This heart, in an instant, blurred.

At this moment, he really did not expect that he would have such a big mood in the face of her turn


is it that

No, it won't.

The person he loves has always been Xiao ran, hasn't he?

How could it be Gu Yifei?


He won't believe that what he thinks is true

He absolutely does not love Gu Yifei.

Thinking of this, he immediately had no choice but to shake his head. Then he picked up the bank card on the ground and the car key, put it in his pocket and left directly.

Although, today Gu Yifei still did not accept all this.

But he won't just give up.

He will certainly find a way to let Gu Yifei accept these things.

What song Mingyang wants to do is not unsuccessful.

When Gu Yifei came to the door of the classroom, his mood collapsed every minute.

Originally has been forced to tears, but also an instant burst.

Because she was afraid of being seen by her classmates, she went to the window behind her and opened it.

The wind in midsummer, with dry heat, comes face to face

It didn't make her feel so comfortable.

On the contrary, I feel even worse in my heart.

This hot and dry feeling aggravated her depression.

Now, she really doesn't know what to do.

Although I have told myself many times, I can't keep thinking about song Mingyang.

Although always tell yourself, for that scum tears, really not worth it.

But she still couldn't control herself.

As long as you think of the days and nights that two people used to get along with each other, her heart can't help but ache.

People are sentimental animals, especially women

Once a woman falls into a relationship and wants to get out of it, it's totally impossible

For a woman, the process of getting out is like breaking all the bones in her body and then reconstituting them.

At first, it must have been painful.

On the heart, there is a corner, has been a big hole.

Blood, has been flowing out.

She can clearly feel that the pain, is so real, so torture.

Every time the heart beats, the tingling sensation will follow the tingling.

Even the oxygen bubbles in her lungs seemed to turn into glass dregs, which made her lungs ache.

She really feels like she's going crazy

Thinking of his strong hatred is immediately sweeping.

The next second, she could not help but clench her fists

Because of too much force, the slender nails, then, mercilessly, pierced into the meat

In a flash, her two palms, bloody meat blurred.

Fingernails embedded in the palm, tender, meat, that kind of feeling, very painful.

But no matter how much it hurts, it's no more than one in ten thousand.

Such pain, in front of heartache, can be ignored.

Tried the heartbreaking pain of lovelorn, she thought, in the future, any pain, she will not be in the eye.

"Gu Yifei, Gu Yifei, why don't you just be a fairy without dust? Why do you have to touch your feelings? Why do you have to let others easily open the door in your heart... "

"If you didn't let that man walk in easily, then now, you won't hurt so much, and you won't fall into a state of collapse..."

"Why talk about feelings? Is it hard to play with mobile phones? TV series are not good? Or isn't dancing enough? "

"Why do you think so? What was wrong with you when you first touched? You had to touch your feelings... "

As he spoke to himself, he burst into tears.

In my mind, I'm still playing back the time she spent with song Mingyang.

Those warm and bright pictures, scene by scene, are so familiar

"Song Mingyang, I hate you..." Gu Yifei said word by word.

"Since I don't love you, why should I tease you Why do you take me as a stand in... " She said word by word, and at the end, the palms of her hands were bleeding.

After Song Mingyang got into the car, his mobile phone vibrated.

It's his secretary on the phone.

When he saw the Secretary on the phone, he quickly pressed to answer and asked, "did you find out what I asked you to check?""Yes, president. Yesterday, only one person went to the school and met Miss Gu Yifei..."

At the mention of this topic, song Mingyang's eyes and eyebrows were immediately infected with a layer of coldness

A wisp of murderous spirit poured down from his head in an instant.

The hand holding the mobile phone, also involuntarily began to force, even shaking.

"Who is it?" He asked coldly, gnashing his teeth.

Think of this person, he really want to, directly this person bone cramps!

"It's Tang Xiaoxiao, the woman you dealt with before..." That way.

Hearing the name, song Mingyang's murderous mood at the bottom of his eyes and eyebrows instantly aggravated a lot

Tang Xiaoxiao.

What a Tang Xiaoxiao.

Unexpectedly, it was her

She really ate the heart of a bear, didn't she?

How dare you do something to destroy song Mingyang

This woman, it seems, has not been beaten enough

He never likes to see a woman in the same light, but this Tang Xiaoxiao is really too much for him to bear.

"Right now, bring people to my office, I'll go back now..." Song Mingyang cold road.

Song Mingyang, who used to be gentle, was full of cold air.

It's just like death seeking hell from hell. It's daunting.

Put the mobile phone away, song Mingyang is quickly started the car, toward his company, forward.

When song Mingyang walks into his office, he sees Tang Xiaoxiao tied to a valuable red sandalwood chair. Her mouth is covered with adhesive tape. She looks pathetic

Behind her, there were six bodyguards in his company, each with a serious face.

See song Mingyang, Tang Xiaoxiao eyes, immediately infected with a strong fear.

Then she began to struggle and sob like crazy.

But it didn't help.

Song Mingyang, with a murderous spirit, walked to her with slender legs and stood in front of her step by step. Then he looked down at her face full of fear.

Raise a hand, he a slap is immediately ruthlessly jilted in Tang Xiaoxiao's face.

This is the first time in his life that he has ever done something to a woman

He used to think that he would not fight women

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