LAN LAN has always believed in everything Meng Yaodong said.

She has absolute confidence in Meng Yaodong and herself, especially for this love.

Hearing the speech, Meng Yaodong immediately satisfied with a smile, no longer speak, just quietly looking at his little woman.

That look at the little woman's eyes, full of love for the little woman

Such eyes, like a warm sun in early winter, can shine to the deepest heart of people every minute


After Song Mingyang left the hospital, he went directly back to his home.

Back home, it's as dark as ever.

Without Gu Yifei's house, a family can not be built.

Turn on the light, every corner of the house, there is the shadow of that little woman.

Memories, let his heart, again bursts of colic.

Last night, he was going to go to Gu Yifei to make it clear.

But unexpectedly, Meng Yaodong had a car accident.

It's all so dramatic

Everything was delayed because of the car accident.

However, it doesn't matter. He decided to go to Gu Yifei tomorrow morning to make it clear.

At that time, he believed that they would make up every minute

Taking a deep breath, song Mingyang walked to the front of the tea table and sat down, holding his eyebrows and dragging his tired body.

Pick up the red wine cup on the tea table, he directly opened the red wine and poured a cup for himself.

Raffi in '82, under the warm yellow light, is flashing a dazzling and noble aperture

The red liquid in the cup, just like a charming woman, exudes a faint fragrance and charms people.

Picking up a glass of wine, song Mingyang carefully put it on the tip of his nose, gently sniffed the fragrance, and then took a sip.

Meng Yaodong's story still makes him feel nervous when he thinks about it. Therefore, he is not sleepy at the moment.

Even if I'm sleepy, I can't sleep right away

In his mind, he always thought of Meng Yaodong's first aid in the emergency room from time to time.

When he thought of it, his heart was as painful as a knife cut.

Then, he can't help but start to be afraid.

So far, he didn't even dare to think about it.

I can't imagine what Meng Yaodong would have been like if he had died at that time.

This good brother is a good brother he cherishes with his life. He really can't live without him.

But with a long sigh, he tried to calm down for a while, and then he drank all the wine in his glass.

After a glass of wine, he took out his mobile phone and opened wechat.

Find the address book, Gu Yifei's head, he will be accustomed to inertia, point to open her circle of friends.

Gu Yifei has hacked his wechat.

Click to open the circle of friends, you can't see anything.

But even if he knew that he had been pulled black, he would still subconsciously open her circle of friends every time he thought of her

Looking at the blank in her circle of friends, song Mingyang couldn't help laughing bitterly.

Then he quickly opened her head.

Her head hasn't changed. It's still a picture of her.

It's a side photo of her face. In the photo, she smiles brilliantly

Remember, he took that picture for her

Looking at the picture, song Mingyang felt warm in his heart.

For a moment, all the uneasiness in my heart disappeared.

No matter how hard he felt, as long as he saw this little woman, even a picture, he could be cured every minute.

This woman is so powerful.

Have a strong, healing ability

"Gu Yifei, I'm really poisoned by you now. You're my only antidote Without you, I really don't know how I should live... " Looking at her head, song Mingyang couldn't help talking to himself.

After talking to himself, he poured himself another glass of wine, and then tasted it one by one.

Knowing that he and Gu Yifei have a great chance to get back together, song Mingyang's mood at the moment is far less depressed than before.

After two drinks in a row, sleepiness came up.

With a tired body and a dizzy head, song Mingyang went upstairs step by step.


Dance Academy.

Early in the morning, before dawn, Gu Yifei ran to the playground alone and ran in the morning

While running, she couldn't help but think of the promise song Mingyang made to herself yesterday.Think about it, it's really angry and funny.

That man can really cheat people

He vowed to go through the formalities and prove to himself how true his love is.

However, yesterday, since she was sent to school, this man has no one.

Don't be disgusting.

Thinking of this, she can't help but be glad that she didn't submit to the man's good words at that time

Originally thought that he would not because of this man, yesterday's behavior how uncomfortable, but she found that it is not.

Yesterday afternoon, she secretly expected that the man, with all kinds of documents, would come to her and tell her that he loved himself

Although I don't want to, I can't control myself.

But that expectation, in the end, was lost.

Last night, before going to bed, she couldn't help abusing herself. It was like a fool

She really didn't understand what she was looking forward to at that time and what she had to look forward to.

I know that the man is a liar, but she is still looking forward to it.

She really thinks that she is full of cheap

Thinking of this, she couldn't help laughing at herself.

"Gu Yifei, Gu Yifei, you are such a bitch Now that man has proved his scum to you again with his own practical actions, so really don't expect him any more... "

Last night, before going to bed, she saw a sentence on the Internet and thought it was quite reasonable

It's said on the Internet that the best way to completely forget an old relationship is to start a new one right away

Replace the old with the new

All of a sudden, she started to think about it.

In fact, this method is not bad.

You can try it

Thinking of this, she quickened her pace

"Hi, is that Gu Yifei?"

A beautiful male voice came from behind.

Gu Yifei immediately stopped and went along with his reputation

What comes into view is a very thin figure

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