song Limei discontentedly and said seriously, "Ms. song, what do you mean by this? Why do you say such unlucky words to me? What's the accident What can happen to you? "

But Song Li Mei immediately said with a smile, "you little girl, am I just talking about it? Look at you. Why did you suddenly take it seriously? Now we're just ladies. We're just chatting and having nothing to do? ""I can't talk about such topics when I have nothing to do. I don't like..." Jingbao'er said seriously, "I don't want anything to happen to you. I want you to live a long life so that I can honor you to the end of time If you leave me suddenly, I will cry to death... "

Hearing Jing bao'er say this to herself, Song Li Mei immediately blushes. She takes a deep breath, then holds Jing bao'er in her arms and says, "my dear, my mother used to treat you too much, but now, you can be kind to me regardless of the past Mom, thank you very much... "

For Jing bao'er, Song Li Mei's heart is full of gratitude.

She really thanks her daughter for her generosity and kindness.

"Thank you for what The past is over. I won't mention it. Ms. song, don't mention it all the time... " Jingbaoer road.

Once deep in my heart, the ugly scars have long been healed by the love that Jingrong and song Limei have paid on themselves these days.

Now she, mentioning the past, has no special feeling in her heart.

Never like before, a mention, hate to the bone, indignation.

Love, let her learn to forgive, learn to tolerate, learn to let go.

It doesn't matter what happened in the past, as long as there is love, as long as there is happiness now, that's good

"Well, I won't mention it. Mom won't mention it..." Song Limei said.

In fact, she once thought that her daughter would never forgive herself in her life.

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