At this moment, song Mingyang once again, involuntarily, thought of Gu Yifei, before, looking for his showdown that picture.

In the picture, Gu Yifei is crying so sad, so sad

Until now, when he thought of that picture, his heart felt as if it was boring.

At this moment, he felt that the air in the car seemed to condense.

Breathing into the nasal cavity of the gas with a repressive ingredients, let him feel, suffering to death

Guilt filled his heart and made him suffer to the extreme

Looking at Song Mingyang, he became melancholy again. Meng Yaodong immediately stretched out his hand, patted him on the shoulder, and comforted him carefully, "brother, don't be like this. Don't feel bad. When there was no gu Yifei before, didn't you come here too Now, it's just to return to the previous state... "

Hearing the speech, song Mingyang immediately sighed helplessly, then nodded and said, "well, I know The reason why I feel sad is that I feel very sorry for her Originally, I wanted to use money to make up for my guilt towards that girl, but that girl refused me... "

With that, he sighed again, red eyes, looked out of the window, and said, "that girl is really backbone. Now in this society, there are not many girls with backbone like that girl..."

"If you want to talk about Gu Yifei, this girl is really good Now in this complex society, there are really few girls who are as simple, kind and backbone as her. In fact, before, I always thought that you two would be in love with each other for a long time. I thought that after a long time, Xiao ran would be replaced by Gu Yifei. In those TV dramas, movies and novels, isn't that the case? " Meng Yaodong road.

Hearing the speech, song Mingyang immediately shook his head helplessly, "but life is life, which is different from that in movies, TV dramas and novels..."

"Why is it different? Haven't you heard a saying that life is like a play and drama is like life? Seriously, at the beginning, I really thought that you would be in love with each other for a long time, and you would fall in love with Gu Yifei deeply, because that girl is so good. It's amazing that you can keep your original intention all the time by guarding such an excellent girl every day. You are really powerful... "

Meng Yaodong said again.

Mention Gu Yifei, he also feels a little distressed.

At the same time, he felt sorry for song Mingyang.

Because, he knew, this girl, can meet cannot ask.

Once missed, perhaps song Mingyang this life, will not meet a, with her, excellent girl.

Now, he is very worried about the future of song Mingyang.

He is really afraid that song Mingyang will miss too much, and in the end, he will always be unhappy

"How can I make myself love her for a long time? She's just a stand in. When I get along with her, I always know that she's just a stand in. I always treat her as Xiao ran. If she doesn't have a similar face, I won't let her get close to me, let alone treat her well." Song Mingyang also said, "I'm close to her. In fact, it's only because, Xiao ran, it's all because of her..."

Meng Yaodong immediately sighed helplessly and said, "if Gu Yifei heard these words on the spot, she would be heartbroken to death. After all, that girl has been sincere to you, and others have been wholeheartedly paying for it, but you treat it like this. No matter for any girl, the blow is fatal …”

Hearing this, song Mingyang immediately sighed helplessly and said, "so, I know that I'm sorry for Gu Yifei. I'm sorry for her. I'm afraid that her guilt can't be eliminated in my life I think I will never forget in my life that I used to take advantage of my selfishness and failed a good girl.... "

In fact, song Mingyang always thought that if he could turn back the clock, he would never move Gu Yifei after he met her for the first time and let her be Xiao Ran's stand in.

Because his decision at that time was really wrong.

That decision was really unfair to Gu Yifei.

"If I could go back in time, I would not have chosen to let Gu Yifei stay with me and be Xiao Ran's stand in. It was really unfair to her. Now the truth has come out. I believe that the whole thing, a blow to her, must have been fatal..."

At this point, song Mingyang's heart was again pained.

It's very difficult to breathe

This kind of feeling, torture of his feeling, he has been almost unable to sit.

On pins and needles

"Indeed, it's very unfair for Yifei. What she did wrong will be treated like that by you, as a plaything, as a stand in..." Meng Yaodong can't help complainingIn a word, it is also deeply rooted in the heart of song Mingyang.

He felt that his whole heart was pierced by Meng Yaodong's words.

He began to worry, worried about Gu Yifei, at this moment, will be a person, hiding in a dark corner crying

In that case, he would really be guilty.

He suddenly found that he was a sinner.

It's the one with the most heinous crimes.

He deeply hurt, is a good girl

A very nice girl

Such a girl should be treated gently by time.

Clearly should, find a good boyfriend, by this man, dote on for a lifetime.

But she is unlucky, this life, met him.

Thinking of this, his heartache became more intense.

This feeling, let him a moment, also have no way, continue to sit down in the car.

He really felt very depressed in the car

Sitting here, I can't breathe.

I just saw a barbecue shop. Song Mingyang said, "stop and have a barbecue Don't drive on I'm bored... "

Meng Yaodong smell speech, is immediately obediently will car, parked in front of the barbecue shop parking space.

As soon as the car stopped, the strong smell of barbecue rushed into the car

Smelling the smell, Meng Yaodong said, "you smell the smell, how fragrant it is. Hurry up, Mingyang. Let's get out of the car and eat delicious food. Don't think so much. It's useless to think too much. After all, you can't turn back the time now, can't you?"

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