These scratches are all, that little woman, just a masterpiece

Because, too intense, she couldn't bear it, so she began to scratch him

Hidden in these traces is the excitement, passion and passion of this little woman

Looking at these scratches, he could not help but think of the scene after scene that he had just been with this little woman in this car.

This little woman's enchantment, sex, feeling, and even charm, scenes by scenes, just like old movies, began to circulate in front of his eyes

My ears, even began to ring, this little woman's voice

It was so tempting that he felt unbearable again

This little woman, just the performance, it's amazing.

He can't stop.

At this moment, although tired, but he still wanted to directly press her, and then continue to do the last time.

At this moment, he really wants to die on this little woman

Recalling just one scene, his body, again bursts of heat, flow, surging by.

Turning around and looking at the little woman, he saw that the little woman, at this moment, was flurried to lift up the fallen seat.

After that, she picked up the tablecloth on the ground and wrapped herself tightly.

Then, the little woman looked at his face and said coldly, "Song Mingyang, you are so shameless. You are taking advantage of others' danger, you know? I know that I've been drugged, but you still treat me like this. You're mean, you're shameless, you're obscene... "

Hearing Gu Yifei say these words, song Mingyang also can't refute. He just looked at Gu Yifei's angry face and said, "just now, you look like that, I can't help it. If I don't save you immediately, I'm afraid you will have an accident I'm doing something good, too... "

"What's more, I really miss you Yi Fei, I really miss you... " Song Mingyang is affectionate.

The next second, he immediately became serious, looked at Gu Yifei's face seriously, and said, "Yifei, you know, after you left, I thought about it carefully. I think, in fact, I still like it in my heart..."

"Song Mingyang, I don't want to tell you anything Today's business, thank you very much I thank you very much for falling from the sky and saving me in my most difficult time Before I was drugged by those people, I swore As long as you can show up at that time and save me, then I will put down my hatred for you, and I will never hate you any more... "

"From today on, I won't hate you any more. We'll just be strangers to each other Let bygones be bygones. I won't think about it any more In fact, it's also true to think about it carefully. It's really bad that people always live with hatred. Life is so short. We should live well and let ourselves have a little sunshine. We can't make ourselves bitter every day... " Gu Yifei also said, "besides, women should not waste their lives and feelings for the sake of scum men..."

A slag man is like a knife, which is deeply rooted in Song Mingyang's heart

When song Mingyang heard the words, he immediately had no choice but to sigh. Then he quickly put on his shirt and glanced at the marks on Gu Yifei's lips. After that, he immediately grabbed Gu Yifei's hand and said, "in fact, the reason why I'm in that hotel today is because of you. I went to look for you specially. I want you Let me tell you, Gu Yifei, I love you. After you left, I realized that I had fallen in love with you unconsciously for a long time. In fact, your position in my mind has already surpassed the position of double, and even Xiao ran, who was my favorite... "

Smell speech, Gu Yifei is immediately can't help a cold hum, and then is a shake off song Mingyang's hand, said, "no, can we, don't so funny? It's not enough for you to fool me once, but now you want to fool me again, right? You think I'll believe you when you tell me that? Before, when you chased me and wanted me to be a stand in, you seemed to tell me that you liked me very much. At that time, you even said that you fell in love with me at first sight... "

"Ha ha Do you think I can continue to be so simple after I have been hurt once? I tell you, it's impossible I won't believe you any more. As the saying goes, if a man can believe it, the sow will be able to go up the tree. I'd rather believe that there are ghosts in the world than the man's broken mouth... "

With that, Gu Yifei hums coldly and looks at Song Mingyang. He says, "you killed so many people tonight for me. Now it's not appropriate to run out like this, and then ignore what's there?"

Hearing the speech, song Mingyang immediately took a deep breath, held Gu Yifei's hand tightly again, and said, "I know it's not suitable, but I think I'll deal with other things after I get your forgiveness, otherwise, I can't be at ease..."Gu Yifei immediately snorted, then turned his head and put his eyes on the bright sky. "Ha ha, song Mingyang Please don't cheat me with your sweet words any more, OK? I really won't continue to believe you In fact, I know why you suddenly appear now. It's just because you don't have me around. Do you feel painful? After all, after I'm gone, when you miss that woman, you can only endure by yourself. You must be in pain... "

When mentioning that woman, Gu Yifei obviously felt his heart was pricked by something.

It hurts like hell.

She felt as if she was dying

Because, as long as she thinks of that woman, she will think that she has been the double of song Mingyang

Hearing this, song Mingyang immediately shook his head. "No, Yifei, listen to me. It's not like this. Everything I'm telling you now is true. I really didn't cheat you. Please believe me. Please believe me, OK?"

Gu Yifei is cold again hum, without a trace of emotion to turn his head, looking at Song Mingyang, light mouth, "believe you? Unless the sun comes out in the west tomorrow... "

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